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WHEN we reached the house the first question the Doctor asked of Dab-Dab in the hall was,
“Is Jip home yet?”
“No,” said Dab-Dab, “I haven’t seen him.”
“Let me know the moment he comes in, will you, please?” said the Doctor, hanging up his hat.
“Certainly I will,” said Dab-Dab. “Don’t be long over washing your hands;[手洗いに時間をかけてはいけない] the lunch is on the table.”
Just as we were sitting down to luncheon in the kitchen we heard a great racket[騒ぎ] at the front door. I ran and opened it. In bounded[inbound] Jip.
“Doctor!” he cried, “come into the library quick. I’ve got something to tell you—No, Dab-Dab, the luncheon must wait.
「先生!」とジップは叫んだ。「すぐに書斎に来てください。お伝えしたいことがあるんです。— ダブダブ。昼食は後回しだ。
Please hurry, Doctor. There’s not a moment to be lost. Don’t let any of the animals come—just you and Tommy.”
“Now,” he said, when we were inside the library and the door was closed, “turn the key in the lock and make sure there’s no one listening under the windows.”
“It’s all right,” said the Doctor. “Nobody can hear you here. Now what is it?”
“Well, Doctor,” said Jip (he was badly out of breath from running), “I know all about the Hermit—I have known for years.[多年にわたって] But I couldn’t tell you.”
“Why?” asked the Doctor.
“Because I’d promised not to tell any one. It was Bob, his dog, that told me. And I swore to him that I would keep the secret.”
“Well, and are you going to tell me now?”
“Yes,” said Jip, “we’ve got to save him. I followed Bob’s scent just now when I left you out there on the marshes. And I found him.
「そうです」とジップは言った。「 世捨て人を救わなければなりません。先生を沼地に置いていったあと、僕はボブの匂いを辿っていきました。そして ボブを見つけたんです。
And I said to him, ‘Is it all right,’ I said, ‘for me to tell the Doctor now? Maybe he can do something.’ And Bob says to me, ‘Yes,’ says he, ‘it’s all right because—’”
そして ボブに言ったんです。『もういいだろ?』と。『先生に言っても。 先生なら何とかしてくれるはずだ』 するとボブは僕に『うん』『いいよ、だって…』と言ったんです」
“Oh, for Heaven’s sake, go on, go on!” cried the Doctor. “Tell us what the mystery is—not what you said to Bob and what Bob said to you. What has happened? Where is the Hermit?”
「ああ、お願いだから続けてくれ、続けてくれ!」と先生は叫んだ。「おまえがボブに言ったことでも、ボブがおまえに言ったことでもなく、その秘密を教えておくれ。何が起こったというんだ? 世捨て人はどこにいるんだい?」
“He’s in Puddleby Jail,” said Jip. “He’s in prison.”
“In prison!”
“What for?[何のために]—What’s he done?”
「なぜ? 何をしたんだ?」
Jip went over to the door and smelt at the bottom of it to see if any one were listening outside. Then he came back to the Doctor on tiptoe and whispered,
“He killed a man!”
“Lord preserve us!” cried the Doctor, sitting down heavily in a chair and mopping his forehead with a handkerchief. “When did he do it?”
“Fifteen years ago—in a Mexican gold-mine. That’s why he has been a hermit ever since.
He shaved off his beard and kept away from people out there on the marshes so he wouldn’t be recognized.[認知する] But last week, it seems these new-fangled policemen came to Town;
and they heard there was a strange man who kept to himself all alone[ひとりぼっちでいる] in a shack on the fen. And they got suspicious.
For a long time people had been hunting all over the world for the man that did that killing in the Mexican gold-mine fifteen years ago.
So these policemen went out to the shack, and they recognized[認知する] Luke by a mole[変色したしみ] on his arm. And they took him to prison.”
“Well, well!” murmured the Doctor. “Who would have thought it?[誰が考えるだろう]—Luke, the philosopher!—Killed a man!—I can hardly believe it.”
“It’s true enough—unfortunately,”[遺憾ながら] said Jip. “Luke did it. But it wasn’t his fault. Bob says so.
And he was there and saw it all. He was scarcely[かろうじて] more than a puppy at the time. Bob says Luke couldn’t help it. He had to do it.”
“Where is Bob now?” asked the Doctor.
“Down at the prison. I wanted him to come with me here to see you; but he won’t leave the prison while Luke is there. He just sits outside the door of the prison-cell[受刑者が入れられる部屋] and won’t move.
He doesn’t even eat the food they give him. Won’t you please come down there,[そこへ降りていき] Doctor, and see if there is anything you can do?
The trial is to be this afternoon at two o’clock. What time is it now?”
“It’s ten minutes past one.”
“Bob says he thinks they are going to kill Luke for a punishment[処罰として] if they can prove that he did it—or certainly keep him in prison for the rest of his life.[人生の残りは]
Won’t you please come? Perhaps if you spoke to the judge and told him what a good man Luke really is they’d let him off.”
“Of course I’ll come,” said the Doctor getting up and moving to go.[行くための動き] “But I’m very much afraid that I shan’t[shall not] be of any real help.” He turned at the door and hesitated thoughtfully.
「もちろん行くさ」と先生は立ち上がり出かける支度をしながら言った。「しかし、何の役にも立たないかもしれない」 先生はドアの前で振り返り、考え込んで躊躇した。
“And yet—I wonder—”
Then he opened the door and passed out[立ち去った] with Jip and me close at his heels.