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How it is that animals understand things I do not know, but it is certain that they do understand.


Perhaps there is a language which is not made of words and everything in the world understands it.


Perhaps there is a soul hidden in everything and it can always speak, without even making a sound, to another soul.


But whatsoever was the reason, the rat knew from that moment that he was safe—even though he was a rat.


He knew that this young human being sitting on the red footstool would not jump up and terrify him with wild, sharp noises or throw heavy objects at him which,


if they did not fall and crush him, would send him limping in his scurry[あわてて(ちょこちょこ)走る] back to his hole.


He was really a very nice rat, and did not mean the least harm.


When he had stood on his hind legs and sniffed the air, with his bright eyes fixed on Sara, he had hoped that she would understand this, and would not begin by hating him as an enemy.


When the mysterious thing which speaks without saying any words told him that she would not, he went softly toward the crumbs and began to eat them.


As he did it he glanced every now and then at Sara, just as the sparrows had done,


and his expression was so very apologetic that it touched her heart.


She sat and watched him without making any movement.


One crumb was very much larger than the others—in fact, it could scarcely[とても…ない] be called a crumb.


It was evident that he wanted that piece very much, but it lay[横たわる] quite near the footstool and he was still rather timid.


“I believe he wants it to carry to his family in the wall,” Sara thought. “If I do not stir at all, perhaps he will come and get it.”

「きっと、壁の中の家族に持って行きたいんだわ」とセーラは考えた。 「私がまったく動かなければ、たぶんこっちに来て、持っていくわね」

She scarcely allowed[~を許す] herself to breathe, she was so deeply interested.


The rat shuffled[引きずって歩く] a little nearer and ate a few more crumbs, then he stopped and sniffed delicately,[繊細に] giving a side glance at the occupant[占有者] of the footstool;


then he darted at the piece of bun[(干しぶどう入りの)小型の丸いパン] with something very like the sudden boldness of the sparrow,


and the instant he had possession[入手(すること)] of it fled back to the wall, slipped down[滑り込む] a crack in the skirting board, and was gone.


“I knew he wanted it for his children,” said Sara. “I do believe I could make friends with him.”


A week or so afterward, on one of the rare[まれな] nights when Ermengarde found it safe to steal up[忍び寄る] to the attic,


when she tapped on the door with the tips of her fingers Sara did not come to her for two or three minutes.


There was, indeed, such a silence in the room at first that Ermengarde wondered if she could have fallen asleep.


Then, to her surprise, she heard her utter[〔声を〕発する] a little, low laugh and speak coaxingly[なだめすかして] to someone.


“There!” Ermengarde heard her say. “Take it and go home, Melchisedec! Go home to your wife!”

「そこにあるわよ!」と、アーメンガードはセーラが話しているのを聞いた。 「それを持って家に帰るのよ、メルキゼデク!奥さんのいる家に帰りなさい!」

Almost immediately Sara opened the door, and when she did so she found Ermengarde standing with alarmed eyes upon the threshold.


“Who—who ARE you talking to, Sara?” she gasped out.

「誰、誰と話していたの、セーラ?」 とアーメンガードは息も絶え絶えに言った。

Sara drew her in cautiously, but she looked as if something pleased and amused her.


“You must promise not to be frightenednot to scream the least bit,[まったく] or I can’t tell you,” she answered.


Ermengarde felt almost inclined to scream on the spot, but managed to control herself.


She looked all round the attic and saw no one. And yet Sara had certainly been speaking TO someone. She thought of ghosts.

屋根裏部屋全体を見回してみたが、誰も見えなかった。でもセーラは、確かに誰かと話しをしていた。 アーメンガードは幽霊だと思った。

“Is it—something that will frighten me?” she asked timorously.

「それは、怖い[怖がらせる]物なの?」 アーメンガードはおどおどして聞いた。

“Some people are afraid of them,” said Sara. “I was at first—but I am not now.”

「怖がる人達もいるわ」とセーラは言った。 「私も最初はそうだったけど、今は違うわ」

“Was it—a ghost?” quaked Ermengarde. “No,” said Sara, laughing.

「幽霊?」 アーメンガードはがたがたと震えた。 「違うわ」とセーラは笑いながら答えた。

“It was my rat.” Ermengarde made one bound, and landed[上陸した] in the middle of the little dingy bed.

「ネズミよ」 アーメンガードは跳びあがり、小さな薄汚いベッドの真ん中に着地した。

She tucked[くるみ込む] her feet under her nightgown and the red shawl. She did not scream,[叫び声をあげる] but she gasped with fright.

アーメンガードは、足の下のネグリジェと赤いショールで自分の足をくるんだ。 悲鳴を上げたりはしなかったけどが、恐怖息を呑んだ。

“Oh! Oh!” she cried under her breath. “A rat! A rat!”

「ああ!ああ!」 と、彼女は息を殺して叫んだ。 「ネズミ!ネズミですって!」

“I was afraid you would be frightened,” said Sara. “But you needn’t be.


I am making him tame. He actually knows me and comes out when I call him. Are you too frightened to want to see him?”


The truth was that,[内実は…である] as the days had gone on and, with the aid of scraps brought up from the kitchen,


her curious friendship had developed,[発展する] she had gradually forgotten that the timid creature she was becoming familiar with was a mere rat.

セーラとネズミとの奇妙な友情は育っていき、どんどん親しくなっていく 臆病な生き物が、単なるネズミであることを 次第に忘れていっていた。