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Of course the greatest power Sara possessed and the one which gained her even more[もっとたくさんの] followers than her luxuries and the fact that she was “the show pupil,”

もちろん、セーラは絶大な力を持っていたが、(その絶大な力の根源の一つは) 贅沢な品々を持っていたり、「看板生徒」であるという事実などよりももっと多くのファンを獲得した。

the power that Lavinia and certain other girls were most envious of,


and at the same time most fascinated by[魅了される (byは受け身的な感じの時に使う)] in spite of themselves, was her power of telling stories and of making everything she talked about seem like a story, whether it was one or not.


Anyone who has been at school with a teller of stories[物語の語り手] knows what the wonder means[その驚きが意味するもの]


how he or she is followed about and besought[beseechの過去分詞 懇願する] in a whisper to relate[物語る, 説明する] romances;[架空のお話]


how groups gather round[周りを囲む] and hang on the outskirts[はずれ, 郊外] of the favored[好意をもたれている] party in the hope of[~を期待して] being allowed to join in and listen.


Sara not only could tell stories, but she adored[崇拝する, 敬慕する] telling them.


When she sat or stood in the midst of a circle and began to invent[考え出す, 発明する] wonderful things, her green eyes grew big and shining, her cheeks flushed,


and, without knowing that she was doing it, she began to act[演技] and made what she told lovely or alarming by the raising or dropping of her voice,

そして、自分でも(そうしていることに)気づかないうちに、身振り手振りをしだし、声を高めたり、落としたりしながら、 ~ 彼女のお話をかわいらしく、驚くものにした。

the bend[折り曲げる] and sway[体をゆさぶる] of her slim body, and the dramatic movement of her hands.


She forgot that she was talking to listening children;


she saw and lived with the fairy folk, or the kings and queens and beautiful ladies, whose adventures she was narrating. [~を物語る, 話す]


Sometimes when she had finished her story, she was quite out of breath with excitement,


and would lay her hand on her thin, little, quick-rising[急上昇する] chest,[胸] and half laugh as if at herself.


“When I am telling it,” she would say, “it doesn’t seem as if it was only made up.[作られた, でっちあげた] It seems more real than you are—more real than the schoolroom.


I feel as if I were all the people in the storyone after the other. It is queer.”

私はまるで、物語の中の人たち(全員)になったように感じるの。次から次へとよ。 奇妙よね」

She had been at Miss Minchin’s school about two years when, one foggy winter’s afternoon,


as she was getting out of[~から出る] her carriage, comfortably[安楽に, 快適に] wrapped up in her warmest velvets and furs and looking very much grander[(壮大な)の比較級] than she knew,


she caught sight, as she crossed the pavement, of a dingy[薄ぎたない, すすけた] little figure standing on the area steps,


and stretching its neck so that its wide-open eyes might peer at her through the railings.


Something[いくぶん, 多少《口語》 ひどく,とても] in the eagerness and timidity of the smudgy[汚れた] face made her look at it,[それはセーラの目を向けさせ] and when she looked she smiled because it was her way to smile at people.


But the owner of the smudgy[汚れた] face and the wide-open eyes evidently[明らかに] was afraid that she ought not to[べきではない] have been caught[とらえられる] looking at pupils of importance.


She dodged out of sight like a jack-in-the-box and scurried back into the kitchen,


disappearing so suddenly that if she had not been such a poor little forlorn[みじめな] thing, Sara would have laughed in spite of herself.


That very evening, as Sara was sitting in the midst of[~の真ん中] a group of listeners in a corner of the schoolroom telling one of her stories,


the very same figure[まったく同じ姿, 容姿] timidly entered the room, carrying a coal box much too heavy for her,


and knelt down upon the hearth[炉床] rug[敷物] to replenish the fire and sweep up[掃除する] the ashes.[燃え殻]


She was cleaner than she had been when she peeped through the area[(特定の)場所] railings, but she looked just as[同じように] frightened.


She was evidently afraid to look at the children or seem to be listening.


She put on[(石炭を火に)くべる] pieces of coal cautiously with her fingers so that she might make no disturbing[妨害する] noise, and she swept about the fire irons very softly.


But Sara saw in two minutes that she was deeply interested in what was going on,[一体なにが起きているのか(興味津々で)] and that she was doing her work slowly in the hope of[~を目的にして] catching a word here and there.[あちらこちら]


And realizing this, she raised her voice and spoke more clearly.


“The Mermaids swam softly about in the crystal-green water, and dragged after them a fishing-net woven[weave の過去分詞] of deep-sea pearls,” she said.


“The Princess sat on the white rock and watched them.”


It was a wonderful story about a princess who was loved by a Prince Merman,[(男の)人魚] and went to live with him in[移住する,引越す] shining caves under the sea.


The small drudge[(単調で骨の折れる仕事に)こつこつ働く人] before the grate[暖炉などの鉄格子] swept the hearth[炉床] once and then swept it again.


Having done it twice, she did it three times;


and, as she was doing it the third time, the sound of the story so lured[誘惑する] her to listen that she fell under the spell[~の魅力のとりこになる] and actually forgot that she had no right to listen at all,


and also forgot everything else. She sat down upon her heels as she knelt on the hearth rug, and the brush hung idly[何もしないで, 遊んで] in her fingers.


The voice of the storyteller went on and drew[引く, 引っぱる] her with it into winding[曲がりくねる] grottos[小さなほら穴] under the sea,


glowing with soft, clear blue light, and paved with[~で舗装された] pure golden sands.


Strange sea flowers and grasses waved about her, and far away faint singing and music echoed.


The hearth brush fell from the work-roughened hand, and Lavinia Herbert looked round. “That girl has been listening,” she said.

暖炉のブラシが仕事で荒れた手から落ち、ラヴィニア・ハーバートは周りを見回した。 「あの子、聞いていたのね」と彼女は言った。

The culprit[犯人] snatched up[急いで、または熱心につかむ] her brush, and scrambled to her feet.


She caught at the coal box and simply scuttled out of the room like a frightened rabbit.


Sara felt rather hot-tempered. “I knew she was listening,” she said. “Why shouldn’t she?” Lavinia tossed her head[頭をぽいと投げる] with great elegance.

セーラは少し頭にきた。 「彼女が聞いていることは知っていたわ」とセーラは言った。 「どうして彼女は聞いてはいけないの?」 ラヴィニアはとても優雅に頭を持ち上げた。

“Well,” she remarked, “I do not know whether your mamma would like you to tell stories to servant girls, but I know MY mamma wouldn’t like ME to do it.”


“My mamma!” said Sara, looking odd. “I don’t believe she would mind in the least. She knows that stories belong to everybody.”

「私のママは、」と、セーラは不思議な顔をして言った 。「ママは少しも気にするとは思わないわ。ママは、お話はみんなのものだと知っているもの」とセーラは言った。

“I thought,” retorted Lavinia, in severe recollection,[回想・思い出] “that your mamma was dead. How can she know things?”


“Do you think she DOESN’T know things[事物, 観念]?” said Sara, in her stern[厳格な] little voice. Sometimes she had a rather stern little voice.

「私のママが何も(物の道理を)知らないと思うの?」と、セーラは容赦のない小声で言った。 時としてセーラは、小さいけれど、かなり容赦のない声を出した。

“Sara’s mamma knows everything,” piped in Lottie.

「セーラのママは何でも知っているわ」と ロッティは甲高い声で言った。

“So does my mamma—’cept[except] Sara is my mamma at Miss Minchin’s—my other one knows everything.


The streets are shining, and there are fields and fields of lilies, and everybody gathers them. Sara tells me when she puts me to bed.”[寝かしつける]


“You wicked[邪悪な, 不道徳な] thing,” said Lavinia, turning on[ぐるっと向きを変える] Sara; “making fairy stories about heaven.”

「不道徳だわ」とラヴィニアはセーラに向かって言った。 「天国のおとぎ話を作るなんて」

“There are much more splendid[壮麗な] stories in Revelation,” returned Sara.


“Just look and see! How do you know mine are fairy stories? But I can tell you”—with a fine bit of [かなり多くの] unheavenly temper[短気, かんしゃく]


“you will never find out whether they are or not if you’re not kinder to people than you are now. Come along, Lottie.”


And she marched out of the room, rather hoping that she might see the little servant again somewhere,


but she found no trace of her when she got into the hall.


“Who is that little girl who makes the fires?” she asked Mariette that night. Mariette broke forth into[~に手をつける] a flow of description.[川が流れるような説明]

「火をつけているあの女の子は誰なの?」と、セーラはその夜マリエットに尋ねた。 マリエットは事細かな説明をし始めた。