『ドリトル先生航海記』 英文/和訳 【3-4-2.苦労は続く】

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So we went downstairs into the store-room and Polynesia told us to keep quite still and listen. This we did.


And presently we heard from a dark corner of the hold[(航海用語)船倉] the distinct sound of someone snoring.


“Ah, I thought so,” said Polynesia. “It’s a man—and a big one.


Climb in there, both of you, and haul him out. It sounds as though he were behind that barrel—Gosh!


We seem to have brought half of Puddleby with us. Anyone would think we were a penny ferry-boat.[1ドルフェリーボート] Such cheek! Haul him out.”


So Bumpo and I lit a lantern and climbed over the stores.


And there, behind the barrel, sure enough, we found an enormous[巨大な] bearded[あごひげのある] man fast asleep with a well-fed[食べ物がいい] look on his face.


We woke him up.


“Washamarrer?”[What’s the matter?] he said sleepily.


It was Ben Butcher, the able seaman.


Polynesia spluttered[(興奮・怒りなどによる)わけのわからないしゃべり方] like an angry fire-cracker.[爆竹, かんしゃく玉]


“This is the last straw,”[無価値なもの,つまらないもの] said she. “The one man in the world we least wanted. Shiver[震える] my timbers,[材木] what cheek!”


“Would it not be, advisable,[賢明で,望ましい] suggested Bumpo, “while the varlet is still sleepy, to strike him on the head with some heavy object and push him through a port-hole into the sea?”


“No. We’d get into trouble,” said Polynesia.


“We’re not in Jolliginki now, you know—worse luck!—Besides, there never was a port-hole[舷窓] big enough to push that man through.


Bring him upstairs to the Doctor.”


So we led the man to the wheel where he respectfully touched his cap to the Doctor.


“Another stowaway, Sir,” said Bumpo smartly.


I thought the poor Doctor would have a fit.[びっくりする, ひどく腹を立てる]


“Good morning, Captain,” said the man. “Ben Butcher, able seaman, at your service. I knew you’d need me, so I took the liberty of stowing away—much against my conscience.[良心, 道義心]


But I just couldn’t bear to see you poor landsmen[陸上生活者]set out on[…に出発する] this voyage without a single real seaman to help you.


You’d never have got home alive if I hadn’t come—Why look at your mainsail, Sir—all loose at the throat.


First gust of wind come along,[やってくる] and away goes your canvas overboard[(船から)水中に]


Well, it’s all right now I’m here. We’ll soon get things in shipshape.”[きちんとして, 整然として]


“No, it isn’t all right,” said the Doctor, “it’s all wrong. And I’m not at all glad to see you. I told you in Puddleby I didn’t want you. You had no right to come.”


“But Captain,” said the able seaman, “you can’t sail this ship without me. You don’t understand navigation.


Why, look at the compass now: you’ve let her swing a point and a half off her course.


It’s madness for you to try to do this trip alone—if you’ll pardon my saying so, Sir.

この旅を一人でやろうとするのは狂気の沙汰だ。こう言っては失礼だが… 船長。

Why—why, you’ll lose the ship!”


“Look here,” said the Doctor, a sudden stern[厳格な, 断固たる] look coming into his eyes, “losing a ship is nothing to me. I’ve lost ships before and it doesn’t bother me in the least.


When I set out[出発する,着手する] to go to a place, I get there. Do you understand? I may know nothing whatever about sailing and navigation, but I get there just the same.


Now you may be the best seaman in the world, but on this ship you’re just a plain ordinary nuisance—very plain and very ordinary.


And I am now going to call at[立ち寄る] the nearest port and put you ashore.”[上陸させる]


“Yes, and think yourself lucky,” Polynesia put in, “that you are not locked up for stowing away and eating all our salt beef.”


“I don’t know what the mischief[(人またはその他の要因による)損害,被害] we’re going to do now,” I heard her whisper to Bumpo.


“We’ve no money to buy any more; and that salt beef was the most important part of the stores.”[(陸軍・海軍などの)衣食の備え]


“Would it not be good political economy,[政治経済学] Bumpo whispered back, “if we salted the able seaman and ate him instead?


I should judge that he would weigh more than a hundred and twenty pounds.”[1ポンド約0.45キロ]


“How often must I tell you that we are not in Jolliginki,” snapped[~にぴしっと言う] Polynesia. “Those things are not done on white men’s ships—Still,” she murmured after a moment’s thought,


“it’s an awfully bright idea.[上手い考え]I don’t suppose anybody saw him come on to the ship—Oh, but Heavens!


we haven’t got enough salt. Besides, he’d be sure to taste of tobacco.”



