『若草物語』英文/和訳【9-5. メグ、虚栄の市へ行く】

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“Dear me!” said the old lady, putting up her glass for another observation of Meg, who tried to look as if she had not heard and been rather shocked at Mrs. Moffat’s fibs.


The ‘queer feeling’ did not pass away,[消滅する, 終わる] but she imagined herself acting the new part of fine lady and so got on[進める] pretty well,

「奇妙な感情 」なくなることはなかったが、メグは自分が新たに素敵な女性の役を演じているのだと想像し、とても上手に演じて見せた。

though the tight dress gave her a side-ache, the train kept getting under[~の下に入る] her feet,


and she was in constant fear lest her earrings should fly off and get lost or broken.


She was flirting her fan and laughing at the feeble[内容の乏しい] jokes of a young gentleman who tried to be witty,[機知に富んだ]


when she suddenly stopped laughing and looked confused, for just opposite, she saw Laurie.


He was staring at her with undisguised surprise, and disapproval[不承認] also, she thought, for though he bowed and smiled,


yet something in his honest eyes made her blush and wish she had her old dress on.


To complete[完全になる] her confusion,[困惑, ろうばい] she saw Belle nudge[注意を引くためひじでそっと突く] Annie, and both glance from her to Laurie, who, she was happy to see, looked unusually boyish and shy.


“Silly creatures, to put such thoughts into my head.[頭に~を入れる]


I won’t care for it, or let it change me a bit,” thought Meg, and rustled across the room to shake hands with her friend.


“I’m glad you came, I was afraid you wouldn’t.” she said, with her most grown-up air.


“Jo wanted me to come, and tell her how you looked, so I did,” answered Laurie, without turning his eyes upon her, though he half smiled at her maternal tone.

「ジョーがあなたがどんな様子か見てきてって言うもんだから、やって来ました」と、メグの母親のような口調微かな笑みを浮かべつつ、目をそらさず[turn one’s eyes 視線をそらす]ローリーは答えた。

“What shall you tell her?” asked Meg, full of curiosity to know his opinion of her, yet feeling ill at ease with him for the first time.


“I shall say I didn’t know you, for you look so grown-up[成長した] and unlike yourself, I’m quite afraid of you,” he said, fumbling at his glove button.


“How absurd of you! The girls dressed me up for fun, and I rather like it.


Wouldn’t Jo stare[(目を丸く見開いて)じっと見る] if she saw me?” said Meg, bent on[熱心に] making him say whether he thought her improved or not.


“Yes, I think she would,” returned Laurie gravely.


“Don’t you like me so?” asked Meg.


“No, I don’t,” was the blunt reply.


“Why not?” in an anxious tone.


He glanced at her frizzled head, bare shoulders, and fantastically trimmed dress


with an expression that abashed her more than his answer, which had not a particle of his usual politeness in it.


“I don’t like fuss and feathers.”


That was altogether[まったく,完全に] too much from a lad[若者] younger than herself, and Meg walked away, saying petulantly, “You are the rudest[rude の最上級] boy I ever saw.”


Feeling very much ruffled,[しわくちゃの, 波立った] she went and stood at a quiet window to cool her cheeks, for the tight dress gave her an uncomfortably brilliant color.


As she stood there, Major Lincoln passed by, and a minute after she heard him saying to his mother…


“They are making a fool of that little girl. I wanted you to see her, but they have spoiled her entirely. She’s nothing but a doll tonight.”


“Oh, dear!” sighed Meg.


“I wish I’d been sensible and worn my own things, then I should not have disgusted other people, or felt so uncomfortable and ashamed of myself.”


She leaned her forehead on the cool pane, and stood half hidden by the curtains, never minding that her favorite waltz had begun, till some one touched her,


and turning, she saw Laurie, looking penitent, as he said, with his very best bow and his hand out…


“Please forgive my rudeness, and come and dance with me.”


“I’m afraid it will be too disagreeable to you,” said Meg, trying to look offended and failing entirely.


“Not a bit of it, I’m dying to do it. Come, I’ll be good. I don’t like your gown, but I do think you are just splendid.”


And he waved his hands, as if words failed to express his admiration.


Meg smiled and relented,[(怒り・興奮などが少しやわらいで)穏やかな気持ちになる] and whispered as they stood waiting to catch the time,


“Take care my skirt doesn’t trip you up. It’s the plague[疫病] of my life and I was a goose to wear it.”


“Pin it round your neck, and then it will be useful,” said Laurie, looking down at the little blue boots, which he evidently approved of.


Away they went fleetly[敏速な動作で] and gracefully, for having practiced at home, they were well matched,


and the blithe young couple were a pleasant sight to see, as they twirled merrily round and round,[ぐるぐると回って] feeling more friendly than ever after their small tiff.


“Laurie, I want you to do me a favor, will you?” said Meg, as he stood fanning her when her breath gave out, which it did very soon though she would not own why.


“Won’t I!” said Laurie, with alacrity.[敏速, 気軽]


“Please don’t tell them at home about my dress tonight. They won’t understand the joke, and it will worry Mother.”


“Then why did you do it?” said Laurie’s eyes, so plainly that Meg hastily added…


“I shall tell them myself all about it, and ‘fess’ to Mother how silly I’ve been. But I’d rather do it myself. So you’ll not tell, will you?”


“I give you my word I won’t, only what shall I say when they ask me?”


“Just say I looked pretty well and was having a good time.”
