『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【4-10. 地獄の罠】

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“You … you …!” he repeated. “Who would have suspected …?”


She emptied[空にする] the contents of a phial[小型ガラス瓶] into the cup:


“Drink this cordial,”[果物ジュース] she said.


He hesitated, thinking of poison.


She added:


“It was I who saved you.”


“Of course, of course,” he said. “It was you who removed[取り除く] the bullets from the revolver?”




“And you who hid the knife?”


“Here it is, in my pocket.”


“And you who smashed[(強い力で粉々に)打ち壊す] the window-pane while your aunt was throttling me?”


“Yes, it was I, with the paper-weight on the table: I threw it into the street.”


“But why? Why?” he asked, in utter[完全な] amazement.[驚き]


“Drink the cordial.”


“Didn’t you want me to die? But then why did you stab me to begin with?”[最初は]


“Drink the cordial.”


He emptied[空にする] the cup at a draught,[ひと飲みで] without quite knowing the reason of his sudden confidence.[信用すること]


“Dress yourself … quickly,” she commanded, retiring to the window.


He obeyed and she came back to him, for he had dropped into a chair, exhausted.


“We must go now, we must, we have only just time…. Collect your strength.”


She bent forward a little, so that he might lean on her shoulder, and turned toward the door and the staircase.[(手すりなどを含む)階段]


And Lupin walked as one walks in a dream,


one of those queer dreams in which the most inconsequent[論理的でない] things occur,


a dream that was the happy sequel of[成り行き,結果] the terrible nightmare in which he had lived for the past[過ぎたばかりの] fortnight.

この2週間、彼が生きてきた 恐ろしい悪夢の果てにみた幸せな夢であった。

A thought struck[(心を打つ:当る)] him, however. He began to laugh:

あることを思いつき、 ルパンは笑い出した。

“Poor Ganimard! Upon my word, the fellow has no luck, I would give twopence[まったく価値がないもの] to see him coming to arrest me.”


After descending[下ってゆく] the staircase with the aid of his companion, who supported him with incredible vigour,[活力]

信じられないほどの力でルパンを支える(連れの)助けを借りて 階段を下りた後、

he found himself in the street, opposite a motor-car into which she helped him to mount.


“Right away,” she said to the driver.


Lupin, dazed by the open air and the speed at which they were travelling, hardly took stock of[把握する] the drive and of the incidents on the road.


He recovered all his consciousness when he found himself[~だと分かる] at home in one of the flats which he occupied,


looked after by his servant, to whom the girl gave a few rapid instructions.


“You can go,” he said to the man.


But, when the girl turned to go as well, he held her back by a fold[折り目] of her dress.


“No … no … you must first explain…. Why did you save me? Did you return unknown to your aunt? But why did you save me? Was it from pity?”


She did not answer.


With her figure[形象,姿] drawn up[まっすぐに立つ] and her head flung[〔手足などを〕急に動かす] back a little, she retained her hard and impenetrable[入り込めない] air.


Nevertheless, he thought he noticed that[それに気が付いた] the lines of her mouth[唇のライン] showed not so much cruelty as bitterness.


Her eyes, her beautiful dark eyes, revealed[漏らす] melancholy.


And Lupin, without as yet understanding, received a vague intuition of what was passing within her.


He seized her hand.


She pushed him away, with a start of revolt[反乱,暴動] in which he felt hatred, almost repulsion.


And, when he insisted, she cried:


“Let me be, will you?… Let me be!… Can’t you see that I detest you?”

「構わないで… 放っておいて!私があなたを嫌っているのがわからないの?」

They looked at each other for a moment, Lupin disconcerted, she quivering and full of uneasiness, her pale face all flushed with unwonted[普通でない, めったにない] colour.


He said to her, gently:


“If you detested me, you should have let me die…. It was simple enough…. Why didn’t you?”


“Why?… Why?… How do I know?…”


Her face contracted.[収縮した, しかめた]


With a sudden movement, she hid it in her two hands; and he saw tears trickle[ぽたぽた落ちる] between her fingers.


Greatly touched, he thought of addressing[話しかける] her in fond[優しい] words, such as one would use to a little girl whom one wished to[~したいと願う] console, and of giving her good advice and saving her,

深く感動し、慰めたい小さな女の子にするように 優しい言葉で話しかけようと思った。良いアドバイスをして、彼女を救いたかったのだ。

in his turn, and snatching her from[ひったくる, かっぱらう] the bad life which she was leading,[送る,過ごす] perhaps against her better nature.


But such words would have sounded ridiculous, coming from his lips,


and he did not know what to say,


now that he understood the whole story and was able to picture[心に描く,想像する] the young woman sitting beside his sick-bed,


nursing the man whom she had wounded, admiring his pluck and gaiety, becoming attached to[愛着を持ち] him, falling in love with him


and thrice over, probably in spite of herself,[われ知らず] under a sort of[一種の] instinctive impulse, amid fits[発作] of spite[悪意] and rage,[憤怒] saving him from death.


And all this was so strange, so unforeseen;


Lupin was so much unmanned[男らしさを失う] by his astonishment, that, this time, he did not try to retain her when she made for[~に進む] the door, backward, without taking her eyes from him.


She lowered[~を低くする] her head, smiled for an instant and disappeared.


He rang the bell, quickly:


“Follow that woman,” he said to his man.[部下:仲間]


“Or no, stay where you are…. After all, it is better so….”


He sat brooding for a while, possessed by the girl’s image.


Then he revolved in his mind all that curious, stirring and tragic adventure, in which he had been so very near succumbing;[負ける, 倒れる]


and, taking a hand-glass from the table, he gazed for a long time and with a certain self-complacency at his features,


which illness and pain had not succeeded in[結果になる] impairing[減じる, 害する] to any great extent:[程度]


“Good looks count for something,[価値がある] after all!” he muttered.
