『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【2-1. 結婚指輪】

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Yvonne d’Origny kissed her son and told him to be good:


“You know your grandmother d’Origny is not very fond of children.


Now that she has sent for[〔誰かに依頼して〕(人)を呼びに行かせる] you to come and see her, you must show her what a sensible little boy you are.”

そのおばあ様がお前に会いに来るように使いをよこすなんてね。 (いい子にして)分別のある子だと見せるのよ」

And, turning to the governess, “Don’t forget, Fräulein[ドイツ語:令嬢], to bring him home immediately after dinner…. Is monsieur[フランス語:Mr. Sirに当る敬称]still in the house?”


“Yes, madame, monsieur le comte is in his study.”


As soon as she was alone, Yvonne d’Origny walked to the window to catch a glimpse of[垣間見る] her son as he left the house.

イボンヌ ・ドリニーはひとりになるとすぐに、 家を出た息子を一目見ようと窓のところに歩いて行った。

He was out in the street in a moment, raised his head and blew her a kiss, as was his custom every day.


Then the governess took his hand with, as Yvonne remarked to her surprise, a movement of unusual[珍しく] violence.


Yvonne leant further out of the window and, when the boy reached the corner of the boulevard,[広い並木街路] she suddenly saw a man step out of a motor-car and go up to him.


The man, in whom she recognized Bernard, her husband’s confidential[信任の厚い, 腹心の] servant,


took the child by the arm, made both him and the governess get into the car, and ordered the chauffeur[(自家用車の)おかかえ運転手] to drive off.


The whole incident did not take ten seconds.


Yvonne, in her trepidation, ran to her bedroom, seized a wrap and went to the door. The door was locked; and there was no key in the lock.


She hurried back to the boudoir.[女性用の居間] The door of the boudoir also was locked.


Then, suddenly, the image of her husband appeared before her,

その時突然、 イボンヌの頭に夫の姿が浮かんだ。

that gloomy[暗い] face which no smile ever lit up,[笑顔が灯ることのない] those pitiless[薄情な] eyes in which, for years, she had felt so much hatred[憎しみ] and malice.[悪意]


“It’s he … it’s he!” she said to herself. “He has taken the child…. Oh, it’s horrible!”


She beat against the door with her fists, with her feet, then flew to the mantelpiece[暖炉の上部の飾り棚] and pressed the bell fiercely.


The shrill sound rang through the house from top to bottom.[上から下まで,あらゆるところ]


The servants would be sure to come. Perhaps a crowd would gather in the street.


And, impelled by a sort of despairing hope, she kept her finger on the button.[ボタンに指を乗せたままだった]


A key turned in the lock[錠前の中で鍵が回る]…. The door was flung[放るように動かす様] wide open.


The count appeared on the threshold[入り口] of the boudoir.


And the expression of his face was so terrible[恐ろしい, 怖い] that Yvonne began to tremble.[怯えさせた]


He entered the room. Five or six steps separated him from her.

伯爵は部屋に入った。 彼女から5、6歩離れて。

With a supreme effort,[渾身の力を込めて] she tried to stir, but all movement was impossible;


and, when she attempted to[~と試みる] speak, she could only flutter[パタパタと動くこと、はためき] her lips and emit[発する] incoherent[つじつまの合わない] sounds. She felt herself lost.


The thought of death unhinged[錯乱させる, 発狂させる] her. Her knees gave way beneath[~の下に] her and she sank into[沈む] a huddled[ごちゃごちゃに積み重ねる] heap[かたまり, 山], with a moan.

死の恐怖にイボンヌは動揺した。 彼女の膝はヘナヘナと崩れ落ち、嘆きうずくまるように沈んでいった。

The count rushed at[突撃し] her and seized her by the throat:


“Hold your tongue … don’t call out!” he said, in a low voice. “That will be best for you!…”[あなたにとって最善だ]


Seeing that she was not attempting to[~しようとしている] defend[守る] herself, he loosened his hold of her and took from his pocket some strips of canvas[帆・テント・かばんなどに用いる麻・木綿の厚地の粗布] ready rolled and of different lengths.


In a few minutes, Yvonne was lying on a sofa, with her wrists and ankles bound and her arms fastened[しっかり留める] close to her body.


It was now dark in the boudoir. The count switched on the electric light and went to a little writing-desk where Yvonne was accustomed to[~するのに慣れていた] keep her letters.


Not succeeding in opening it, he picked the lock with a bent wire, emptied the drawers[引き出し] and collected all the contents into a bundle,[束] which he carried off in a cardboard[ボール紙] file:


“Waste of time, eh?” he grinned.[(怒り・軽蔑などで)歯をむく] “Nothing but bills[請求書] and letters of no importance[重要ではない]…. No proof against you….


Tah! I’ll keep my son[私は息子を引き留める] for all that;[とは言うものの, それにもかかわらず] and I swear before Heaven that I will not let him go!”


As he was leaving the room, he was joined,[合流した] near the door, by his man Bernard.


The two stopped and talked, in a low voice; but Yvonne heard these words spoken by the servant:[召使い]


“I have had an answer from the working jeweller. He says he holds himself at my disposal.”[私の言いなりになる]


And the count replied:


“The thing is put off until twelve o’clock midday, to-morrow. My mother has just telephoned to say that she could not come before.”


Then Yvonne heard the key turn in the lock and the sound of steps going down to the ground-floor, where her husband’s study was.
