『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳 【7-1. ルパンの結婚】

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“Monsieur[=Mr./Sir] Arsene Lupin has the honour to inform you of his approaching marriage with Mademoiselle Angelique de Sarzeau-Vendome, Princesse de Bourbon-Conde,


and to request the pleasure of your company[(人)に~への臨席を賜りたいと要請する] at the wedding, which will take place at the church of Sainte-Clotilde….”


“The Duc de Sarzeau-Vendome has the honour to inform you of the approaching marriage of his daughter Angelique, Princesse de Bourbon-Conde, with Monsieur Arsene Lupin, and to request….”

「私サルゾー・ヴァンドーム公爵は、娘ブルボン=コンデ王女アンジェリークと アルセーヌ・ルパンの結婚を謹んでお知らせ申し上げます。つきましては…」

Jean Duc de Sarzeau-Vendome could not finish reading the invitations which he held in his trembling hand.


Pale with anger, his long, lean body shaking with tremors:


“There!” he gasped, handing the two communications[通信文] to his daughter.


“This is what our friends have received! This has been the talk of Paris since yesterday!

「これはわしの友人たちが受け取ったものだ! 昨日からパリ中で話題になっている!

What do you say to that dastardly insult, Angelique? What would your poor mother say to it, if she were alive?”


Angelique was tall and thin like her father, skinny and angular like him.


She was thirty-three years of age, always dressed in black stuff,[材料, 原料] shy and retiring in manner, with a head too small in proportion to her height


and narrowed on either side until the nose seemed to jut[~に突き出る] forth[前へ] in protest against such parsimony.[極度の倹約, けち]


And yet it would be impossible to say[言い難い] that she was ugly, for her eyes were extremely beautiful, soft and grave, proud and a little sad:


pathetic eyes which to see once was to remember.


She flushed with shame at hearing her father’s words, which told her the scandal of which she was the victim.


But, as she loved him, notwithstanding his harshness to her, his injustice and despotism,[専制政治, 独裁制] she said:


“Oh, I think it must be meant for a joke, father, to which we need pay no attention!”


“A joke? Why, every one is gossiping about it!


A dozen[1ダースの] papers have printed the confounded[けしからぬ,べらぼうな] notice this morning, with satirical[風刺的な] comments.


They quote our pedigree, our ancestors, our illustrious[有名な] dead.


They pretend to[~するふりをする] take the thing seriously….”


“Still, no one could believe….”


“Of course not. But that doesn’t prevent us from being the by-word[典型] of Paris.”


“It will all be forgotten by to-morrow.”


“To-morrow, my girl, people will remember that the name of Angelique de Sarzeau-Vendome has been bandied about[(うわさ)をまき散らす] as it should not be.


Oh, if I could find out the name of the scoundrel who has dared….”


At that moment, Hyacinthe, the duke’s valet, came in and said that monsieur le duc was wanted on the telephone.


Still fuming, he took down the receiver and growled:


“Well? Who is it? Yes, it’s the Duc de Sarzeau-Vendome speaking.”


A voice replied:


“I want to apologize to you, monsieur le duc, and to Mlle.[mademoiselle] Angelique. It’s my secretary’s fault.”


“Your secretary?”


“Yes, the invitations were only a rough draft which I meant to submit[提出する] to you. Unfortunately my secretary thought….”


“But, tell me, monsieur,[…様] who are you?”


“What, monsieur le duc, don’t you know my voice? The voice of your future son-in-law?”[(娘の親からみて)娘の夫]

「ええ?僕の声が分からないんですか? 公爵将来の婿の声ですよ?」



“Arsene Lupin.”


The duke dropped into a chair. His face was livid.


“Arsene Lupin … it’s he … Arsene Lupin….”


Angelique gave a smile:


“You see, father, it’s only a joke, a hoax.”


But the duke’s rage[激怒] broke out[爆発する] afresh and he began to walk up and down, moving his arms:


“I shall go to the police!… The fellow can’t be allowed to make a fool of me in this way!… If there’s any law left in the land, it must be stopped!”


Hyacinthe entered the room again. He brought two visiting-cards.


“Chotois? Lepetit? Don’t know them.”

「ショトワ? ルプティだと? 知らんな」

“They are both journalists, monsieur le duc.”


“What do they want?”


“They would like to speak to monsieur le duc with regard to … the marriage….”


“Turn them out!” exclaimed the duke.


“Kick them out! And tell the porter not to admit[入ることを許す] scum[人間のくず] of that sort to my house in future.”

「追い出してしまえ! 門番に、今後、私の屋敷にそのようなを入れるなと言っておけ」

“Please, father …” Angelique ventured to say.[〔批判される覚悟で意見を〕あえて言う]


“As for you, shut up! If you had consented to marry one of your cousins when I wanted you to this wouldn’t have happened.”


The same evening, one of the two reporters printed, on the front page of his paper,


a somewhat fanciful story[空想的な話] of his expedition[探検旅行] to the family mansion of the Sarzeau-Vendomes, in the Rue de Varennes,


and expatiated[詳細に説く] pleasantly upon the old nobleman’s wrathful[激怒した, 怒気を含んだ] protests.


The next morning, another newspaper published an interview with Arsene Lupin which was supposed to[~するはずだった] have taken place[挙行される] in a lobby at the Opera.


Arsene Lupin retorted in a letter to the editor:


“I share my prospective father-in-law’s indignation to the full.


The sending out of the invitations was a gross breach of etiquette[マナー違反] for which I am not responsible, but for which I wish to make a public apology.


Why, sir, the date of the marriage is not yet fixed.[決まった]


My bride’s father suggests early in May. She and I think that six weeks is really too long to wait!…”
