『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳 【1-7. 20万フランの報酬…】

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He was leaning over the baron, thundering[雷のような,とどろく] at him with irresistible[禁じえない] energy.


The baron whispered:


“I’m beginning to[~しかかる] understand. It’s blackmail….”

「ようやく分かった。 恐喝だな…」

“Blackmail or not, call it what you please, my boy, but you’ve got to go through with[~をやりとおす,~を実行する] it and do as I say.


And don’t imagine that I shall give way at the last moment.


Don’t say to yourself, ‘Here’s a gentleman whom the fear of the police will cause to think twice.


If I run a big risk in refusing, he also will be risking the handcuffs, the cells and the rest of it, seeing that we are both being hunted down like wild beasts.’


That would be a mistake, monsieur le baron.


I can always get out of it.


It’s a question of yourself, of yourself alone….


Your money or your life, my lord! Share and share alike … if not, the scaffold! Is it a bargain?”


A quick movement. The baron released himself, grasped his revolver[リボルバー] and fired.


But Lupin was prepared for the attack,


the more so as the baron’s face had lost its assurance and gradually, under the slow impulse of rage and fear,


acquired[獲得した] an expression of almost bestial ferocity[残忍性, 狂暴な行為] that heralded the rebellion[反抗] so long kept under control.


He fired twice.


Lupin first flung himself[身を投げ出し] to one side and then dived at the baron’s knees, seized him by both legs and brought him to the ground.


The baron freed himself[抜け出す,脱却する] with an effort.


The two enemies rolled over in each other’s grip; and a stubborn,[頑固で] crafty,[ずるい, 悪賢い] brutal, savage struggle followed.

2人の敵は、互いにしっかりと掴みあいながら転がった。しつこく 狡猾で残忍で野蛮な戦いが続いた。

Suddenly, Lupin felt a pain at his chest:


“You villain!” he yelled. “That’s your Lavernoux trick; the tie-pin!”


Stiffening his muscles with a desperate[死に物狂いの] effort, he overpowered[圧倒する] the baron and clutched him by the throat victorious at last and omnipotent.[全能の, 絶大の力を有する]


“You ass!” he cried.


“If you hadn’t shown your cards, I might have thrown up the game!


You have such a look of the honest man about you! But what a biceps, my lord!… I thought for a moment….


But it’s all over, now!… Come, my friend, hand us the pin and look cheerful…. No, that’s what I call pulling a face….


I’m holding you too tight, perhaps? My lord’s at his last gasp?[断末魔] Come, be good!… That’s it, just a wee[ちょいと] bit of string round the wrists; do you allow me?…


Why, you and I are agreeing like two brothers! It’s touching!… At heart, you know, I’m rather fond of you….


And now, my bonnie lad, mind yourself! And a thousand apologies!…”

さあ、いい子だ[フランス語 bon ‘good’ の意]気をつけてくれよ!すまないな[何千回も謝る]!」

Half raising himself, with all his strength he caught the other a terrible[ひどい] blow in the pit of the stomach.[胃の穴に]


The baron gave a gurgle[がぼがぼ言う] and lay stunned[頭を打って気絶させる, 気を失わさせる] and unconscious.


“That comes of having a deficient[不足した] sense of logic, my friend,” said Lupin.


“I offered you half your money. Now I’ll give you none at all … provided [if より強意的で, only if に近い]I know where to find any of it.


For that’s the main thing.


Where has the beggar hidden his dust? In the safe? By George, it’ll be a tough job! Luckily, I have all the night before me….”


He began to feel in the baron’s pockets, came upon[出くわす] a bunch of keys,


first made sure that the portmanteau behind the curtain held no papers or jewels, and then went to the safe.


But, at that moment, he stopped short: he heard a noise somewhere.


The servants?[召し使い] Impossible. Their attics were on the top floor. He listened. The noise came from below.


And, suddenly, he understood: the detectives, who had heard the two shots, were banging at the front door, as was their duty, without waiting for daybreak.


Then an electric bell rang, which Lupin recognized as that in the hall:


“By Jupiter!” he said. “Pretty work! Here are these jokers[取るに足らない人] coming … and just as we were about to gather[集める,収穫する] the fruits of our laborious[骨の折れる] efforts!


Tut, tut, Lupin, keep cool! What’s expected of you?[お前は何を期待しているんだ] To open a safe, of which you don’t know the secret, in thirty seconds.


That’s a mere trifle to lose your head about! Come, all you have to do is to discover the secret! How many letters are there in the word? Four?”


He went on thinking, while talking and listening to the noise outside.


He double-locked the door of the outer room and then came back to the safe:


“Four ciphers…. Four letters … four letters….

「4つの暗号…。4つの文字… 4つの文字…。

Who can lend me a hand?… Who can give me just a tiny hint?… Who? Why, Lavernoux, of course!

誰か私を手伝ってくれればなぁ?…小さなヒントだけでもくれれば… 誰が?そうだ、ラベルヌーだ!間違いない!

That good Lavernoux, seeing that he took the trouble to indulge in optical telegraphy at the risk of his life….


Lord, what a fool I am!… Why, of course, why, of course, that’s it!… By Jove,[神かけて, 誓って] this is too exciting!… Lupin, you must count ten and suppress that distracted[そらされた, 気の散った] beating of your heart.


If not, it means bad work.”


He counted ten and, now quite calm, knelt in front of the safe.


He turned the four knobs with careful attention.


Next, he examined the bunch of keys, selected one of them, then another, and attempted, in vain,[むだに, 効果なく] to insert them in the lock:


“There’s luck in odd numbers,” he muttered, trying a third key. “Victory! This is the right one! Open Sesame, good old Sesame, open!”


The lock turned. The door moved on its hinges. Lupin pulled it to him, after taking out the bunch of keys:


“The millions are ours,” he said. “Baron, I forgive you!”
