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“You see,” she said, “there could be a thick, soft blue Indian rug on the floor; and in that corner there could be a soft little sofa, with cushions to curl up on;


and just over it could be a shelf full of books so that one could reach them easily;


and there could be a fur rug before the fire, and hangings[掛け布,カーテン] on the wall to cover up the whitewash, and pictures.


They would have to be little ones, but they could be beautiful;


and there could be a lamp with a deep rose-colored shade; and a table in the middle, with things to have tea with;

ランプは深いバラ色ののものがいいわ。 真ん中にテーブルがあって、お茶を飲むための道具があるのよ。

and a little fat[太った] copper kettle singing on the hob; and the bed could be quite different.


It could be made soft and covered with a lovely silk coverlet.


It could be beautiful.


And perhaps we could coax the sparrows until we made such friends with them that they would come and peck at the window and ask to be let in.”


“Oh, Sara!” cried Lottie. “I should like to live here!”

「うわぁ、セーラ!」 ロッティは叫んだ。 「私、ここに住みたいわ!」

When Sara had persuaded her to go downstairs again, and, after setting her on her way, had come back to her attic, she stood in the middle of it and looked about her.

セーラが、 ロッティを再び階下に行くように説得し、送っていった後、屋根裏部屋に戻ってくると、まんなかに立って周りを見回した。

The enchantment of her imaginings for Lottie had died away. The bed was hard and covered with its dingy[薄ぎたない] quilt.

ロッティのためにつくった想像力魔法消え去っていた。 ベッドは固く、すすけたキルトで覆われていた。

The whitewashed wall showed its broken patches,[あて布, つぎあて] the floor was cold and bare, the grate was broken and rusty,


and the battered footstool, tilted sideways on its injured[負傷した, けがをした] leg, the only seat in the room.


She sat down on it for a few minutes and let her head drop in her hands.


The mere[ほんの, 単なる] fact that Lottie had come and gone away again made things seem a little worse—


just as perhaps prisoners feel a little more desolate[荒れ果てた, 住む人もない] after visitors come and go, leaving them behind.


“It’s a lonely place,” she said. “Sometimes it’s the loneliest place in the world.”

「寂しい場所だわ」とセーラは言った。 「時々、世界でいちばん寂しい場所(のような気がするぐらい)」

She was sitting in this way when her attention was attracted[注意を引きつける] by a slight sound near her. She lifted her head to see where it came from,


and if she had been a nervous child she would have left her seat on the battered footstool in a great hurry.[大急ぎで]


A large rat was sitting up[起き直る] on his hind quarters[後ろ足と臀(でん)部] and sniffing the air in an interested manner.


Some of Lottie’s crumbs had dropped upon the floor and their scent had drawn him out of his hole.


He looked so queer and so like a gray-whiskered dwarf[(おとぎ話に出てくる)醜い小びと] or gnome[地中に住む小人]that Sara was rather fascinated.


He looked at her with his bright eyes, as if he were asking a question.


He was evidently so doubtful[疑いを抱いて] that one of the child’s queer thoughts came into her mind.


“I dare say[おそらく…だろう] it is rather hard to be a rat,” she mused.[熟考する] “Nobody likes you. People jump and run away and scream out, ‘Oh, a horrid rat!’

「ネズミでいるのはかなり大変でしょうね」と彼女は物思いにふけた。 「誰もあなたのことが好きではないんだもの。みんな飛び上がって逃げ出し、『ああ、恐ろしいネズミ!』って悲鳴をあげるのよね。

I shouldn’t like people to scream and jump and say, ‘Oh, a horrid Sara!’ the moment they saw me.


And set traps for me, and pretend they were dinner.


It’s so different to be a sparrow. But nobody asked this rat if he wanted to be a rat when he was made.

とは大違いだわ。 でも、生まれてくる[作られた]時に、ネズミになりたいかどうかなんて誰も尋ねてくれなかったはずだわ。

Nobody said, ‘Wouldn’t you rather be a sparrow?'”


She had sat so quietly that the rat had begun to take courage.[気が大きくなる]


He was very much afraid of her, but perhaps he had a heart like the sparrow and it told him that she was not a thing[生き物] which pounced.


He was very hungry. He had a wife and a large family in the wall, and they had had frightfully bad luck for several days.

彼はとてもお腹が空いていた。 壁の中には妻とたくさんの子ども[大家族]がいるのに、ここ数日間ほどは恐ろしいほどの不運に見舞われていた。

He had left the children crying bitterly, and felt he would risk a good deal[おおきな危険] for a few crumbs, so he cautiously dropped upon his feet.


“Come on,” said Sara; “I’m not a trap.

「どうしたの」セーラは言った。 「私はではないわ。

You can have them, poor thing! Prisoners in the Bastille used to make friends with rats. Suppose I make friends with you.”
