『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳   6-6. 死の影

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Jeanne at once rang for[呼び鈴を鳴らして~を呼ぶ] her maid.


The doctor went to M. Darcieux, while Lupin had some supper brought to him in the little dining-room.


“That’s done,” said the doctor, returning to him in twenty minutes’ time. “M. Darcieux did not raise any great difficulty.[raise difficulty ごねる]

「終わりましたぞ」 とドクターは20分後に戻ってきて言った。「ダルシュー氏は大して反対もしませんでした。

As a matter of fact, he himself thinks it just as well[~したほうがよい] that we should send Jeanne away.”


They then went downstairs together and left the house.


On reaching the lodge, Lupin called the keeper.


“You can shut the gate, my man. If M. Darcieux should want us, send for us at once.”


The clock of Maupertuis church struck ten. The sky was overcast with black clouds, through which[(黒雲の隙間)を通して] the moon broke at moments.


The two men walked on for sixty or seventy yards[1yard=0.9メートル].


They were nearing the village, when Lupin gripped his companion by the arm:




“What on earth’s the matter?” exclaimed the doctor.


“The matter is this,” Lupin jerked out,

「つまり、こういうことです」 とルパンは唐突に口にした。

“that, if my calculations turn out right,[〈予想などが〉・当たる] if I have not misjudged the business from start to finish, Mlle. Darcieux will be murdered before the night is out.”


“Eh? What’s that?” gasped the doctor, in dismay. “But then why did we go?”


“With the precise[明確な, 的確な] object that the miscreant, who is watching all our movements in the dark,


may not postpone his crime and may perpetrate[犯す, しでかす] it, not at the hour chosen by himself, but at the hour which I have decided upon.”


“Then we are returning to the manor-house?”


“Yes, of course we are, but separately.”


“In that case, let us go at once.”


“Listen to me, doctor,” said Lupin, in a steady voice, “and let us waste no time in useless words.

「先生、よく聞いてください」とルパンは落ち着いた声で言い 「無駄口で時間を無駄にしないようにしましょう。

Above all, we must defeat[破る, 負かす] any attempt[企て] to watch us.


You will therefore go straight home and not come out again until you are quite certain[はっきりとした確信] that you have not been followed.


You will then make for the walls of the property, keeping to the left, till you come to the little door of the kitchen-garden. Here is the key.


When the church clock strikes eleven, open the door very gently and walk right up to the terrace at the back of the house.


The fifth window is badly fastened. You have only to climb over the balcony.


As soon as you are inside Mlle.Darcieux’s room, bolt the door and don’t budge.


You quite understand, don’t budge, either of you, whatever happens.


I have noticed that Mlle.[mademoiselle] Darcieux leaves her dressing-room window ajar, isn’t that so?”


“Yes, it’s a habit which I taught her.”


“That’s the way they’ll come.”


“And you?”


“That’s the way I shall come also.”


“And do you know who the villain is?”


Lupin hesitated and then replied:


“No, I don’t know…. And that is just how we shall find out.


But, I implore[懇願する] you, keep cool. Not a word, not a movement, whatever happens!”


“I promise you.”


“I want more than that, doctor. You must give me your word of honour.”


“I give you my word of honour.”


The doctor went away.


Lupin at once climbed a neighbouring mound from which he could see the windows of the first and second floor.


Several of them were lighted.


He waited for some little time. The lights went out one by one.


Then, taking a direction[方向, 方角] opposite[反対側の] to that in which the doctor had gone,


he branched off[脇にそれる] to the right and skirted[~の縁に沿って行く] the wall until he came to the clump of trees near which he had hidden his motor-cycle on the day before.


Eleven o’clock struck. He calculated the time which it would take the doctor to cross the kitchen-garden and make his way into[部屋などに入る] the house.


“That’s one point scored!”[これで1点獲得!] he muttered. “Everything’s all right on that side. And now, Lupin to the rescue?


The enemy won’t be long before he plays his last trump … and, by all the gods, I must be there!…”


He went through the same performance as on the first occasion,[時,場合]


pulled down[引き下げる] the branch and hoisted[(ロープなどで)巻き上げる] himself to the top of the wall, from which he was able to reach[到着する, 着く] the bigger boughs of the tree.


Just then he pricked up his ears.


He seemed to hear a rustling of dead leaves.


And he actually perceived[~を知覚する] a dark form moving on the level thirty yards away:


“Hang it all!” he said to himself. “I’m done: the scoundrel has smelt a rat.”[悪党がネズミに気づいた]
