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“She is a kind of servant at the seminary,” Janet said. “I don’t believe she belongs to[~に属する]anybody.


I believe she is an orphan. But she is not a beggar, however shabby she looks.”


And afterward she was called by all of them, “The-little-girl-who-is-not-a-beggar,”


which was, of course, rather a long name, and sounded very funny sometimes when the youngest ones said it in a hurry.


Sara managed to[なんとか~する] bore a hole in the sixpence and hung it on an old bit of narrow ribbon round her neck.


Her affection for the Large Family increased—as, indeed, her affection for everything she could love increased.


She grew fonder and fonder of Becky, and she used to look forward to the two mornings a week when she went into the schoolroom to give the little ones their French lesson.


Her small pupils loved her, and strove with each other for the privilege of standing close to her[そばに立つ] and insinuating[徐々に入り込ませる] their small hands into hers.


It fed[食物を与える] her hungry heart to feel them nestling up to her.


She made such friends with[親友になる] the sparrows that when she stood upon the table, put her head and shoulders out of the attic window, and chirped, she heard almost immediately a flutter of wings and answering twitters,


and a little flock of[群れ] dingy[薄ぎたない] town birds appeared and alighted on the slates to talk to her and make much of[大事にする,もてはやす] the crumbs she scattered.


With Melchisedec she had become so intimate that he actually brought Mrs. Melchisedec with him sometimes, and now and then[時々] one or two of his children.


She used to talk to him, and, somehow, he looked quite as if he understood.


There had grown in her mind rather a strange feeling about Emily, who always sat and looked on[傍観する] at everything.


It arose[発生する, 生じる] in one of her moments of great desolateness.[孤独であること]


She would have liked to believe or pretend to believe that Emily understood and sympathized with her.


She did not like to own[快しとしない] to herself that her only companion could feel and hear nothing.


She used to put her in a chair sometimes and sit opposite to her on the old red footstool,


and stare and pretend about her until her own eyes would grow large with something which was almost like fear—particularly at night when everything was so still,


when the only sound in the attic was the occasional sudden scurry[小走りに急ぐ] and squeak of Melchisedec’s family in the wall.


One of her “pretends” was that Emily was a kind of good witch who could protect her.

セーラの 「つもり」の一つに、エミリーは自分を守ってくれる良い魔女のような存在だというものがあった。

Sometimes, after she had stared at her until she was wrought up[興奮した] to the highest pitch of fancifulness,


she would ask her questions and find herself ALMOST feeling as if she would presently answer.


But she never did. “As to answering, though,” said Sara, trying to console herself, “I don’t answer very often. I never answer when I can help it.


When people are insulting[侮辱する] you, there is nothing so good for them as not to say a word—just to look at them and THINK.


Miss Minchin turns pale with rage when I do it, Miss Amelia looks frightened, and so do the girls.


When you will not fly into a passion[むきになって怒る] people know you are stronger than they are,


because you are strong enough to hold in your rage, and they are not, and they say stupid things they wish they hadn’t said afterward.


There’s nothing so strong as rage, except[~を除いては] what makes you hold it in—that’s stronger. It’s a good thing not to answer your enemies. I scarcely[ほとんど~ない] ever do.


Perhaps Emily is more like me than I am like myself. Perhaps she would rather not answer her friends, even.


She keeps it all in her heart.” But though she tried to satisfy herself with these arguments, she did not find it easy.


When, after a long, hard day, in which she had been sent here and there, sometimes on long errands through wind and cold and rain, she came in wet and hungry,


and was sent out[送り出す] again because nobody chose to remember that she was only a child, and that her slim legs might be tired and her small body might be chilled;


when she had been given only harsh words and cold, slighting looks for thanks;


when the cook had been vulgar[俗悪な, 野卑な] and insolent;


when Miss Minchin had been in her worst mood,


and when she had seen the girls sneering among themselves[内輪で] at her shabbiness


—then she was not always able to comfort her sore, proud, desolate[荒れ果てた] heart with fancies when Emily merely[単に(…にすぎない)] sat upright in her old chair and stared.


One of these nights, when she came up to the attic cold and hungry, with a tempest[暴風雨] raging[荒れ狂う] in her young breast,[胸] Emily’s stare[凝視] seemed so vacant,[空虚な]


her sawdust legs and arms so inexpressive, that Sara lost all control over herself. There was nobody but Emily—no one in the world. And there she sat.
