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『若草物語』英文/和訳【19-2 エイミーの遺言状】
“Which would Mademoiselle choose if she had her will?” asked Esther, who always sat near to watch over and lock up the valuables.
“I like the diamonds best, but there is no necklace among them, and I‘m fond of necklaces, they are so becoming.[似つかわしい]
I should choose this if I might,” replied Amy, looking with great admiration at a string of gold and ebony[黒檀] beads from which hung a heavy cross of the same.
“I, too, covet[強く欲しがる] that, but not as a necklace. Ah, no! To me it is a rosary, and as such I should use it like a good catholic,” said Esther, eyeing the handsome thing wistfully.[物欲しそうに]
“Is it meant to use as you use the string of good-smelling wooden beads hanging over your glass?” asked Amy.
“Truly, yes, to pray with. It would be pleasing to the saints if one used so fine a rosary as this, instead of wearing it as a vain[うぬぼれた、虚栄心の強い] bijou.[宝石、装飾品]“
“You seem to take a great deal of comfort in your prayers,[祈り] Esther, and always come down looking quiet and satisfied.[静かで満足そうに見える] I wish I could.”
“If Mademoiselle was a Catholic, she would find true comfort, but as that is not to be,
it would be well[~するとよいでしょう] if you went apart each day to meditate[瞑想する] and pray, as did the good mistress whom I served before Madame.
She had a little chapel, and in it found solacement[失望や苦痛への慰め] for much trouble.”
“Would it be right for me to do so too?” asked Amy, who in her loneliness felt the need of help of some sort,[ある種の]
and found that she was apt to forget her little book, now that Beth was not there to remind her of it.
“It would be excellent and charming, and I shall gladly arrange the little dressing room for you if you like it.
Say nothing to Madame, but when she sleeps go you[文語的な英語で使われる古い言い回し=you go] and sit alone a while to think good thoughts, and pray the dear God preserve[助け守る] your sister.”
Esther was truly pious,[敬虔な] and quite sincere[誠実な] in her advice, for she had an affectionate heart, and felt much for the sisters in their anxiety.[不安, 心配]
Amy liked the idea, and gave her leave to arrange the light closet next her room, hoping it would do her good.
“I wish I knew where all these pretty things would go when Aunt March dies,” she said,
as she slowly replaced the shining rosary and shut the jewel cases one by one.
“To you and your sisters. I know it, Madame confides in me.
I witnessed[目撃した] her will,[遺言] and it is to be so,[それはそうなる]” whispered Esther smiling.
私は奥様の遺言の立会人になりましたので、間違いありません」 とエスターは微笑みながらささやいた。
“How nice! But I wish she’d let us have them now. Procrastination[引き延ばすこと, 延期] is not agreeable,” observed[観察に基づいて述べる] Amy, taking a last look at the diamonds.
“It is too soon yet for the young ladies to wear these things.
The first one who is affianced[結婚する] will have the pearls, Madame has said it,
and I have a fancy that the little turquoise ring will be given to you when you go, for Madame approves your good behavior and charming manners.”
“Do you think so? Oh, I’ll be a lamb, if I can only have that lovely ring! It’s ever so much prettier than Kitty Bryant’s.
I do like Aunt March after all.” And Amy tried on the blue ring with a delighted face and a firm[確固たる] resolve[決意] to earn it.
From that day she was a model of obedience, and the old lady complacently admired the success of her training.
Esther fitted up[装着する] the closet[押入れ,戸棚] with a little table, placed a footstool[(座っている人の)足のせ台] before it, and over it a picture taken from one of the shut-up rooms.[閉じられた部屋]
She thought it was of no great value, but, being appropriate, she borrowed it, well knowing that Madame would never know it, nor care if she did.
It was, however, a very valuable copy of one of the famous pictures of the world,
and Amy’s beauty-loving eyes were never tired of looking up at the sweet face of the Divine Mother,
while her tender thoughts of her own were busy at her heart.
On the table she laid her little testament and hymnbook, kept a vase always full of the best flowers Laurie brought her,
and came every day to ‘sit alone’ thinking good thoughts, and praying the dear God to preserve her sister.
Esther had given her a rosary of black beads with a silver cross,
but Amy hung it up and did not use it, feeling doubtful as to its fitness for Protestant prayers.