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『若草物語』英文/和訳【16-1. 手紙】
In the cold gray dawn the sisters lit their lamp and read their chapter with an earnestness never felt before.
For now the shadow of a real trouble had come, the little books were full of help and comfort,
and as they dressed, they agreed to say goodbye cheerfully and hopefully,
and send their mother on her anxious journey unsaddened by tears or complaints from them.
Everything seemed very strange when they went down, so dim and still outside, so full of light and bustle within.
Breakfast at that early hour seemed odd,[風変わりな, 妙な] and even Hannah’s familiar face looked unnatural as she flew about her kitchen with her nightcap on.
The big trunk stood ready in the hall, Mother’s cloak and bonnet[女性用の帽子] lay on the sofa,
and Mother herself sat trying to eat, but looking so pale[青白い] and worn[疲れ切った] with sleeplessness and anxiety that the girls found it very hard to keep their resolution.[決意]
Meg’s eyes kept filling in spite of herself, Jo was obliged to hide her face in the kitchen roller more than once,[一度ならず]
and the little girls wore[〈表情・態度などを〉している] a grave, troubled expression, as if sorrow was a new experience to them.
Nobody talked much, but as the time drew very near[近づき] and they sat waiting for the carriage,
Mrs. March said to the girls, who were all busied about her,
one folding her shawl, another smoothing out[〔しわを〕伸ばす] the strings[ひも] of her bonnet, a third putting on[履く] overshoes, and a fourth fastening up her travelling bag…
“Children, I leave you to Hannah’s care and Mr. Laurence’s protection.
Hannah is faithfulness[忠実,誠実] itself, and our good neighbor will guard you as if you were his own.
I have no fears for you, yet I am anxious that you should take this trouble rightly.
Don’t grieve[深く悲しむ,心痛する] and fret[いらだつ] when I am gone, or think that you can be idle and comfort yourselves by being idle and trying to forget.
Go on with your work as usual, for work is a blessed solace.[慰安, 慰めになるもの]
Hope and keep busy, and whatever happens, remember that you never can be fatherless.”[父のない]
“Yes, Mother.”
“Meg, dear, be prudent, watch over your sisters, consult Hannah, and in any perplexity,[困った事, 難局] go to Mr. Laurence.
Be patient, Jo, don’t get despondent or do rash things, write to me often, and be my brave girl, ready to help and cheer all.
Beth, comfort yourself with your music, and be faithful[誠実な] to the little home duties, and you, Amy, help all you can, be obedient,[従順な, 忠順な] and keep happy safe at home.”
“We will, Mother! We will!”
The rattle[ガタガタ鳴る] of an approaching carriage made them all start and listen.
That was the hard minute, but the girls stood it well.
No one cried, no one ran away or uttered a lamentation,[悲嘆, 哀悼] though their hearts were very heavy as they sent loving messages to[愛のこもったメッセージを言い送る] Father,
remembering, as they spoke that it might be too late to deliver[~を伝える] them.
They kissed their mother quietly, clung about her tenderly, and tried to wave their hands cheerfully when she drove away.
Laurie and his grandfather came over to see her off, and Mr. Brooke looked so strong and sensible[思慮のある, 賢明な] and kind that the girls christened[洗礼を施す] him ‘Mr. Greatheart’ on the spot.
“Good-by, my darlings! God bless and keep us all!” whispered Mrs. March, as she kissed one dear little face after the other, and hurried into the carriage.
As she rolled away,[転がり込む] the sun came out, and looking back, she saw it shining on the group at the gate like a good omen.[吉兆, 吉徴]
They saw it also, and smiled and waved their hands, and the last thing she beheld as she turned the corner was the four bright faces,
and behind them like a bodyguard, old Mr. Laurence, faithful Hannah, and devoted Laurie.
“How kind everyone is to us!” she said, turning to find fresh proof of it in the respectful[(他人に対して)敬意を表する] sympathy[同情, 思いやり] of the young man’s face.
“I don’t see how they can help it,”[彼らが我慢できるとは思わない] returned Mr. Brooke, laughing so infectiously that Mrs. March could not help smiling.
And so the journey began with the good omens of sunshine, smiles, and cheerful words.
“I feel as if there had been an earthquake,” said Jo, as their neighbors went home to breakfast, leaving them to rest and refresh themselves.
“It seems as if half the house was gone,” added Meg forlornly.
Beth opened her lips to say something, but could only point to the pile of[山のよう] nicely mended hose[ストッキング,ソックス] which lay on Mother’s table,
showing that even in her last hurried moments she had thought and worked for them.
It was a little thing, but it went straight to their hearts, and in spite of their brave resolutions,[決意, 決心(したこと)] they all broke down[〈人が〉泣きくずれる] and cried bitterly.
Hannah wisely allowed them to relieve[やわらげる, 楽にする] their feelings, and when the shower showed signs of clearing up, she came to the rescue, armed with[用意して,装備して] a coffeepot.
“Now, my dear young ladies, remember what your ma[mother] said, and don’t fret.[いらいらさせる, 悩ます]
Come and have a cup of coffee all round,[まんべんなく] and then let’s fall to work[仕事を始める] and be a credit to the family.”[(功績などで)面目を施す]
Coffee was a treat, and Hannah showed great tact in making it that morning.
No one could resist her persuasive nods, or the fragrant invitation issuing from the nose of the coffee pot.
They drew up[(…に)寄って来る,近づく] to the table, exchanged their handkerchiefs for napkins, and in ten minutes were all right again.