『ドリトル先生航海記』 英文/和訳 【3-5-2.ポリネシアの案】

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“But what are we going to do about Ben Butcher?” Jip put in. “You had some plan Polynesia, hadn’t you?”


“Yes. What I’m afraid of is that he may hit the Doctor on the head when he’s not looking and make himself captain of the Curlew.

「あります。私が恐れているのは、先生がよそ見している時に先生の頭を殴って 自分がダイシャクシギ号の船長になろうとするかもしれないってことよ。

Bad sailors do that sometimes. Then they run the ship their own way and take it where they want. That’s what you call a mutiny.”[(艦船・軍隊などでの)暴動]


“Yes,” said Jip, “and we ought to do something pretty quick. We can’t reach the Capa Blancas before the day after to-morrow at best.


I don’t like to leave the Doctor alone with him for a minute.[すこしの間] He smells[~の匂いがする] like a very bad man to me.”


“Well, I’ve got it all worked out,” said Polynesia. “Listen:[まあ聞きなさい] is there a key in that door?”


We looked outside the dining-room and found that there was.


“All right,” said Polynesia. “Now Bumpo lays the table[食卓を整える] for lunch and we all go and hide.


Then at twelve o’clock Bumpo rings the dinner-bell[正餐を知らせる鐘] down here.


As soon as Ben hears it he’ll come down expecting[期待する] more salt beef. Bumpo must hide behind the door outside.


The moment that Ben is seated at the dining-table Bumpo slams[バタンと閉める] the door and locks it. Then we’ve got[捕える] him. See?”


“How stratagenious![strategy=計略,策略]” Bumpo chuckled.


“As Cicero said, parrots cum parishioners facilime congregation.[ラテン語 pares cum paribus facillimē congregantur] I’ll lay the table at once.”


“Yes and take that Worcestershire sauce off the dresser with you when you go out,” said Polynesia.


“Don’t leave any loose[放置する] eatables[(おいしく)食べられる] around. That fellow has had enough to last any man[どんな人でも耐えられる] for three days.


Besides, he won’t be so inclined to[~したいと思う] start a fight[争いをしかける] when we put him ashore at the Capa Blancas if we thin him down a bit before we let him out.”


So we all went and hid ourselves in the passage where we could watch what happened.


And presently Bumpo came to the foot of the stairs and rang the dinner-bell like mad.


Then he hopped behind the dining-room door and we all kept still[じっとしている] and listened.


Almost immediately, thump, thump, thump, down the stairs tramped[どしんどしん歩く] Ben Butcher, the able seaman.


He walked into the dining-saloon, sat himself down at the head of the table in the Doctor’s place, tucked a napkin under his fat chin and heaved[波打つ] a sigh[ため息] of expectation.[期待]


Then, bang! Bumpo slammed the door and locked it.


“That settles him for a while,” said Polynesia coming out from her hiding-place. “Now let him teach navigation to the side-board.


Gosh, the cheek[ずうずうしい] of the man! I’ve forgotten more about the sea than that lumbering[不格好な,ぎこちない] lout[ぶこつ者,いなか者] will ever know.


Let’s go upstairs and tell the Doctor. Bumpo, you will have to serve the meals in the cabin for the next couple of days.”


And bursting into a rollicking Norwegian sea-song, she climbed up to my shoulder and we went on deck.
