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On my word, Mother, I haven’t! I never saw that note before, and don’t know anything about it, as true as I live[私が生きているのと同じくらい真実]!” said Jo, so earnestly[熱心に] that they believed her.


If I had taken part in it I’d have done it better than this, and have written a sensible[分別のある] note.


I should think you’d have known Mr. Brooke wouldn’t write such stuff[そんなもの] as that,” she added, scornfully[軽蔑したように] tossing down[投げる] the paper.

ブルックさんがそんなこと書かないことをメグが知ってるの、私には分かってるもの」 と、彼女は小ばかにしたように手紙を放り投げた。

“It’s like his writing,” faltered[つまずく, たじろぐ] Meg, comparing it with the note in her hand.


“Oh, Meg, you didn’t answer it?” cried Mrs. March quickly.


“Yes, I did!” and Meg hid her face again, overcome with[(強い感情などに)支配される] shame.


Here’s a scrape[ここに擦り傷(面倒,難儀)がある]! Do let me bring that wicked[邪悪な] boy over to explain and be lectured.[説教される] I can’t rest till I get hold of him.” And Jo made for the door again.

なんて厄介なの! あの悪ガキを連れてきてすべてを白状させて[説明させて]説教してやりましょう。あいつを捕まえるまで気が休まらないわ」とジョーは再びドアの方へ向かった。

Hush! Let me handle this, for it is worse than I thought


Margaret[Meg], tell me the whole story,” commanded[命じる] Mrs. March, sitting down by Meg, yet keeping hold of[握り続ける] Jo, lest she should fly off.


“I received the first letter from Laurie, who didn’t look as if he knew anything about it,” began Meg, without looking up.


I was worried at first and meant to tell you, then I remembered how you liked Mr. Brooke, so I thought you wouldn’t mind if I kept my little secret for a few days.


I’m so silly that I liked to think no one knew, and while I was deciding what to say[何を言うかを決めている間], I felt like the girls in books, who have such things to do.


Forgive me, Mother, I’m paid for my silliness now. I never can look him in the face again.”


“What did you say to him?” asked Mrs. March.


“I only said I was too young to do anything about it yet, that I didn’t wish to have secrets from you, and he must speak to father.


I was very grateful for his kindness, and would be his friend, but nothing more, for a long while.


Mrs. March smiled, as if well pleased, and Jo clapped her hands, exclaiming, with a laugh


“You are almost equal to Caroline Percy[慎み深い小説の主人公], who was a pattern[お手本] of prudence! Tell on, Meg. What did he say to that?”


“He writes in a different way entirely, telling me that he never sent any love letter at all,


and is very sorry that my roguish sister, Jo, should take liberties with our names.


It’s very kind and respectful, but think how dreadful[恐ろしい] for me!


Meg leaned against her mother, looking the image of despair[絶望, 失望], and Jo tramped about the room, calling Laurie names.


All of a sudden she stopped, caught up the two notes, and after looking at them closely, said decidedly, “I don’t believe Brooke ever saw either of these letters.

突然彼女は立ち止まり、2通の手紙に手を伸ばし、それらをよく見た後、きっぱりと言った。 「ブルックさんはどっちの手紙も見ていないと思う」

Teddy wrote both, and keeps yours to crow over[上で鳴く=誇示する] me with because I wouldn’t tell him my secret.”


“Don’t have any secrets, Jo. Tell it to Mother and keep out of trouble, as I should have done,” said Meg warningly.[警告的に]


“Bless you, child! Mother told me.”


That will do, Jo. I’ll comfort[慰める] Meg while you go and get Laurie. I shall sift[ふるいにかける] the matter to the bottom, and put a stop to such pranks at once.”


Away ran Jo, and Mrs. March gently told Meg Mr. Brooke’s real feelings.


“Now, dear, what are your own? Do you love him enough to wait till he can make a home for you, or will you keep yourself quite free for the present?[当分, さしあたり]

「ねえ、あなたの気持ちはどうなの? 彼があなたのために家庭を作れるようになるまで待てるほど彼を愛してる? それとも、あなたはしばらくの間、自由でいたいのかしら?」

“I’ve been so scared[怖くて] and worried, I don’t want to have anything to do with lovers for a long while, perhaps never,” answered Meg petulantly.


“If John doesn’t know anything about this nonsense, don’t tell him, and make Jo and Laurie hold their tongues.


I won’t be deceived[騙される] and plagued[悩まされる] and made a fool of. It’s a shame!


Seeing Meg’s usually gentle temper[優しい気性] was roused[奮起させる] and her pride hurt by this mischievous joke,


Mrs. March soothed[なだめた] her by promises of entire silence[完全な静寂] and great discretion[思慮分別] for the future.


The instant[瞬間, 瞬時] Laurie’s step was heard in the hall, Meg fled into[~に逃げ込む] the study, and Mrs. March received the culprit[犯罪者] alone.


Jo had not told him why he was wanted, fearing he wouldn’t come, but he knew the minute he saw Mrs. March’s face,


and stood twirling his hat with a guilty air[罪深い空気] which convicted[有罪と宣告する] him at once.


Jo was dismissed[(面前から)去らせる、退出を許す], but chose to march up and down[行ったり来たりする] the hall like a sentinel[歩哨, 哨兵], having some fear that the prisoner[囚人] might bolt.[逃げ出す]


The sound of voices in the parlor rose and fell for half an hour, but what happened during that interview the girls never knew.


When they were called in, Laurie was standing by their mother with such a penitent face that Jo forgave him on the spot, but did not think it wise to betray the fact.


Meg received his humble apology, and was much comforted by the assurance that Brooke knew nothing of the joke.


“I’ll never tell him to my dying day, wild horses shan’t[shall not] drag it out of me, so you’ll forgive me, Meg,

僕は死んでも決して言いません、野生の馬に引きずられたって言いません。[野生の馬は僕からそれを引き出すことはできない] だから、僕を許して、メグ。

and I’ll do anything to show how out-and-out sorry I am,” he added, looking very much ashamed of himself.

そして僕がどんなに[まったくの, 純然たる]後悔しているかを示すために何でもします」と、自分をとても恥じているようにローリーは付け加えた。