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『若草物語』英文/和訳【17-3. 小さなまごころ】
“Will you take me out in the trotting[速足] wagon with Puck?”
“On my honor as a gentleman.”
“And come every single day[くる日もくる日も]?”
“See if I don’t!”
“And bring me back the minute Beth is well?”
“The identical[まったく同じ, 同一の] minute.”
“And go to the theater, truly?”
“A dozen theaters, if we may.”
“Well—I guess I will,” said Amy slowly.
“Good girl! Call Meg, and tell her you’ll give in,[譲る, 屈する]” said Laurie, with an approving pat, which annoyed Amy more than the ‘giving in’.
「いい子だ!メグを呼んで、降参したって言っておいで」とローリーは満足げに手を叩いたが、それはエイミーを 『降参した』 と言われる以上にいらいらさせた。
Meg and Jo came running down to behold the miracle which had been wrought[worked],
and Amy, feeling very precious[貴重な, 高価な] and self-sacrificing,[自己を犠牲にする] promised to go, if the doctor said Beth was going to be ill.
“How is the little dear?” asked Laurie, for Beth was his especial pet, and he felt more anxious about her than he liked to show.
“She is lying down on Mother’s bed, and feels better.
The baby’s death troubled her, but I dare say she has only got cold.
Hannah says she thinks so, but she looks worried, and that makes me fidgety,” answered Meg.
ハンナもそう思うって言ってるんだけど、心配そうな顔しているから、私もイライラして落ち着かなくさせるの」 とメグは答えた。
“What a trying[厄介な, イライラする] world it is!” said Jo, rumpling up[髪などを乱す] her hair in a fretful[いらいらする, 腹立ちやすい] way.
“No sooner do we get out of one trouble than down comes another.
There doesn’t seem to be anything to hold on to[物事を固定するために掴むこと] when Mother’s gone, so I’m all at sea.”[混乱して、方針が定まらない]
“Well, don’t make a porcupine of yourself, it isn’t becoming.
Settle your wig, Jo, and tell me if I shall telegraph to your mother, or do anything?” asked Laurie, who never had been reconciled[(しかたなく)満足する] to the loss of his friend’s one beauty.
“That is what troubles me,” said Meg.
“I think we ought to tell her if Beth is really ill, but Hannah says we mustn’t, for Mother can’t leave Father, and it will only make them anxious.
Beth won’t be sick long, and Hannah knows just what to do, and Mother said we were to mind her, so I suppose we must, but it doesn’t seem quite right to me.”
“Hum, well, I can’t say. Suppose[(判断の根拠が比較的薄い形で)思う] you ask Grandfather after the doctor has been.”
“We will. Jo, go and get Dr. Bangs at once,” commanded Meg.
“We can’t decide anything till he has been.”
“Stay where you are, Jo. I’m errand boy[お使いの男の子] to this establishment,”[施設] said Laurie, taking up his cap.
“I’m afraid you are busy,” began Meg.
“No, I’ve done my lessons for the day.”
“Do you study in vacation time?” asked Jo.
“I follow[〈先例・風習などに〉従う,習う] the good example my neighbors set me,”[私を設置した=私に示してくれた] was Laurie’s answer, as he swung himself out of the room.
“I have great hopes for my boy,”[私の男友達に大きな期待をしている] observed Jo, watching him fly over the fence with an approving smile.
“He does very well, for a boy,” was Meg’s somewhat[いくぶん, 多少] ungracious[ていねいでない, 無愛想な] answer, for the subject did not interest her.
Dr. Bangs came, said Beth had symptoms of the fever, but he thought she would have it lightly, though he looked sober over the Hummel story.
Amy was ordered off at once, and provided with something to ward off danger, she departed in great state, with Jo and Laurie as escort.
Aunt March received them with her usual hospitality.
“What do you want now?” she asked, looking sharply over her spectacles, while the parrot, sitting on the back of her chair, called out…
“Go away. No boys allowed here.”
Laurie retired to the window, and Jo told her story.
“No more than I expected,[期待以上ではない] if you are allowed to go poking about[不用意に立ち入る] among poor folks.
Amy can stay and make herself useful[自分の力を役立てる] if she isn’t sick, which I’ve no doubt she will be, looks like it now.
Don’t cry, child, it worries me to hear people sniff.”[鼻をかむ]
Amy was on the point of crying, but Laurie slyly[こそこそと、ひそかに] pulled the parrot’s tail, which caused Polly to utter an astonished[驚いた, びっくりした] croak[(カエル・カラスなどの)ガーガー鳴く声]
and call out, “Bless my boots!”[私のブーツに祝福を!] in such a funny way, that she laughed instead.[その代わりとして]
“What do you hear from your mother?” asked the old lady gruffly.
“Father is much better,” replied Jo, trying to keep sober.
“Oh, is he? Well, that won’t last long, I fancy. March never had any stamina,” was the cheerful reply.
“Ha, ha! Never say die, take a pinch of snuff,[気を取り直すために深呼吸をする] goodbye, goodbye!” squalled Polly, dancing on her perch,
「ハッ、ハッ、ハッ 弱音を吐くな、煙草でも一つまみの嗅いで、さようなら、さようなら!」とポリーは金切り声を上げ、止まり木で踊っていると、
and clawing at the old lady’s cap as Laurie tweaked[指や爪でさするようにつまむ、引っ張る] him in the rear.
“Hold your tongue, you disrespectful[失礼な, 無礼な] old bird! And, Jo, you’d better go at once.
It isn’t proper[(目的・状況などにかなって)適切な] to be gadding about[遊び歩く] so late with a rattlepated[感覚または裁量を欠く] boy like…”
“Hold your tongue, you disrespectful old bird!” cried Polly, tumbling off[~から転落する] the chair with a bounce,
and running to peck the ‘rattlepated’ boy, who was shaking with laughter at the last speech.
最後の言葉で笑いながら体を震わせていた『ろくでなし 』の少年を突こうとして走った。
“I don’t think I can bear it, but I’ll try,” thought Amy, as she was left alone with Aunt March.
“Get along, you fright[お化けみたいな(醜い)人]!” screamed Polly, and at that rude speech Amy could not restrain[抑える, 抑制する] a sniff.