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So Meg reclined, with rubbers well hidden, and Jo went blundering away to the dining room,
which she found after going into a china closet, and opening the door of a room where old Mr. Gardiner was taking a little private refreshment.
Making a dart at the table, she secured[獲得する] the coffee, which she immediately spilled, thereby making the front of her dress as bad as the back.
“Oh, dear, what a blunderbuss[とんま] I am!” exclaimed[叫び] Jo, finishing[終わらせた, 仕上げた] Meg’s glove by scrubbing her gown with it.
“Can I help you?” said a friendly voice. And there was Laurie, with a full cup in one hand and a plate of ice in the other.
“I was trying to get something for Meg, who is very tired, and someone shook[揺する] me, and here I am in a nice state,”[ここに私は素敵な状態である] answered Jo,
glancing dismally from the stained skirt to the coffee-colored glove.
“Too bad! I was looking for someone to give this to.
お気の毒に! 僕はこれを誰かあげる人を探していたんです。
May I take it to your sister?”
“Oh, thank you! I’ll show you where she is.
I don’t offer to[申し出る] take it myself, for I should only get into[~の状態になる] another scrape[難儀] if I did.”
Jo led the way, and as if used to waiting on ladies, Laurie drew up[持ってくる] a little table, brought a second installment of coffee and ice for Jo,
and was so obliging[よく人の世話をする] that even particular Meg pronounced[宣言した] him a ‘nice boy’.
とても親切だったので、気難しいメグさえ彼を 「いい子だ」 と言った。
They had a merry time over the bonbons[糖菓] and mottoes,
and were in the midst of a quiet game of Buzz, with two or three other young people who had strayed in,[迷い込んできた] when Hannah appeared.
Meg forgot her foot and rose so quickly that she was forced to catch hold of Jo, with an exclamation of pain.
“Hush! Don’t say anything,” she whispered, adding aloud, “It’s nothing. I turned my foot a little, that’s all,” and limped upstairs to put her things on.[服を着る]
Hannah scolded, Meg cried, and Jo was at her wits’ end, till she decided to take things into her own hands.[自分の手で問題の解決に臨む]
Slipping out, she ran down and, finding a servant, asked if he could get her a carriage.
It happened to be a hired waiter who knew nothing about the neighborhood and Jo was looking round for help
when Laurie, who had heard what she said, came up and offered his grandfather’s carriage, which had just come for him, he said.
“It’s so early! You can’t mean to go yet?” began Jo, looking relieved but hesitating to accept the offer.
「まだ早いわ! まだ帰るつもりじゃなかったでしょう?」とジョーはほっとしたような顔をしながらも、その申し出を受け入れるのを躊躇していた。
“I always go early, I do, truly! Please let me take you home. It’s all on my way, you know, and it rains, they say.”
「僕はいつも早く帰るんです。本当に! 家まで送らせてください。同じ場所に帰る(途中)んだし、それに雨が降ってるらしいですよ」
That settled it, and telling him of Meg’s mishap,[不幸な出来事] Jo gratefully[ありがたく] accepted and rushed up to bring down[下ろす] the rest of the party.
Hannah hated rain as much as a cat does so she made no trouble, and they rolled away in the luxurious close carriage, feeling very festive and elegant.
Laurie went on the box so Meg could keep her foot up, and the girls talked over their party in freedom.
“I had a capital[すばらしい] time. Did you?” asked Jo, rumpling up her hair, and making herself comfortable.
“Yes, till I hurt myself. Sallie’s friend, Annie Moffat, took a fancy to me, and asked me to come and spend a week with her when Sallie does.
She is going in the spring when the opera comes, and it will be perfectly splendid, if Mother only lets me go,”
answered Meg, cheering up at the thought.
“I saw you dancing with the red headed man I ran away from. Was he nice?”
「私が逃げ出した 赤毛の男の人と踊っているのを見たわ。いい人だった?」
“Oh, very! His hair is auburn, not red, and he was very polite, and I had a delicious redowa with him.”
“He looked like a grasshopper in a fit when he did the new step.
Laurie and I couldn’t help laughing. Did you hear us?”
“No, but it was very rude. What were you about all that time, hidden away there?”
Jo told her adventures, and by the time she had finished they were at home.
With many thanks, they said good night and crept in, hoping to disturb[邪魔をしない] no one,
but the instant their door creaked, two little nightcaps bobbed up, and two sleepy but eager voices cried out…
“Tell about the party! Tell about the party!”
With what Meg called ‘a great want of manners’ Jo had saved some bonbons for the little girls,
メグが「マナー違反[礼儀に欠ける] 」と呼んだことだが、ジョーは妹たちのためにボンボンをとっておいていて、
and they soon subsided, after hearing the most thrilling events of the evening.
“I declare, it really seems like being a fine young lady, to come home from the party in a carriage and sit in my dressing gown with a maid to wait on me,”
said Meg, as Jo bound up her foot with arnica[傷の治療に用いられる軟膏] and brushed her hair.
“I don’t believe fine young ladies enjoy themselves a bit more than we do,
in spite of our burned hair, old gowns, one glove apiece and tight slippers that sprain our ankles when we are silly enough to wear them.”
And I think Jo was quite right.