『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【2-3. 結婚指輪】

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The hours passed by, the dreary[荒涼とした, 退屈な] hours of winter evenings when nothing but the sound of carriages[馬車] interrupts the silence of the street.


The clock struck, pitilessly.[無慈悲に] In the half-sleep[半分眠って] that numbed[(悲しみ・疲労などで)麻痺した] her limbs, Yvonne counted the strokes.


She also heard certain noises, on different floors of the house, which told her that her husband had dined, that he was going up to his room, that he was going down again to his study.


But all this seemed very shadowy[影の多い, 暗い] to her; and her torpor[無気力, 無感覚] was such that she did not even think of lying down on the sofa, in case he should come in….


The twelve strokes of midnight….


Then half-past twelve … then one…. Yvonne thought of nothing, awaiting[~を待つ] the events which were preparing[準備中の出来事] and against which rebellion[反抗] was useless.


She pictured[心に描く,想像する] her son and herself as one pictures those beings who have suffered much and who suffer no more and who take each other in their loving arms.


But a nightmare shattered[損なわれた, だめになった] this dream.


For now those two beings were to be torn asunder[(一つのものが)真っ二つに]; and she had the awful feeling, in her delirium[精神錯乱], that she was crying and choking[息を詰まらせて激しく泣く]….


She leapt[跳ぶ,はねる] from her seat. The key had turned in the lock.


The count was coming, attracted by her cries.


Yvonne glanced round for a weapon with which to defend herself.


But the door was pushed back quickly and, astounded, as though the sight that presented itself before her eyes seemed to her the most inexplicable prodigy,[不思議なもの] she stammered:[どもりながら言う]


“You!… You!…”


A man was walking up to her, in dress-clothes,[きちんとした服装、正装] with his opera-hat[折り畳み式のシルクハット] and cape under his arm, and this man, young, slender and elegant, she had recognized as Horace Velmont.


“You!” she repeated.


He said, with a bow:


“I beg your pardon, madame, but I did not receive your letter until very late.”


“Is it possible? Is it possible that this is you … that you were able to …?”


He seemed greatly surprised:


“Did I not promise to come in answer to your call?”


“Yes … but …”


“Well, here I am,” he said, with a smile.


He examined the strips[剥ぐ,むく] of canvas[テント・帆・袋などに使う丈夫な布] from which Yvonne had succeeded in freeing herself and nodded his head, while continuing his inspection:[点検を続けた]


“So those are the means employed?[用いる] The Comte[=count] d’Origny, I presume?[~と考える] I also saw[〈…を〉(…と)考える] that he locked you in….


But then the pneumatic letter?[気送管の手紙]… Ah, through the window!… How careless of you not to close it!”


He pushed both sides to. Yvonne took fright:


“Suppose[~と仮定する] they hear!”


“There is no one in the house. I have been over it.”


“Still …”


“Your husband went out ten minutes ago.”


“Where is he?”


“With his mother, the Comtesse[countess] d’Origny.”


“How do you know?”


“Oh, it’s very simple! He was rung up by telephone and I awaited the result at the corner of this street and the boulevard.


As I expected, the count came out hurriedly,[大急ぎで] followed by his man. I at once entered, with the aid of[…を用いて] special keys.”


He told this in the most natural way, just as one tells a meaningless[意味のない, 無意味な] anecdote[逸話] in a drawing-room. But Yvonne, suddenly seized with fresh alarm, asked:


“Then it’s not true?… His mother is not ill?… In that case,[その場合] my husband will be coming back….”


“Certainly, the count will see that a trick has been played on him and in three quarters of an hour[1時間の4分の3] at the latest….”


“Let us go…. I don’t want him to find me here…. I must go to my son….”


“One moment….”


“One moment!… But don’t you know that they have taken him from me?… That they are hurting him, perhaps?…”


With set face and feverish gestures, she tried to push Velmont back.[敵を引き下がらせる行為]

顔を強張らせ熱っぽい仕草で、 イボンヌはベルモントを押しのけようとした。

He, with great gentleness, compelled[(無理に)~させる] her to sit down and, leaning over her in a respectful attitude,[礼儀正しい態度] said, in a serious voice:


“Listen, madame, and let us not waste time, when every minute is valuable.


First of all, remember this: we met four times, six years ago….


And, on the fourth occasion,[時、出来事] when I was speaking to you, in the drawing-room of this house, with too much—


what shall I say?—with too much feeling, you gave me to understand[言い含める] that my visits were no longer welcome.


Since that day I have not seen you.


And, nevertheless,[それにもかかわらず] in spite of all, your faith in me[私に対するあなたの信頼] was such that you kept the card which I put between the pages of that book and, six years later, you send for me and none other.


That faith in me[その私への信頼] I ask you to continue. You must obey me blindly.


Just as I surmounted[克服する, 越える] every obstacle to come to you, so I will save you, whatever the position[立場,状況] may be.”
