若草物語【8-3 ジョー、アポリオンに会う】

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As Jo received her good-night kiss, Mrs. March whispered gently, “My dear, don’t let the sun go down upon your anger.[怒りの上に日を沈ませないで]

ジョーがおやすみのキスを受けると、マーチ夫人はそっとささやいた。 「ねえ、怒りを明日に持ち越さないでちょうだい。

Forgive each other, help each other, and begin again tomorrow.”


Jo wanted to lay her head down on that motherly bosom, and cry her grief and anger all away,


but tears were an unmanly weakness,[男らしくない弱さ] and she felt so deeply injured that she really couldn’t quite forgive yet.


So she winked hard, shook her head, and said gruffly[粗暴な態度で] because Amy was listening, “It was an abominable[いとうべき, 忌まわしい] thing, and she doesn’t deserve to be forgiven.”[許しに値しない]


With that she marched off[堂々と出ていく] to bed, and there was no merry or confidential gossip that night.


Amy was much offended that her overtures[申し入れ] of peace had been repulsed, and began to wish she had not humbled[謙虚になる] herself, to feel more injured than ever,


and to plume herself on her superior virtue[優れた美徳] in a way which was particularly exasperating.[憤激させる]


Jo still looked like a thunder cloud,[雷雲のような] and nothing went well all day.


It was bitter cold in the morning, she dropped her precious[貴重な] turnover[パイ・ペストリーのようなパン] in the gutter, Aunt March had an attack of[~の病気が起こる] the fidgets,[そわそわ,せかせか]


Meg was sensitive, Beth would look grieved and wistful[もの欲しそうな] when she got home,


and Amy kept making remarks about people who were always talking about being good and yet wouldn’t even try when other people set them a virtuous[徳の高い] example.


“Everybody is so hateful,[いまいましい] I’ll ask Laurie to go skating. He is always kind and jolly, and will put me to rights,[正しいところに置いてくれる] I know,” said Jo to herself, and off she went.


Amy heard the clash of skates, and looked out with an impatient[いらいらした] exclamation.[絶叫]


“There! She promised I should go next time, for this is the last ice we shall have. But it’s no use to ask such a crosspatch to take me.”


“Don’t say that. You were very naughty, and it is hard to forgive the loss of her precious little book,


but I think she might do it now, and I guess she will, if you try her at the right minute,” said Meg.


“Go after them. Don’t say anything till Jo has got good-natured with Laurie, than take a quiet minute and just kiss her,


or do some kind thing, and I’m sure she’ll be friends again with all her heart.”


“I’ll try,” said Amy, for the advice suited her, and after a flurry to get ready, she ran after the friends, who were just disappearing over the hill.


It was not far to the river, but both were ready before Amy reached them. Jo saw her coming, and turned her back.


Laurie did not see, for he was carefully skating along the shore, sounding the ice, for a warm spell[陽気] had preceded[~より先に起こる] the cold snap.[突然の一時的な寒い天候]


“I’ll go on to the first bend, and see if it’s all right before we begin to race,” Amy heard him say,


as he shot away, looking like a young Russian in his fur-trimmed coat and cap.


Jo heard Amy panting after her run, stamping her feet and blowing on her fingers as she tried to put her skates on,[《英俗》 急ぐ=スケートを履けば、早く移動できる]


but Jo never turned and went slowly zigzagging down the river, taking a bitter,[辛辣] unhappy[適切でない] sort of satisfaction in her sister’s troubles.


She had cherished[大事にする] her anger till it grew strong and took possession of her, as evil thoughts and feelings always do unless cast out[追放する] at once.


As Laurie turned the bend, he shouted back…


“Keep near the shore. It isn’t safe in the middle.” Jo heard, but Amy was struggling to her feet and did not catch a word.


Jo glanced over her shoulder, and the little demon she was harboring[心に抱く, かくまう] said in her ear…


“No matter whether she heard or not, let her take care of herself.”


Laurie had vanished round the bend, Jo was just at the turn, and Amy, far behind, striking out toward the smoother ice[シャーベット状の氷] in the middle of the river.


For a minute Jo stood still with a strange feeling in her heart, then she resolved to go on, but something held[つかむ,引きつける] and turned her round,


just in time to see Amy throw up her hands and go down, with a sudden crash of rotten[腐った] ice, the splash of water, and a cry that made Jo’s heart stand still with fear.


She tried to call Laurie, but her voice was gone.


She tried to rush forward, but her feet seemed to have no strength in them,


and for a second, she could only stand motionless, staring[じろじろ見る] with a terror-stricken face at the little blue hood above the black water.


Something rushed swiftly by her, and Laurie’s voice cried out…


“Bring a rail. Quick, quick!”


How she did it, she never knew, but for the next few minutes she worked as if possessed, blindly obeying Laurie, who was quite self-possessed,


and lying flat,[平らに横になり] held Amy up[持ち上げる] by his arm and hockey stick till Jo dragged a rail from the fence, and together they got the child out, more frightened[怯えた] than hurt.


“Now then, we must walk her home as fast as we can.


Pile our things on her, while I get off these confounded[けしからぬ] skates,” cried Laurie,


wrapping his coat round Amy, and tugging away at the straps which never seemed so intricate[複雑な, 難解な] before.
