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Her strongest weapon was that in some mysterious way she had found out[不思議なことに、彼女はそれを知っていた] that a very small girl who had lost her mother was a person who ought to[~ねばならない] be pitied and [be]made much of.[大事にされる]


She had probably heard some grown-up people[成長した人達] talking her over in the early days, after her mother’s death.


So it became her habit to make great use of this knowledge.


The first time Sara took her in charge was one morning when, on passing a sitting room,


she heard both Miss Minchin and Miss Amelia trying to suppress[抑圧する, 鎮圧する] the angry wails of some child who, evidently, refused to be silenced.


She refused so strenuously[精力的に,熱心に] indeed that Miss Minchin was obliged to almost shout—in a stately[威厳のある, 堂々とした] and severe manner—to make herself heard.


“What IS she crying for?”[what for=why] she almost yelled.”Oh—oh—oh!” Sara heard; “I haven’t got any mam—ma-a!”


“Oh, Lottie!” screamed Miss Amelia. “Do stop, darling! Don’t cry! Please don’t!”


“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” Lottie howled tempestuously. “Haven’t—got—any—mam—ma-a!”


“She ought to be whipped,” Miss Minchin proclaimed.[宣言した] “You SHALL be whipped, you naughty child!”

ミス・ミンチンが「鞭で打つべきです」と言った 。 「ムチで打たれて当然よ。 このいたずらっ子!」

Lottie wailed more loudly than ever. Miss Amelia began to cry. Miss Minchin’s voice rose[(量などが)増大する] until it almost thundered,


then suddenly she sprang up from her chair in impotent[無力な, 無気力な] indignation and flounced out of the room, leaving[残す, 置いていく] Miss Amelia to arrange the matter.[問題を整理するように]


Sara had paused in the hall, wondering if she ought to go into the room,


because she had recently begun a friendly acquaintance with Lottie and might be able to quiet her.


When Miss Minchin came out and saw her, she looked rather annoyed.


She realized that her voice, as heard from inside the room, could not have sounded either dignified[威厳のある, 高貴な] or amiable.


“Oh, Sara!” she exclaimed,[(喜び・怒り・驚きなどで突然)強い語調で言う] endeavoring to produce a suitable smile.


“I stopped,” explained Sara, “because I knew it was Lottie—and I thought, perhaps—just perhaps, I could make her be quiet. May I try, Miss Minchin?”


“If you can, you are a clever child,” answered Miss Minchin, drawing in[引き締める] her mouth sharply.


Then, seeing that Sara looked slightly chilled[〈人を〉ぞっとさせる,ひやりとさせる] by her asperity,[荒々しい言葉] she changed her manner.


“But you are clever in everything,” she said in her approving[賛成する, 満足そうな] way. “I dare say you can manage her. Go in.” And she left her.


When Sara entered the room, Lottie was lying upon[横たわる] the floor, screaming and kicking her small fat legs violently,


and Miss Amelia was bending over her in consternation[(ぼう然とさせるような)ひどい驚き] and despair,[絶望させるもの] looking quite red and damp[湿気のある, じめじめした] with heat.


Lottie had always found, when in her own nursery at home, that kicking and screaming would always be quieted[いつでも蹴ったり叫んだりは静まる] by any means[どうしても, なんとしても] she insisted on.[主張する]


Poor plump Miss Amelia was trying first one method, and then another.


“Poor darling,” she said one moment, “I know you haven’t any mamma, poor—” Then in quite another tone, “If you don’t stop, Lottie, I will shake you.

まず、「かわいそうな(愛しい)子 」 「あなたにはママがいないのを知っているわ、かわいそうに」とちょっと言ってみて、 その後、全く別の口調で、「やめないと、ロッティ、揺さぶりますよ。

Poor little angel! There—! You wicked, bad, detestable child, I will smack[~をぴしゃりと打つ] you! I will!”

かわいそうな天使!そこの… !あなたは邪悪で、ひどく、いまいましい子供だわ。叩くわよ!本当にやりますよ!」

Sara went to them quietly. She did not know at all what she was going to do,


but she had vague[漠然とした, あいまいな] inward[内的な] conviction[確信, 信念] that it would be better not to say[~とは言わない方がいいだろう] such different kinds of things quite so helplessly and excitedly.


“Miss Amelia,” she said in a low voice, “Miss Minchin says I may try to make her stop—may I?”


Miss Amelia turned and looked at her hopelessly. “Oh, DO you think you can?” she gasped.[あえいだ]

ミス・アメリアは振り返り、諦めた様子で彼女を見た。 「まぁ、あなた、できると思うの?」と息を吞んだ。

“I don’t know whether I CAN”, answered Sara, still in her half-whisper; “but I will try.”


Miss Amelia stumbled[つまずく, よろめく] up from her knees with a heavy sigh, and Lottie’s fat little legs kicked as hard as ever.


“If you will steal out of the room,” said Sara, “I will stay with her.”


“Oh, Sara!” almost whimpered[すすり泣きする, しくしく泣く] Miss Amelia. “We never had such a dreadful[恐ろしい] child before. I don’t believe we can keep[預かる, 養う] her.”

「ああ、セーラ!」 ミス・アメリアは【く】きそうになった。 「こんなにひどい子供は見たことがないわ。この子は学院に置いておけないわ」

But she crept out of the room, and was very much relieved to find an excuse[言い訳] for doing it.


Sara stood by the howling furious child for a few moments, and looked down at her without saying anything.


Then she sat down flat[平らに] on the floor beside her and waited.


Except for Lottie’s angry screams,[悲鳴] the room was quite quiet.


This was a new state of affairs[情勢] for little Miss Legh,


who was accustomed, when she screamed, to hear other people protest and implore and command and coax by turns.[交互に]


To lie and kick and shriek, and find the only person near you not seeming to mind in the least, attracted her attention.


She opened her tight-shut streaming eyes to see who this person was. And it was only another little girl. But it was the one who owned Emily and all the nice things.


And she was looking at her steadily and as if she was merely thinking.


Having paused for a few seconds to find this out, Lottie thought she must begin again,


but the quiet of the room and of Sara’s odd, interested face made her first howl rather half-hearted.[気乗りのしない]


“I—haven’t—any—ma—ma—ma-a!” she announced;[伝えた] but her voice was not so strong.


Sara looked at her still more steadily, but with a sort of understanding in her eyes.


“Neither have I,” she said.


This was so unexpected that it was astounding.[仰天させるような, どえらい] Lottie actually dropped her legs, gave a wriggle,[体をくねらせる, 身をよじる] and lay and stared.

これは驚くべき事で、とても予想外だった。 ロッティはなんと足を落とし、身をよじり、横になってセーラをじっと見つめた。

A new idea will stop a crying child when nothing else will.


Also it was true that while Lottie disliked Miss Minchin, who was cross, and Miss Amelia, who was foolishly[ばからしくも] indulgent,[甘い, 寛大な] she rather liked Sara, little as she knew her.


She did not want to give up her grievance,[不満(の種)] but her thoughts were distracted from it,[彼女の思考はそこから逸れ] so she wriggled again, and, after a sulky[拗ねた] sob, said, “Where is she?” Sara paused a moment.


Because she had been told that her mamma was in heaven, she had thought a great deal[かなり多く] about the matter,


and her thoughts had not been quite like those of other people.


“She went to heaven,” she said. “But I am sure she comes out sometimes to see me—though I don’t see her. So does yours.


Perhaps they can both see us now. Perhaps they are both in this room.”


Lottie sat bolt upright, and looked about her. She was a pretty, little, curly-headed creature,[生き物] and her round eyes were like wet forget-me-nots.

ロッティは背筋をぴんと伸ばして座り、周りを見た。 彼女はかわいくて小さな縮れ毛の子で、丸い目は濡れたワスレナグサのようだった。

If her mamma had seen her during the last half-hour,[この30分の間に] she might not have thought her the kind of child who ought to be related to an angel.[天使と関係がある]


Sara went on talking. Perhaps some people might think that what she said was rather like a fairy story,

セーラは話し続けた。 もしかしたら、セーラの話をおとぎ話のようだと思う人もいるかもしれない。

but it was all so real to her own imagination that Lottie began to listen in spite of herself.


She had been told that her mamma had wings and a crown,


and she had been shown pictures of ladies in beautiful white nightgowns, who were said to be angels.


But Sara seemed to be telling[~を話しているようだった] a real story about a lovely country where real people were.


“There are fields and fields of flowers,” she said, forgetting herself, as usual, when she began, and talking rather as if she were in a dream,


“fields and fields of lilies—and when the soft wind blows over them it wafts[(風・波などに乗って)漂わせる] the scent[香り, 香気] of them into the air


—and everybody always breathes it, because the soft wind is always blowing.


And little children run about in the lily fields and gather[かき集める] armfuls of them, and laugh and make little wreaths.


And the streets are shining. And people are never tired, however far they walk.


They can float anywhere they like. And there are walls[壁] made of pearl and gold all round the city,


but they are low enough for the people to go and lean on them, and look down onto the earth and smile, and send beautiful messages.”


Whatever story she had begun to tell, Lottie would, no doubt, have stopped crying, and been fascinated into listening;


but there was no denying[否定するものはなにもない] that this story was prettier than most others.


She dragged herself[自分自身を引っ張りこみ]close to Sara, and drank in every word[すべての言葉を飲み込んだ] until the end came—far too soon.


When it did come, she was so sorry that she put up her lip ominously.[不気味に]


“I want to go there,” she cried. “I—haven’t any mamma in this school.”


Sara saw the danger signal, and came out of her dream.


She took hold of the chubby hand and pulled her close to her side with a coaxing little laugh.


“I will be your mamma,” she said. “We will play that you are my little girl. And Emily shall be your sister.”


Lottie’s dimples all began to show themselves. ”Shall she?” she said.

ロッティーの顔にえくぼが現われてきた。「彼女(エミリー)が?」 とロッティーは言った。

“Yes,” answered Sara, jumping to her feet. “Let us go and tell her. And then I will wash your face and brush your hair.”


To which Lottie agreed quite cheerfully, and trotted out of the room and upstairs with her,


without seeming even to remember that the whole of the last hour’s tragedy had been caused by the fact that she had refused to be washed and brushed for lunch


and Miss Minchin had been called in to use her majestic authority.


And from that time Sara was an adopted mother.
