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Ah, indeed, Mademoiselle Sara might well ask.

ああ、確かに、マドモアゼル セーラが尋ねそうなことです。

She was a forlorn[寄るべのない, 孤独な] little thing who had just taken the place of[取って代わった] scullery maid—though, as to being scullery maid, she was everything else besides.


She blacked[黒磨きをかける] boots and grates, and carried heavy coal-scuttles up and down stairs, and scrubbed floors and cleaned windows, and was ordered about[(あれこれの命令を出して)こき使う] by everybody.


She was fourteen years old, but was so stunted in growth[発育を妨げる] that she looked about twelve. In truth, Mariette was sorry for her.

彼女は14歳だったが、発育が悪くて12歳ぐらいに見えた。 実際、マリエットは彼女を気の毒に思っていた。

She was so timid that if one chanced to speak to her[誰かが話す機会があったら] it appeared as if her poor, frightened eyes would jump out of her head.


“What is her name?” asked Sara, who had sat by the table, with her chin on her hands, as she listened absorbedly to the recital.

「名前は何て言うの?」 と、テーブルのそばに座っていたセーラは、まるで演奏会でも夢中になって聞いてるかのように、手の上に顎をのせて尋ねた。

Her name was Becky. Mariette heard everyone below-stairs calling, “Becky, do this,” and “Becky, do that,” every five minutes in the day.

彼女の名前はベッキーだった。 マリエットは、階段の下にいる誰もが「ベッキー、これをしなさい」や「ベッキー、あれをしなさい」と1日5分ごとに呼びつけているのを聞いていた。

Sara sat and looked into the fire, reflecting on[思案する] Becky for some time after Mariette left her.


She made up a story of which[~という a story(物語) ] Becky was the ill-used heroine.


She thought she looked as if she had never had quite enough to eat. Her very eyes were hungry.

セーラは、まるで彼女はお腹いっぱいに食べたことなんかないようだと思った。 彼女の(まさしくその)目は、お腹を空かせている目をしていた。

She hoped she should see her again, but though she caught sight of her carrying things up or down stairs on several occasions,


she always seemed in such a hurry and so afraid of being seen that it was impossible to speak to her.


But a few weeks later, on another foggy afternoon, when she entered her sitting room she found herself[~に気が付く] confronting[直面する, 大胆に立ち向かう] a rather pathetic picture.[映像]


In her own special and pet[お気に入り] easy-chair before the bright fire, Becky—with a coal smudge[汚れ,しみ] on her nose and several on her apron, with her poor little cap hanging half off her head,


and an empty coal box on the floor near her—sat fast asleep, tired out beyond even the endurance[持久力,耐久性] of her hard-working young body.


She had been sent up to put the bedrooms in order for the evening.


There were a great many of them, and she had been running about[奔走] all day.


Sara’s rooms she had saved until the last. They were not like the other rooms, which were plain[質素な] and bare. [家具のない, がらんとした]

セーラの部屋は、彼女が最後まで残しておいたのだ。 セーラの部屋は、他の生徒の部屋のような質素で飾り気がない部屋ではなかった。

Ordinary pupils were expected[期待される] to be satisfied with mere necessaries.


Sara’s comfortable sitting room seemed a bower[木陰の休息所] of luxury to the scullery maid, though it was, in fact, merely a nice, bright little room.


But there were pictures and books in it, and curious things from India; there was a sofa and the low, soft chair;

そこには絵画や本、そしてインドの不思議な物があった。 ソファと低くて柔らかい椅子もあった。

Emily sat in a chair of her own, with the air of a presiding[主人役を務める] goddess, and there was always a glowing fire and a polished grate.


Becky saved it until the end of her afternoon’s work,


because it rested her to go into it, and she always hoped to snatch[ (機を見て)急いで取る] a few minutes to sit down in the soft chair and look about her,


and think about the wonderful good fortune of the child who owned such surroundings[環境] and who went out on the cold days in beautiful hats and coats one tried to[~をやってみた] catch a glimpse of through the area railing.


On this afternoon, when she had sat down, the sensation[感覚, 知覚] of relief to her short, aching legs had been so wonderful and delightful[快適な] that it had seemed to soothe[鎮静させる] her whole body,


and the glow of warmth and comfort from the fire had crept over[〔恐怖などが〕(人)を徐々に襲う] her like a spell, until, as she looked at the red coals, a tired, slow smile stole over[いつのまにか〔…を〕襲う] her smudged face,


her head nodded forward without her being aware of it, her eyes drooped,[うなだれる] and she fell fast asleep.


She had really been only about ten minutes in the room when Sara entered,


but she was in as deep a sleep as if she had been, like the Sleeping Beauty, slumbering[(すやすや)眠る, まどろむ] for a hundred years.


But she did not look—poor Becky—like a Sleeping Beauty at all. She looked only like an ugly, stunted, worn-out little scullery drudge.[(単調で骨の折れる仕事に)こつこつ働く人]

しかし、彼女は、可哀そうなベッキーは、眠れる森の美女ようには全然見えなかった。 醜く、発育が遅く、疲れ果てた小さく奴隷のように働かされる食器洗い場のメイドにしか見えなかった。

Sara seemed as much unlike her as if she were a creature from another world.


On this particular[特にこの, 特有の] afternoon she had been taking her dancing lesson,


and the afternoon on which the dancing master appeared was rather a grand occasion[特別の出来事, 行事] at the seminary, though it occurred every week.


The pupils were attired in[着飾る] their prettiest frocks, and as Sara danced particularly well, she was very much brought forward, and Mariette was requested to make her as diaphanous[光を透過させるほど薄い] and fine as possible.


Today a frock the color of a rose had been put on[着る] her, and Mariette had bought some real buds and made her a wreath to wear on her black locks.


She had been learning a new, delightful[愉快な, 快適な] dance in which she had been skimming[〈水面などを〉すれすれに通って飛んでいく] and flying about the room,


like a large rose-colored butterfly, and the enjoyment and exercise had brought a brilliant, happy glow[輝き] into her face.


When she entered the room, she floated in[漂う, 浮かぶ] with a few of the butterfly steps—and there sat Becky, nodding her cap sideways off her head.


“Oh!” cried Sara, softly, when she saw her. “That poor thing!”

「ああ!」 そっと彼女を見て、セーラは叫んだ。 「かわいそうに!」

It did not occur to her to feel cross at finding her pet chair occupied by the small, dingy figure. To tell the truth, she was quite glad to find it there.

お気に入りの椅子薄汚い小さな女の子に占領されているのを見つけても、セーラは怒る気にはならなかった。 実を言うと、彼女はここでベッキー[それ]を見つけて大喜びだった。

When the ill-used heroine of her story wakened, she could talk to her. She crept toward her quietly, and stood looking at her. Becky gave a little snore.

セーラの物語のひどい目にあったヒロインが目覚めたら、彼女と話すことができる。 セーラは静かにゆっくりと近づいて、彼女を見つめながら立った。 ベッキーは小さないびきをかいていた。

“I wish she’d waken herself,” Sara said. “I don’t like to waken her. But Miss Minchin would be cross if she found out. I’ll just wait a few minutes.”

「自分で起きてくれたらいいんだけど」とセーラは言った。 「彼女を起こしたくないわ。でも、ミンチン先生が見つけたら怒るわね。数分だけ待ってみましょう」

She took a seat on the edge of the table, and sat swinging her slim, rose-colored legs, and wondering what it would be best to do.


Miss Amelia might come in at any moment,[いつ何時, 今にも] and if she did, Becky would be sure to be scolded. “But she is so tired,” she thought. “She is so tired!”

ミス・アメリアがいつ入ってくるかわからない。そうなったら、ベッキーは間違いなく叱られるだろう。 「でも彼女はとても疲れているんだわ」とセーラは思った。 「彼女はとても疲れているの!」