『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【5-1. 赤い絹のスカーフ】

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On leaving his house one morning, at his usual early hour for going to the Law Courts,


Chief-inspector Ganimard noticed the curious behaviour of an individual[個人] who was walking along the Rue Pergolèse in front of him.


Shabbily dressed and wearing a straw hat, though the day was the first of December,


the man stooped at every thirty or forty yards[1yard=0.9144meter]to fasten[しっかり留める] his boot-lace, or pick up his stick, or for some other reason.


And, each time, he took a little piece of orange-peel from his pocket and laid it stealthily[こっそりと, ひそかに] on the kerb of the pavement.


It was probably a mere display[誇示行動] of eccentricity,[奇行] a childish amusement to which no one else would have paid attention;


but Ganimard was one of those shrewd[洞察力のある] observers who are indifferent to nothing that strikes their eyes and who are never satisfied until they know the secret cause of things.


He therefore[それゆえに, 従って] began to follow the man.

そこで、 ガニマールはその男の後を追い始めた。

Now, at the moment when the fellow was turning to the right, into the Avenue de la Grande-Armée,


the inspector caught him exchanging signals with a boy of twelve or thirteen, who was walking along the houses on the left-hand side.


Twenty yards farther, the man stooped[前かがみになる] and turned up[折り返す] the bottom of his trousers legs.


A bit of orange-peel marked the place.


At the same moment, the boy stopped and, with a piece of chalk, drew a white cross, surrounded by a circle, on the wall of the house next to him.

その瞬間、少年は立ち止まり、近くの家の壁に、チョークで 白い十字を描き 丸で囲んだ。

The two continued on their way.


A minute later, a fresh halt.[新たに立ち止まる]


The strange individual picked up a pin and dropped a piece of orange-peel; and the boy at once made a second cross on the wall and again drew a white circle round it.


“By Jove!” thought the chief-inspector, with a grunt[ぶうぶう言う] of satisfaction.


“This is rather promising[将来有望な]…. What on earth can those two merchants[奴,男] be plotting?”


The two “merchants” went down the Avenue Friedland and the Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré, but nothing occurred that was worthy of special mention.


The double performance was repeated at almost regular intervals and, so to speak, mechanically.


Nevertheless,[それにもかかわらず] it was obvious, on the one hand, that the man with the orange-peel did not do his part of the business until after he had picked out[選ぶ] with a glance[ひと目見て] the house that was to be marked

しかし、明らかだったのは、(一方の)オレンジの皮を持った男の方は、目印をつける 家を一瞥して選び出すまで 自分の仕事をしなかったし、

and, on the other hand, that the boy did not mark that particular house until after he had observed[観察する,監視する] his companion’s signal.


It was certain, therefore,[それゆえに] that there was an agreement between the two; and the proceedings[(一連の)出来事] presented[贈る,引き起こす] no small interest in the chief-inspector’s eyes.


At the Place Beauveau the man hesitated.


Then, apparently making up his mind, he twice turned up and twice turned down the bottom of his trousers legs.


Hereupon,[ここにおいて] the boy sat down on the kerb, opposite the sentry who was mounting guard outside the Ministry of the Interior,


and marked the flagstone with two little crosses contained within[~の中に含まれる] two circles.


The same ceremony was gone through a little further on, when they reached the Elysée.


Only, on the pavement where the President’s sentry[見張り番] was marching up and down, there were three signs instead of two.


“Hang it all!” muttered Ganimard, pale with excitement and thinking, in spite of himself, of his inveterate[常習的な] enemy, Lupin,


whose name came to his mind whenever a mysterious circumstance[状況] presented itself.


“Hang it all, what does it mean?”


He was nearly collaring[首輪をつける] and questioning the two “merchants.”


But he was too clever[~するには利口すぎた] to commit[〈罪・過失などを〉犯す] so gross a blunder.


The man with the orange-peel had now lit a cigarette;


and the boy, also placing[ある位置に置く] a cigarette-end between his lips, had gone up to him, apparently[(実際はともかく)見たところでは] with the object of asking[~の目的で] for a light.


They exchanged a few words.


Quick as thought, the boy handed his companion an object[物体] which looked—at least, so the inspector believed—like a revolver.


They both bent over this object;[物体] and the man, standing with his face to the wall, put his hand six times in his pocket and made a movement as though he were loading a weapon.


As soon as this was done, they walked briskly to the Rue de Surène;


and the inspector, who followed them as closely as he was able to do without attracting their attention,[注意を引かないように]


saw them enter the gateway of an old house of which all the shutters were closed, with the exception of those on the third or top floor.

四階[三階]か最上階の家を除いて、すべての鎧戸が閉められている 古い家の玄関に彼らが入って行くのが見えた。

He hurried in after them.


At the end of the carriage-entrance he saw a large courtyard, with a house-painter‘s sign at the back and a staircase[(手すりなどを含む)階段] on the left.


He went up the stairs and, as soon as he reached the first floor, ran still faster, because he heard, right up at the top, a din[やかましい音, 騒音] as of a free-fight.
