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Laurie didn’t seem to know where to begin,[とっかかり] but Jo’s eager questions soon set him going, and he told her how he had been at school in Vevay,[スイス西部、ヴォー州、レマン湖地方にある基礎自治体]


where the boys never wore hats and had a fleet of boats[ボートの船隊] on the lake, and for holiday fun[休日の楽しみとして] went on walking trips about Switzerland with their teachers.


“Don’t I wish(~だったらいいのに) I’d been there!” cried Jo. “Did you go to Paris?”

「行ってみたかったわ 」とジョーは叫んだ 「パリには行ったの?」

“We spent last winter there.”


“Can you talk French?”


“We were not allowed to speak anything else at Vevay.”


“Do say some! I can read it, but can’t pronounce.”


“Quel nom a cette jeune demoiselle en les pantoufles jolis?”


“How nicely you do it! Let me see … you said, ‘Who is the young lady in the pretty slippers’, didn’t you?”

「なんて上手なの! ええと… 『あのきれいな上靴を履いているレディーは誰ですか 』って言ったのよね?」

“Oui, mademoiselle.”


“It’s my sister Margaret, and you knew it was! Do you think she is pretty?”


“Yes, she makes me think of the German girls, she looks so fresh and quiet, and dances like a lady.”

「彼女はドイツの女の子を思い出させてくれます。 とても爽やかで静かで、淑女のように踊りますね」

Jo quite glowed with pleasure at this boyish praise of her sister, and stored it up[保存した] to repeat to Meg.


Both peeped and criticized and chatted till they felt like old acquaintances.


Laurie’s bashfulness[物怖じ] soon wore off, for Jo’s gentlemanly[紳士的な] demeanor[態度,ふるまい] amused and set him at his ease,


and Jo was her merry self again, because her dress was forgotten and nobody lifted their eyebrows at her.


She liked the ‘Laurence boy’ better than ever and took several good looks at him, so that she might describe[~を言葉で述べる] him to the girls,


for they had no brothers, very few male cousins,[いとこ, 親類] and boys were almost unknown creatures to them.


“Curly black hair, brown skin, big black eyes, handsome nose, fine teeth, small hands and feet,


taller than I am, very polite, for a boy, and altogether jolly. Wonder how old he is?”

私より背が高く、男の子にしては礼儀正しくまったく陽気な子。 何歳なんだろう?」

It was on the tip of Jo’s tongue to ask, but she checked herself in time[間に合って] and, with unusual[珍しい] tact,[機転] tried to find out in a round-about way.


“I suppose you are going to college soon? I see you pegging away at your books, no, I mean studying hard.”

「もうすぐ大学に行くんでしょう? あなたがせっせと本を読んでいるのを、いいえ、一生懸命に勉強しているのを見たもの」

And Jo blushed at the dreadful ‘pegging’ which had escaped[漏れ出る] her.


Laurie smiled but didn’t seem shocked, and answered with a shrug. “Not for a year or two. I won’t go before seventeen, anyway.”


“Aren’t you but fifteen?” asked Jo, looking at the tall lad, whom she had imagined seventeen already.


“Sixteen, next month.”


“How I wish I was going to college! You don’t look as if you liked it.”

「私、大学に行けたらなあ! あなたは、(大学が)好きそうに見えないわね」

“I hate it! Nothing but grinding or skylarking. And I don’t like the way fellows do either, in this country.”

「大嫌いですね! (知識を)詰め込むバカ騒ぎをする以外は何もないんですから。この国の連中のやり方も好きじゃない」

“What do you like?”


“To live in Italy, and to enjoy myself in my own way.”


Jo wanted very much to ask what his own way[自分のやり方] was, but his black brows looked rather threatening[険悪に] as he knit them,


so she changed the subject by saying, as her foot kept time, “That’s a splendid polka![チェコの民俗舞曲] Why don’t you go and try it?”


“If you will come too,” he answered, with a gallant[婦人に親切な] little bow.

「君も来てくれるなら 」と、彼はいんぎんな小さなお辞儀をして答えた。

“I can’t, for I told Meg I wouldn’t, because…” There Jo stopped, and looked undecided whether to tell or to laugh.


“Because, what?”


“You won’t tell?”




“Well, I have a bad trick of standing before the fire, and so I burn my frocks,[ワンピースのドレス]


and I scorched this one, and though it’s nicely mended, it shows, and Meg told me to keep still[静かにして] so no one would see it.


You may laugh, if you want to. It is funny, I know.”


But Laurie didn’t laugh.


He only looked down a minute, and the expression of his face puzzled Jo when he said very gently, “Never mind that. I’ll tell you how we can manage.


There’s a long hall out there, and we can dance grandly, and no one will see us. Please come.”


Jo thanked him and gladly went, wishing she had two neat[こぎれいな] gloves when she saw the nice, pearl-colored ones her partner wore.


The hall was empty, and they had a grand polka, for Laurie danced well, and taught her the German step,


which delighted Jo, being full of swing and spring.


When the music stopped, they sat down on the stairs to get their breath,


and Laurie was in the midst of an account[(順を追ってする詳しい)話] of a students’ festival at Heidelberg when Meg appeared in search of her sister.

ローリーがハイデルベルクでの学生祭のをしている真っ最中に メグが妹を探して現れた。

She beckoned, and Jo reluctantly followed her into a side room, where she found her on a sofa, holding her foot, and looking pale.


“I’ve sprained my ankle. That stupid[ばかな] high heel turned and gave me a sad wrench.[ぎゅっとねじる]


It aches so, I can hardly stand, and I don’t know how I’m ever going to get home,” she said, rocking to and fro in pain.


“I knew you’d hurt your feet with those silly shoes. I’m sorry.


But I don’t see what you can do, except get a carriage, or stay here all night,” answered Jo, softly rubbing the poor ankle as she spoke.

でも馬車に乗るか、一晩中ここにいる以外、何かできるとは思えないわ」とジョーは答え、話しながら 足首を優しく揉んだ。

“I can’t have a carriage without its costing ever so much.[非常に]


I dare say[敢えて言えば] I can’t get one at all, for most people come in their own, and it’s a long way to the stable, and no one to send.”[使いに出す]


“I’ll go.”


“No, indeed! It’s past nine, and dark as Egypt.

「まさか! もう九時を過ぎて、エジプトのように暗いわよ。

I can’t stop here, for the house is full. Sallie has some girls staying with her.


I’ll rest till Hannah comes, and then do the best I can.”


“I’ll ask Laurie. He will go,” said Jo, looking relieved as the idea occurred to her.


“Mercy, no! Don’t ask or tell anyone.


Get me my rubbers, and put these slippers with our things.


I can’t dance anymore, but as soon as supper is over, watch for Hannah and tell me the minute she comes.”


“They are going out to supper now.


I’ll stay with you. I’d rather.”


“No, dear, run along, and bring me some coffee.


I’m so tired I can’t stir.”[体を動かす]
