『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【5-6. 赤い絹のスカーフ】

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“I can at least suggest[提案する] a supposition, derived from the statements[陳述, 声明] made by the servant.


The victim, who enjoyed[~に恵まれている] a greater reputation on account of[の理由で] her looks[容貌] than through her talent as a singer,


went to Russia, two years ago, and brought back with her a magnificent sapphire,


which she appears to have received from some person of importance at the court.


Since then, she went by[~の名で通る] the name of Jenny Saphirand seems generally[通常] to have been very proud of that present,


although, for prudence sake, she never wore it.


I daresay[あえて言うならば] that we shall not be far out[そう遠くない] if we presume[仮定する] the theft of the sapphire to have been the cause of the crime.”


“But did the maid know where the stone was?”


“No, nobody did. And the disorder of the room would tend to[どちらかといえば~だ] prove[~を証明する] that the murderer did not know either.”


“We will question the maid,” said the examining-magistrate.


M. Dudouis took the chief-inspector aside and said:


“You’re looking very old-fashioned,[大時代的な] Ganimard. What’s the matter? Do you suspect[うすうす気づく] anything?”


“Nothing at all, chief.”


“That’s a pity. We could do with a bit of showy work in the department.


This is one of a number of crimes, all of the same class,[同じ種類] of which we have failed to discover the perpetrator.[悪事を行なう人, 加害者]


This time we want the criminal[犯罪者] … and quickly!”


“A difficult job, chief.”


“It’s got to be done. Listen to me, Ganimard. According to what the maid says, Jenny Saphir led a very regular life.

「やらなければならない。聞いてくれ、ガニマール 。女中の話によると、ジェニー・サフィールは とても規則正しい生活をしていたそうだ

For a month past she was in the habit of[~の習慣がある] frequently receiving visits,[訪問を受ける] on her return from the music-hall,


that is to say, at about half-past ten, from a man who would stay until midnight or so.


‘He’s a society man,’ Jenny Saphir used to say, ‘and he wants to marry me.’


This society man took every[あらゆる] precaution to avoid being seen,


such as turning up his coat-collar and lowering the brim[縁, へり] of his hat when he passed the porter’s box.


And Jenny Saphir always made a point of[決まって~する] sending away her maid, even before he came. This is the man whom we have to find.”


“Has he left no traces?”[足跡, わだち]


“None at all. It is obvious that we have to deal with[扱わなければならない] a very clever scoundrel,[ならず者]


who prepared his crime beforehand and committed[罪を犯す] it with every possible chance of escaping unpunished.


His arrest would be a great feather in our cap.[羽のついた立派な帽子] I rely on you, Ganimard.”


“Ah, you rely on me, chief?” replied the inspector. “Well, we shall see … we shall see…. I don’t say no…. Only….”


He seemed in a very nervous condition, and his agitation struck M. Dudouis.


“Only,” continued Ganimard, “only I swear … do you hear, chief? I swear….”


“What do you swear?”


“Nothing…. We shall see, chief … we shall see….”


Ganimard did not finish his sentence[文, 文章] until he was outside, alone.


And he finished it aloud, stamping his foot, in a tone of the most violent anger:


“Only, I swear to Heaven[宣誓する] that the arrest shall be effected by[~によって達成される] my own means,


without my employing a single one of the clues with which that villain has supplied me. Ah, no! Ah, no!…”


Railing against Lupin, furious at being mixed up in this business


and resolved, nevertheless, to get to the bottom of[~の意味を探り当てる] it, he wandered aimlessly about the streets.


His brain was seething with[騒然としている] irritation;


and he tried to adjust his ideas a little and to discover, among the chaotic facts,

彼は混沌とした事実のなか、考えを少し整理し  ~を見つけようとした。

some trifling detail, unperceived[人目につかない] by all, unsuspected by Lupin himself, that might lead him to success.


He lunched hurriedly at a bar, resumed his stroll and suddenly stopped, petrified,[石化した] astounded and confused.


He was walking under the gateway of the very house in the Rue de Surène to which Lupin had enticed[そそのかして(…)させる] him a few hours earlier!


A force stronger than his own will was drawing him there once more.


The solution of the problem lay there.[存在する] There and there alone were all the elements[要素,構成部分] of the truth.


Do and say what he would, Lupin’s assertions were so precise, his calculations[計算] so accurate,


that, worried to the innermost[最も深い部分] recesses[奥底] of his being by so prodigious[驚異的な] a display of[~の展示] perspicacity,[洞察力]


he could not do other than take up the work[仕事を引き受ける] at the point[地点] where his enemy had left it.
