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Not very long after this a very exciting thing happened. Not only Sara, but the entire school, found it exciting, and made it the chief subject of conversation for weeks after it occurred.

その後間もなく、非常にわくわくするようなことが起こった。 セーラだけでなく、学院中のみんながそれを刺激的に感じ、その後[それが起こってから]数週間、その話題でもちきりとなった[会話における主題となった]

In one of his letters Captain Crewe told a most interesting story. A friend who had been at school with him when he was a boy had unexpectedly come to see him in India.

クルー大尉からの手紙の一つがとても興味深い話が書かれていた[告げた] 大尉が少年の頃に一緒に学校に通っていた友人が、思いがけずインドに(いる)彼に会いに来た。

He was the owner of a large tract of land upon which[on which] diamonds had been found, and he was engaged in developing the mines.


If all went as was confidently expected, he would become possessed of such wealth as it made one dizzy to think of;


and because he was fond of the friend of his school days, he had given him an opportunity to share in this enormous fortune by becoming a partner in his scheme.


This, at least, was what Sara gathered from his letters.


It is true that any other business scheme, however magnificent, would have had but small attraction for her or for the schoolroom;

他のどんなに壮大な[豪華な, すばらしい]ビジネス計画であっても、セーラや学院のみんな[教室]にとっては、あまり興味を示さなかったことだろう。[小さな魅力]

but “diamond mines” sounded so like the Arabian Nights that no one could be indifferent.

しかし、『ダイヤモンド鉱山』という響きは、アラビアンナイトのように聞こえ、誰もが無関心[むとんちゃくで, 重要でなくて]ではいられなかった。

Sara thought them enchanting, and painted pictures, for Ermengarde and Lottie, of labyrinthine passages in the bowels of the earth, where sparkling stones studded the walls and roofs and ceilings, and strange, dark men dug them out with heavy picks.

セーラはそれらが魅惑的だと思い、アーメンガードとロッティのために、きらめく石が壁や屋根や天井にちりばめられ、奇妙な色黒の男たちが、重いつるはしでそれらを掘り出しいる、地中[bowel 内部,はらわた]迷路のような通路の絵を描いた。

Ermengarde delighted in the story, and Lottie insisted on its being retold to her every evening. Lavinia was very spiteful about it, and told Jessie that she didn’t believe such things as diamond mines existed.

アーメンガードはその話が大好きで、ロッティは毎晩セーラに、なんども話をするよう強く要求した。 ラヴィニアはそれについて非常に意地悪で、ジェシーに、ダイヤモンド鉱山のようなものが存在するなんて信じていないと言った。

“My mamma has a diamond ring which cost forty pounds,” she said. “And it is not a big one, either. If there were mines full of diamonds, people would be so rich it would be ridiculous.”

「私のママは、40ポンドもしたダイヤモンドの指輪を持っているの」と彼女は言った。 「でも、それにしたってたいして大きなものでもないわ。もしダイヤモンドで一杯の鉱山なんてあったとしたら、馬鹿げたほどの大金持ちになってしまうわ」

“Perhaps Sara will be so rich that she will be ridiculous,” giggled Jessie. ”She’s ridiculous without being rich,” Lavinia sniffed. ”I believe you hate her,” said Jessie.

「たぶんセーラはすごいお金持ちになって、おかしく[ばかばかしい]なってしまうんでしょうね」とジェシーはクスクス笑った。 「彼女は金持ちにならなくてもおかしいわよ」とラヴィニアは鼻であしらった。 「あなたってセーラが嫌いだわね」とジェシーは言った。

“No, I don’t,” snapped Lavinia. “But I don’t believe in mines full of diamonds.”

「ええ、大嫌いよ」とラヴィニアはぴしゃりと言い返した。 「ダイヤモンドで一杯の鉱山なんて信じられないわ」

“Well, people have to get them from somewhere,” said Jessie. “Lavinia,” with a new giggle, “what do you think Gertrude says?”

「そうね、でもダイヤモンドもどこかから採らなければならないわ」とジェシーは言った。 「ねぇ、ラヴィニア」新たなクスクス笑いながら、「ガートルードが言っていること、どう思う?」

I don’t know, I’m sure; and I don’t care if it’s something more about that everlasting Sara.”

知らないわ、そんなこと[そんな事知るものか]そして、私は、もしそれが、また[永久に続く, 不朽の]セーラについてならどうでもいい[私は気にしない,私は構わない]わ」

“Well, it is. One of her ‘pretends’ is that she is a princess. She plays it all the time—even in school. She says it makes her learn her lessons better.


She wants Ermengarde to be one, too, but Ermengarde says she is too fat.” “She IS too fat,” said Lavinia. “And Sara is too thin.” Naturally, Jessie giggled again.

セーラはアーメンガードにもそう(お姫様)して欲しいらしいんだけど、アーメンガードは、自分は太りすぎだと言ってるって」「(たしかに)彼女は太りすぎだわ。」とラヴィニアは言った。「それにセーラは痩せすぎね」 もちろん[当然,自然と]ジェシーは再びクスクス笑った。

“She says it has nothing to do with what you look like, or what you have. It has only to do with what you THINK of, and what you DO.”


“I suppose she thinks she could be a princess if she was a beggar,” said Lavinia. “Let us begin to call her Your Royal Highness.

「セーラは物乞いになっても、公女様でいられると考えているでしょうね」とラヴィニアは言った。 「これからは、妃殿下と呼んであげることにしましょう」

Lessons for the day were over, and they were sitting before the schoolroom fire, enjoying the time they liked best.


It was the time when Miss Minchin and Miss Amelia were taking their tea in the sitting room sacred to themselves.


At this hour a great deal of talking was done, and a great many secrets changed hands, particularly if the younger pupils behaved themselves well, and did not squabble or run about noisily, which it must be confessed they usually did.

この時間には、多くのおしゃべりがはずみ、とても多くの秘密が打ち明けられた[持ち主が変わった] とりわけ、幼い生徒達が行儀良くし、普段する[通常やっていたと白状するに違いない]喧嘩や騒々しく走り回ったりしなかったならば。

When they made an uproar the older girls usually interfered with scolding and shakes.


They were expected to keep order, and there was danger that if they did not, Miss Minchin or Miss Amelia would appear and put an end to festivities.


Even as Lavinia spoke the door opened and Sara entered with Lottie, whose habit was to trot everywhere after her like a little dog.


“There she is, with that horrid child!” exclaimed Lavinia in a whisper. “If she’s so fond of her, why doesn’t she keep her in her own room? She will begin howling about something in five minutes.”

「ほら、彼女よ。あのいまいましい[恐ろしい, いまわしい]子と一緒に」 とラヴィニアは強い口調でささやいた。 「そんなにあの子の事が好きなら、自分の部屋に引き留めておけばいいのに。 あの子、5分とたたないうちに何か気に入らないことができてわめき始めるというのに」

It happened that Lottie had been seized with a sudden desire to play in the schoolroom, and had begged her adopted parent to come with her.


She joined a group of little ones who were playing in a corner. Sara curled herself up in the window-seat, opened a book, and began to read.

ロッティーは隅で遊んでいた小さな子供たちのグループに加わった。 セーラは窓際の席で丸くなり[体を縮こめ]本を開いて読み始めた。

It was a book about the French Revolution, and she was soon lost in a harrowing picture of the prisoners in the Bastille—


men who had spent so many years in dungeons that when they were dragged out by those who rescued them, their long, gray hair and beards almost hid their faces,


and they had forgotten that an outside world existed at all, and were like beings in a dream.
