『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳 【1-5. 20万フランの報酬…】

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“Well, monsieur le baron, in a few words, it amounts to[(状態が)…に及ぶ] this:


five or six hours ago, Lavernoux, who, for the last fortnight, had been kept in a sort of enforced confinement by his doctor, Lavernoux—


how shall I put it?—telegraphed[電信した] certain revelations[暴露された事物] by means of[方法,手段] signals which were partly taken down[書きとられ] by me and which put me on the track of this case.


He himself was surprised[不意打ちをくらい] in the act of[~している最中に] making this communication and was murdered.”


“But by whom? By whom?”


“By his doctor.”


“Who is this doctor?”


“I don’t know.


But one of M. Lavernoux’s friends, an Englishman called Hargrove, the friend,


in fact, with whom he was communicating, is bound to know[知っているに違いない] and is also bound to know the exact and complete meaning of the communication,


because, without waiting for the end, he jumped into a motor-cab and drove to the Prefecture of Police.”


“Why? Why?… And what is the result of that step?”


“The result, monsieur le baron, is that your house is surrounded.


There are twelve detectives under your windows.


The moment the sun rises, they will enter in the name of the law and arrest the criminal.”


“Then is Lavernoux’s murderer concealed in my house? Who is he? One of the servants? But no, for you were speaking of a doctor!…”


“I would remark[意見を述べる,表明する], monsieur le baron, that when this Mr. Hargrove went to the police to tell them of the revelations[意外な新事実] made by his friend Lavernoux,


he was not aware that his friend Lavernoux was going to be murdered.


The step[足取り] taken by Mr Hargrove had to do with something else….”


“With what?”


“With the disappearance of madame la baronne, of which he knew the secret, thanks to[~のお陰で] the communication made by Lavernoux.”


“What! They know at last! They have found the baroness! Where is she? And the jewels? And the money she robbed me of?”


Baron Repstein was talking in a great state of excitement.


He rose and, almost shouting at Lupin, cried:


“Finish your story, sir! I can’t endure this suspense[どっちつかず]!”


Lupin continued, in a slow and hesitating voice:


“The fact is … you see … it is rather difficult to explain … for you and I are looking at the thing from a totally different point of view.”


“I don’t understand.”


“And yet you ought to understand, monsieur le baron….


We begin by saying[~と言って話を切り出す]—I am quoting the newspapers—by saying, do we not,[念をおしたり同意を求め付加疑問, ~ね]


that Baroness Repstein knew all the secrets of your business and that she was able to open not only that safe over there,


but also the one at the Crédit Lyonnais in which you kept your securities locked up[閉じ込めた]?”




“Well, one evening, a fortnight ago, while you were at your club,


Baroness Repstein, who, unknown to yourself, had converted all those securities into cash,


left this house with a travelling-bag, containing your money and all the Princesse de Berny’s jewels?”




“And, since then, she has not been seen?”




“Well, there is an excellent reason[申し分ない理由] why she has not been seen.”


“What reason?”


“This, that Baroness Repstein has been murdered….”


“Murdered!… The baroness!… But you’re mad!”


“Murdered … and probably that same evening.”


“I tell you again, you are mad! How can the baroness have been murdered, when the police are following her tracks, so to speak[まるで], step by step[一歩一歩]?”


“They are following the tracks of another woman.”


“What woman?”


“The murderer’s accomplice.[共謀者]


“And who is the murderer?”


“The same man who, for the last fortnight, knowing that Lavernoux, through the situation[状況を通じて] which he occupied[従事する] in this house, had discovered the truth,

「同じ男ですよ。2週間前、ラべルヌーはこの家で(つ)いていた仕事を通して知ってしまったのです。 犯人はそのことを知り、

kept him imprisoned, forced him to silence[沈黙を強いる], threatened him, terrorized him;


the same man who, finding Lavernoux in the act of communicating with a friend, made away with him in cold blood by stabbing him to the heart.”


“The doctor, therefore[それゆえに, 従って]?”




“But who is this doctor?


Who is this malevolent[悪意のある,他人の不幸を喜ぶ] genius, this infernal being who appears and disappears, who slays[殺害する] in the dark and whom nobody suspects?”


“Can’t you guess?”




“And do you want to know?”


“Do I want to know?… Why, speak, man, speak!… You know where he is hiding?”




“In this house?”




“And it is he whom the police are after?”




“And I know him?”




“Who is it?”






Lupin had not been more than ten minutes with the baron; and the duel[決闘] was commencing.[開始する]


The accusation[非難] was hurled[浴びせる], definitely[明確に, はっきりと], violently[猛烈に, 手荒に], implacably.


Lupin repeated:


“You yourself, got up [変装する,着飾る] in a false beard and a pair of spectacles, bent in two[二つ折りになって], like an old man.


In short, you, Baron Repstein; and it is you for a very good reason, of which nobody has thought,


which is that, if it was not you who contrived [たくらむ] the whole plot [策略] , the case becomes inexplicable.


Whereas, taking you as the criminal, you as murdering the baroness in order to get rid of [取り除く] her and run through those millions with another woman,


you as murdering Lavernoux, your agent, in order to[~するために] suppress [抑える] an unimpeachable [申し分のない] witness, oh, then the whole case is explained!


Well, is it pretty clear? And are not you yourself convinced?”
