『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【5-5. 赤い絹のスカーフ】

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Besides, he was not thinking of it.


Lupin inspired[霊感を与える,示唆する] him with a queer, complex feeling, made up of fear, hatred,[嫌悪] involuntary[無意識な] admiration


and also the vague instinct that he, Ganimard, in spite of all his efforts, in spite of the persistency[執念深さ] of his endeavours,[努力] would never get the better of this particular adversary.


He pursued him from a sense of duty and pride,


but with the continual[継続的な] dread[ひどく怖がる] of being taken in[出し抜かれる] by that formidable[手強い] hoaxer[他人に悪ふざけをする人]


and scouted and fooled in the face of a public that was always only too willing to laugh at the chief-inspector’s mishaps.

警部(である自分)の災難いつでも喜んで笑おうとする 大衆の面前で、鼻であしらい、ばかにしようとしているのではないかと思うのだった。

This business of the red scarf, in particular, struck him as[~と感じさせる] most suspicious.


It was interesting, certainly, in more ways than one,[あらゆる意味で] but so very improbable![本当らしくない]


And Lupin’s explanation, apparently[見たところでは] so logical, would never stand the test of a severe examination![ (学説・問題などの)考察]


“No,” said Ganimard, “this is all swank: a parcel of suppositions and guesswork based upon[~に基づく] nothing at all.


I’m not to be caught with chaff.”


When he reached the headquarters of police, at 36 Quai des Orfèvres,


he had quite made up his mind[心に決めた] to treat[取り扱う] the incident as though it had never happened.


He went up to the Criminal Investigation Department.


Here, one of his fellow-inspectors said:


“Seen the chief?”




“He was asking for you just now.”


“Oh, was he?”


“Yes, you had better go after him.”




“To the Rue de Berne … there was a murder there last night.”


“Oh! Who’s the victim?”


“I don’t know exactly … a music-hall singer, I believe.”


Ganimard simply muttered:


“By Jove!”


Twenty minutes later he stepped out of the underground railway-station and made for the Rue de Berne.


The victim, who was known in the theatrical world by her stage-name of Jenny Saphir, occupied a small flat[フラット式の共同住宅] on the second floor[米国:2階/英国:3階] of one of the houses.


A policeman took the chief-inspector upstairs[階上へ] and showed him the way, through two sitting-rooms, to a bedroom,


where he found the magistrates in charge of[~担当の] the inquiry,[取り調べ] together with the divisional[師団の] surgeon[外科医] and M. Dudouis, the head of the detective-service.


Ganimard started at the first glance which he gave into the room.


He saw, lying on a sofa, the corpse[死骸] of a young woman whose hands clutched a strip of red silk!


One of the shoulders, which appeared above the low-cut bodice, bore[帯びる] the marks of two wounds surrounded with clotted blood.


The distorted and almost blackened features[顔の造作, 容貌] still bore[帯びる] an expression[表情] of frenzied[ひどく興奮した] terror.


The divisional surgeon, who had just finished his examination,[検査, 審査] said:


“My first conclusions[結論, 断定] are very clear.


The victim was twice stabbed with a dagger and afterward strangled.


The immediate cause[近因] of death was asphyxia.”


“By Jove!” thought Ganimard again, remembering Lupin’s words and the picture which he had drawn of the crime.


The examining-magistrate objected:


“But the neck shows no discoloration.”


“She may have been strangled with a napkin or a handkerchief,” said the doctor.


“Most probably,” said the chief detective,


“with this silk scarf, which the victim was wearing and a piece of which remains, as though she had clung to it with her two hands to protect herself.”


“But why does only that piece remain?” asked the magistrate. “What has become of the other?”


“The other may have been stained with blood and carried off by the murderer.


You can plainly distinguish[識別する] the hurried slashing of the scissors.”


“By Jove!” said Ganimard, between his teeth, for the third time.


“That brute[けだもの, 畜生] of a Lupin saw everything without seeing a thing!”


“And what about the motive[動機] of the murder?” asked the magistrate.


“The locks have been forced, the cupboards turned upside down. Have you anything to tell me, M. Dudouis?”

「鍵は壊され、食器棚ひっくり返っている。何か他にありませんか、 デュドワ部長?」

The chief of the detective-service replied:
