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Beth hurried on in a flutter[はためく, ひらひら震える] of suspense.[宙ぶらりんの状態]
At the door her sisters seized and bore[bearの過去] her to the parlor in a triumphal[凱旋] procession, all pointing and all saying at once, “Look there! Look there!”
Beth did look, and turned pale with delight and surprise,
for there stood a little cabinet piano, with a letter lying on the glossy lid, directed like a sign board to “Miss Elizabeth March.”
“For me?” gasped Beth, holding onto Jo and feeling as if she should tumble down, it was such an overwhelming[圧倒的な] thing altogether.[まったく, 完全に]
“Yes, all for you, my precious![貴重な, 大切な] Isn’t it splendid of him? Don’t you think he’s the dearest old man in the world?
Here’s the key in the letter.
We didn’t open it, but we are dying to know what he says,” cried Jo, hugging her sister and offering the note.
“You read it! I can’t, I feel so queer! Oh, it is too lovely!” and Beth hid her face in Jo’s apron, quite upset by her present.
Jo opened the paper and began to laugh, for the first words she saw were…
“Miss March: “Dear Madam—”
“How nice it sounds! I wish someone would write to me so!” said Amy, who thought the old-fashioned address very elegant.
“‘I have had many pairs of slippers in my life,[人生を通して] but I never had any that suited me so well as yours,'” continues Jo.
“‘Heart’s-ease[パンジーの別名] is my favorite flower, and these will always remind me of the gentle giver.
I like to pay my debts,[借り] so I know you will allow ‘the old gentleman’ to send you something which once belonged to[~に所属している] the little grand daughter he lost.
With hearty thanks and best wishes, I remain “‘Your grateful[謝意を表わす] friend and humble[謙虚な] servant, ‘JAMES LAURENCE’.”
“There, Beth, that’s an honor to be proud of, I’m sure! Laurie told me how fond Mr. Laurence used to be of the child who died,
and how he kept all her little things carefully.
Just think, he’s given you her piano.
That comes of[~のせい] having big blue eyes and loving music,” said Jo, trying to soothe Beth, who trembled and looked more excited than she had ever been before.
あなたの大きな青い目と、音楽への愛のおかげよ」今まで見たことがないほど興奮して震えるベス をなだめようとしてジョーは言った。
“See the cunning[こうかつな、ずるい] brackets[腕木,張り出し金具] to hold candles, and the nice green silk, puckered up,[すぼめる] with a gold rose in the middle,
and the pretty rack and stool,[足の高い一本足の腰掛け] all complete,” added Meg, opening the instrument and displaying[展示する] its beauties.
“‘Your humble servant, James Laurence’. Only think of his writing that to you.
I’ll tell the girls. They’ll think it’s splendid,” said Amy, much impressed by the note.
“Try it, honey. Let’s hear the sound of the baby pianny[piano],” said Hannah, who always took a share in the family joys and sorrows.
So Beth tried it, and everyone pronounced it the most remarkable[注目すべき・驚くべき] piano ever heard.
It had evidently been newly tuned and put in[設置する] apple-pie order,[整然とした状態] but, perfect as it was,
I think the real charm lay in[~にある] the happiest of all happy faces which leaned over it, as Beth lovingly touched the beautiful black and white keys and pressed the bright pedals.
とりわけ魅力的だったのは、黒と白の美しい鍵盤を愛情をこめて触れ、ピカピカのペダルを踏む ベスのピアノに身を寄せる 姉妹たちの何よりも幸せそうな表情だと思う。
“You’ll have to go and thank him,” said Jo, by way of a joke, for the idea of the child’s really going never entered her head.
“Yes, I mean to. I guess I’ll go now, before I get frightened thinking about it.”
And, to the utter amazement of the assembled family, Beth walked deliberately[慎重に] down the garden, through the hedge, and in at the Laurences’ door.
“Well, I wish I may die if it ain’t the queerest thing I ever see! The pianny has turned her head!
She’d never have gone in her right mind,” cried Hannah, staring after her, while the girls were rendered[人を…にする] quite speechless by the miracle.
They would have been still more amazed if they had seen what Beth did afterward.
If you will believe me, she went and knocked at the study door before she gave herself time to think,
and when a gruff[しわがれた, どら声の] voice called out, “come in!” she did go in, right up to Mr. Laurence, who looked quite taken aback,[非常に驚かせる]
and held out her hand, saying, with only a small quaver in her voice, “I came to thank you, sir, for…” But she didn’t finish,
for he looked so friendly that she forgot her speech and, only remembering that he had lost the little girl he loved, she put both arms round his neck[首にしがみつく] and kissed him.
If the roof of the house had suddenly flown off,[飛び散る] the old gentleman wouldn’t have been more astonished. But he liked it.
Oh, dear, yes, he liked it amazingly! And was so touched and pleased by that confiding[心を許す] little kiss that all his crustiness[crusty + ness] vanished,
and he just set her on his knee, and laid his wrinkled[小じわ] cheek against her rosy one, feeling as if he had got his own little granddaughter back again.
Beth ceased to fear him from that moment, and sat there talking to him as cozily[親しみやすく] as if she had known him all her life, for love casts out fear, and gratitude can conquer[征服する,抑える] pride.
When she went home, he walked with her to her own gate, shook hands cordially,
and touched his hat as he marched back again, looking very stately and erect, like a handsome, soldierly old gentleman, as he was.
When the girls saw that performance, Jo began to dance a jig, by way of expressing her satisfaction,[満足]
Amy nearly fell out[外へ落ちる] of the window in her surprise, and Meg exclaimed, with up-lifted hands, “Well, I do believe the world is coming to an end.”