『ドリトル先生航海記』 英文/和訳 【3-5-1.ポリネシアの案】

このサイトで使われている作品のすべては著作権の切れた名作などの全文を電子化して、インターネット上で公開しているProject Gutenberg(プロジェクト・グーテンベルク)LibriVox(リブリヴォックス、朗読図書館)の作品を出典としています。


THEN the Doctor told me to take the wheel while he made a little calculation with his map and worked out[〈問題などを〉解く] what new course we should take.


“I shall have to run for the Capa Blancas after all,” he told me when the seaman’s back was turned.[目を放す]


“Dreadful nuisance! But I’d sooner swim back to Puddleby than[~よりむしろ] have to listen to that fellow’s talk all the way to Brazil.”


Indeed he was a terrible person, this Ben Butcher.


You’d think[~だと思うよね?] that any one after being told he wasn’t wanted would have had the decency[(社会的規準からみて)見苦しくないこと] to keep quiet.[黙っている]


But not Ben Butcher. He kept going round the deck pointing out all the things we had wrong. According to him there wasn’t a thing right on the whole ship.


The anchor was hitched up[つなぐ, つける] wrong; the hatches weren’t fastened down[くぎ付けにする, ひもで結び留める] properly;[適切に]


the sails were put on back to front;[後ろ前に]all our knots were the wrong kind of knots.


At last the Doctor told him to stop talking and go downstairs. He refused—said he wasn’t going to be sunk[沈む, 沈没する] by landlubbers[海に慣れていない水夫, 陸(おか)者] while he was still able to stay on deck.


This made us feel a little uneasy.[これは我々に少し不安を感じさせた]


He was such an enormous[巨大な] man there was no knowing[どうなるか知れぬ] what he might do if he got really obstreperous.[うるさくて手に負えない]


Bumpo and I were talking about this downstairs in the dining-saloon when Polynesia, Jip and Chee-Chee came and joined us. And, as usual, Polynesia had a plan.


“Listen,” she said, “I am certain this Ben Butcher is a smuggler and a bad man. I am a very good judge of[目が利く] seamen, remember, and I don’t like the cut of this man’s jib.[身なり] I—”


“Do you really think,” I interrupted, “that it is safe for the Doctor to cross the Atlantic without any regular seamen[正規の船員] on his ship?”


You see it had upset[狼狽させる] me quite a good deal to find that all the things we had been doing were wrong; and I was beginning to wonder what might happen if we ran into[偶然出会う] a storm—


particularly as Miranda had only said the weather would be good for a certain time;[ある程度の時間] and we seemed to be having so many delays.[遅延]


But Polynesia merely tossed her head scornfully.


“Oh, bless you, my boy,” said she, “you’re always safe with John Dolittle. Remember that. Don’t take any notice of that stupid old salt.[老練水夫]


Of course it is perfectly true the Doctor does do everything wrong.


But with him it doesn’t matter. Mark my words, if you travel with John Dolittle you always get there, as you heard him say.


I’ve been with him lots of times and I know.


Sometimes the ship is upside down when you get there, and sometimes it’s right way up. But you get there just the same.[それでも,やはり]


And then of course there’s another thing about the Doctor,” she added thoughtfully: “he always has extraordinary good luck. He may have his troubles;


but with him things seem to have a habit of[~するのを常とする] turning out[(結果)〈…と〉なる] all right in the end.[結局万事うまく]


I remember[~を覚えている] once when we were going through the Straits[海峡] of Magellan the wind was so strong—”



