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Margaret found a place as nursery governess and felt rich with her small salary.
As she said, she was ‘fond of luxury’, and her chief trouble was poverty.
She found it harder to bear than the others
because she could remember a time when home was beautiful, life full of ease and pleasure, and want of[欠けている, 足りない] any kind unknown.
She tried not to be envious or discontented,
but it was very natural that the young girl should long for pretty things, gay friends, accomplishments,[上流社会の教養] and a happy life.
At the Kings’ she daily saw all she wanted, for the children’s older sisters were just out, and Meg caught frequent[しばしばの] glimpses of dainty[かわいらしい] ball dresses and bouquets,
メグは 毎日キングさんの家で彼女の欲しいものすべてを見ていた。というのは子供たちの姉たちはちょうど(社交界に)出たばかりだったので、上品な舞踏会用の[体の丸くふくらんだ]ドレスや花束をメグはたびたびちらりと見るのだった。
heard lively gossip about theaters, concerts, sleighing parties, and merrymakings of all kinds,
and saw money lavished on[浪費する] trifles which would have been so precious to her.
Poor Meg seldom complained, but a sense of injustice made her feel bitter toward everyone sometimes,
for she had not yet learned to know how rich she was in the blessings which alone can make life happy.
Jo happened to suit Aunt March, who was lame and needed an active person to wait upon[侍る, 侍する] her.
The childless old lady had offered to[申し出る] adopt one of the girls when the troubles came, and was much offended because her offer was declined.
Other friends told the Marches that they had lost all chance of being remembered in the rich old lady’s will, but the unworldly[世俗的でない] Marches only said…
“We can’t give up our girls for a dozen fortunes.[巨額の富] Rich or poor, we will keep together and be happy in one another.”
The old lady wouldn’t speak to them for a time, but happening to meet Jo at a friend’s,
something in her comical face and blunt manners struck the old lady’s fancy, and she proposed to take her for a companion.[(老婦人などの)話し相手]
This did not suit Jo at all, but she accepted the place[勤め口,仕事] since[~のゆえに] nothing better appeared[現れる] and, to every one’s surprise, got on remarkably[非常に] well with her irascible[かんしゃく持ちの] relative.
There was an occasional tempest,[暴風雨] and once Jo marched home, declaring she couldn’t bear it longer, but Aunt March always cleared up quickly,
and sent for her to come back again with such urgency that she could not refuse, for in her heart she rather liked the peppery[短気な, 怒りっぽい] old lady.
I suspect[怪しいと思う] that the real attraction was a large library of fine books, which was left to dust[ちり, ほこり] and spiders since Uncle March died.
Jo remembered the kind old gentleman, who used to let her build railroads and bridges with his big dictionaries,
tell her stories about queer pictures in his Latin books, and buy her cards of gingerbread[生姜を使った洋菓子] whenever he met her in the street.
The dim,[よく見えない, かすんだ] dusty[ちりまみれの] room, with the busts staring down from the tall bookcases, the cozy chairs, the globes,
and best of all, the wilderness[ごたごたした集まり] of books in which she could wander where she liked, made the library a region[地域] of bliss[無上の喜び] to her.
The moment Aunt March took her nap, or was busy with company, Jo hurried to this quiet place,
and curling herself up[縮こまり] in the easy chair, devoured[むさぼり食う] poetry, romance, history, travels, and pictures like a regular bookworm.
But, like all happiness, it did not last long, for as sure as[確実に] she had just reached the heart of the story,
the sweetest verse of a song, or the most perilous adventure of her traveler, a shrill voice called, “Josy-phine! Josy-phine!”
and she had to leave her paradise to wind yarn,[織り糸, 編み糸] wash the poodle, or read Belsham’s Essays by the hour together.
Jo’s ambition was to do something very splendid.
What it was, she had no idea as yet, but left it for time to tell[時間が告げる時を残しておく] her,
and meanwhile, found her greatest affliction[悩みの種, 不幸の原因] in the fact that she couldn’t read, run, and ride as much as she liked.
A quick temper, sharp tongue, and restless spirit were always getting her into scrapes,
and her life was a series of ups and downs, which were both comic and pathetic.
But the training she received at Aunt March’s was just what she needed,
and the thought that she was doing something to support herself[自活する] made her happy in spite of the perpetual[永久の] “Josy-phine!”
Beth was too bashful to go to school.
It had been tried, but she suffered so much[大変苦しみ] that it was given up, and she did her lessons at home with her father.
Even when he went away,[立ち去る] and her mother was called to devote her skill and energy to Soldiers’ Aid Societies, Beth went faithfully on by herself and did the best she could.
She was a housewifely little creature, and helped Hannah keep home neat and comfortable for the workers, never thinking of any reward but to be loved.
Long, quiet days she spent, not lonely nor idle, for her little world was peopled with[住まわせる] imaginary friends, and she was by nature a busy bee.[機敏で精力的な人]
There were six dolls to be taken up[手に取り] and dressed every morning, for Beth was a child still and loved her pets as well as ever.
Not one whole or handsome one among them, all were outcasts[追放人, 浮浪者] till Beth took them in, for when her sisters outgrew[成長して脱する] these idols,
they passed to[渡った] her because Amy would have nothing old or ugly.
Beth cherished them all the more tenderly for that very reason, and set up a hospital for infirm dolls.
No pins were ever stuck[突き刺す] into their cotton vitals,[生命の] no harsh words or blows were ever given them,
no neglect ever saddened the heart of the most repulsive,[胸が悪くなるような]
but all were fed and clothed, nursed and caressed[優しく扱う] with an affection which never failed.[〈供給などが〉不足する]
One forlorn[みじめな, 荒れ果てた] fragment[断片, かけら] of dollanity had belonged to Jo and, having led a tempestuous[暴風雨の] life,
was left a wreck in the rag bag, from which dreary[荒涼とした] poorhouse it was rescued by Beth and taken to her refuge.
Having no top to its head, she tied on a neat little cap, and as both arms and legs were gone,
she hid these deficiencies by folding it in a blanket and devoting her best bed to this chronic invalid.
If anyone had known the care[気にかかること] lavished on that dolly, I think it would have touched their hearts, even while they laughed.
She brought it bits of bouquets, she read to it, took it out to breathe fresh air, hidden under her coat, she sang it lullabies
and never went to bed without kissing its dirty face and whispering tenderly, “I hope you’ll have a good night, my poor dear.”