『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【4-4. 地獄の罠】
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He opened the door of the dining-room and stepped back to allow the other to pass.
The stranger walked to the threshold,[敷居, 入り口] but, at the moment when he was crossing it,
Gabriel raised his arm and, with a swift movement, struck[打った] him with a dagger over the right shoulder.
A burst of laughter[爆笑] rang through the room:
“Got him!” cried Mme[Madame]. Dugrival, darting[さっと動く] up from her chair.
“Well done, Gabriel! But, I say, you haven’t killed the scoundrel, have you?”
“I don’t think so, aunt. It’s a small blade and I didn’t strike him too hard.”
The man was staggering, with his hands stretched in front of him and his face deathly pale.
“You fool!” sneered the widow. “So you’ve fallen into the trap … and a good job too! We’ve been looking out for you a long time.
Come, my fine fellow, down with you! You don’t care about it, do you?
But you can’t help yourself, you see.
That’s right: one knee on the ground, before the missus[女房,細君] … now the other knee….
How well we’ve been brought up!… Crash, there we go on the floor!
Lord, if my poor Dugrival could only see him like that!… And now, Gabriel, to work!”
She went to her bedroom and opened one of the doors of a hanging wardrobe filled with dresses.
Pulling these aside, she pushed open another door which formed the back of the wardrobe and led to a room in the next house:
“Help me carry him, Gabriel. And you’ll nurse him as well as you can, won’t you? For the present, he’s worth his weight in gold[体重と同じだけの金の価値がある] to us, the artist!…”
「運ぶのを手伝っておくれ 、ガブリエル。それから、できるだけ看病してあげておくれ。さしあたり、こいつは私たちにとって金の卵だからね、大切なものだよ!…」
The hours succeeded one another.[時間は次々と引き継がれていく] Days passed.
One morning, the wounded man regained a moment’s consciousness.
He raised his eyelids and looked around him.
He was lying in a room larger than that in which he had been stabbed,[(とがったもので)刺す]
a room sparsely[低密度に] furnished,[家具を取り付けられる] with thick curtains hanging before the windows from top to bottom.
There was light enough, however, to enable[可能にさせる] him to see young Gabriel Dugrival seated on a chair beside him and watching him.
“Ah, it’s you, youngster!” he murmured. “I congratulate you, my lad. You have a sure and pretty touch[手際] with the dagger.”
And he fell asleep again.
That day and the following days, he woke up several times and,
each time, he saw the stripling’s[青二才(の), 若者] pale face, his thin lips and his dark eyes, with the hard look in them:
“You frighten[怖がらせる] me,” he said. “If you have sworn to do[〜をすると誓ったのなら] for me, don’t stand on ceremony.[儀式ばる, 堅苦しくふるまう]
But cheer up, for goodness’ sake.
The thought of death has always struck[~と感じさせる,印象づける] me as the most humorous thing in the world.
Whereas, with you, old chap,[大将] it simply becomes lugubrious.[陰気な, 憂うつな] I prefer to go to sleep. Good-night!”
Still, Gabriel, in obedience to Mme[Madame]. Dugrival’s orders, continued to nurse him with the utmost[最大限の] care and attention.
それでも ガブリエルは、デュグリバル夫人の命令に従って、細心の注意を払って彼を看護し続けた。
The patient was almost free from fever[熱から解放され] and was beginning to take beef-tea[病中に飲むスープ] and milk. He gained[得る] a little strength and jested:
“When will the convalescent be allowed his first drive?
Is the bath-chair[(病人用のほろ付き)車いす] there? Why, cheer up, stupid! You look like a weeping-willow contemplating[じっくり考える, 熟考する] a crime.
Come, just one little smile for daddy!”
One day, on waking, he had a very unpleasant feeling of constraint.[窮屈な感じ]
After a few efforts, he perceived[知覚する, 認める] that, during his sleep,
his legs, chest and arms had been fastened[しっかり留める] to the bedstead with thin wire strands that cut into his flesh[肉体] at the least movements.
“Ah,” he said to his keeper, “this time it’s the great performance! The chicken’s going to be bled.
Are you operating,[手術する] Angel Gabriel? If so, see that your razor‘s nice and clean, old chap! The antiseptic[防腐性の] treatment,[扱い方] if you please!”
But he was interrupted by the sound of a key grating[〈音が〉きしる] in the lock.
The door opposite opened and Mme[Madame]. Dugrival appeared.
She approached slowly, took a chair and, producing[生じさせる] a revolver from her pocket, cocked it and laid it on the table by the bedside.
“Brrrrr!” said the prisoner. “We might be at the Ambigu!… Fourth act: the Traitor’s Doom.[運命:破滅] And the fair sex to do the deed….[行為,行動]
The hand of the Graces[思いやり]…. What an honour!…Mme. Dugrival, I rely on[頼りにする] you not to disfigure[外観を台無しにする] me.”
“Hold your tongue,[黙れ=舌を動かすな] Lupin.”
“Ah, so you know?… By Jove, how clever we are!”
“Hold your tongue, Lupin.”