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“Jo! Jo! Where are you?” cried Meg at the foot of[足元で] the garret stairs.


“Here!” answered a husky voice from above, and, running up, Meg found her sister eating apples and crying over[~が原因で泣く] the Heir of Redclyffe,

「ここよ!」と上からかすれた声が答えた。メグが上に駆け上がってみると、妹がリンゴを食べながら、『レドクリフの相続人』[シャーロット・メアリー・ヤングの小説] を読みながら泣いているのを見つけた。

wrapped up in a comforter on an old three-legged sofa by the sunny window.


This was Jo’s favorite refuge,[避難所] and here she loved to retire with half a dozen[半ダース] russets[りんごの一品種] and a nice book,


to enjoy the quiet and the society of a pet rat who lived near by and didn’t mind her a particle.[微塵]

​近くに住んでいて彼女のことを少しも気にしない ペットのネズミとの静かな社交を楽しむために。

As Meg appeared, Scrabble whisked[急に去る] into his hole. Jo shook[shakeの過去] the tears off her cheeks and waited to hear the news.


“Such fun! Only see! A regular note of invitation from Mrs. Gardiner for tomorrow night!” cried Meg,


waving the precious paper and then proceeding to read it with girlish delight.


“‘Mrs. Gardiner would be happy to see[お会いできたらうれしいです] Miss March and Miss Josephine at a little dance on New Year’s Eve.’


Marmee is willing[…してもかまわないの意で積極的な意味はない] we should go, now what shall we wear?”


“What’s the use of asking that, when you know we shall wear our poplins,[木綿・絹などのうね織りの生地] because we haven’t got anything else?” answered Jo with her mouth full.

それを聞いてどうなるというの? 他に何もないから ポプリンを着るってわかってるのに」とジョーは口いっぱいにものを頬張って答えた。

“If I only had a silk!” sighed Meg. “Mother says I may when I’m eighteen perhaps, but two years is an everlasting[永遠に続く] time to wait.”


“I’m sure our pops look like silk, and they are nice enough for us.


Yours is as good as new, but I forgot the burn and the tear in mine.


Whatever shall I do? The burn shows badly, and I can’t take any out.”

どうしようかな? 焼け焦がしが酷いけど、取っちゃうこともできないし

“You must sit still[静かに] all you can and keep your back out of sight. The front is all right.


I shall have a new ribbon for my hair, and Marmee will lend me her little pearl pin,


and my new slippers[室内ばき] are lovely, and my gloves will do, though they aren’t as nice as I’d like.”


“Mine are spoiled with lemonade, and I can’t get any new ones, so I shall have to go without,” said Jo, who never troubled herself[心を痛める] much about dress.


“You must have gloves, or I won’t go,” cried Meg decidedly.


“Gloves are more important than anything else.


You can’t dance without them, and if you don’t I should be so mortified.”


“Then I’ll stay still. I don’t care much for company dancing. It’s no fun to go sailing round.[周航する] I like to fly about and cut capers.”


“You can’t ask Mother for new ones, they are so expensive, and you are so careless.


She said when you spoiled[台なしにする] the others that she shouldn’t get you any more this winter.


Can’t you make them do?”


“I can hold them crumpled up[クシャクシャにして] in my hand, so no one will know how stained they are. That’s all I can do.


No! I’ll tell you how we can manage, each wear one good one and carry a bad one. Don’t you see?”[分からないの?]

いえ、(方法はあるわ!)どうしたらいいか教えてあげようか? それぞれが良い方の手袋をはめて、悪い方を手で持っているの。分かる?

“Your hands are bigger than mine, and you will stretch[伸ばす] my glove dreadfully,”[恐ろしく] began Meg, whose gloves were a tender point[弱点] with her.


“Then I’ll go without. I don’t care[気にしない] what people say!” cried Jo, taking up her book.


“You may have it, you may! Only don’t stain it, and do behave nicely.


Don’t put your hands behind you, or stare, or say ‘Christopher Columbus!’ will you?”


“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be as prim as I can and not get into any scrapes, if I can help it.


Now go and answer your note, and let me finish this splendid story.”


So Meg went away to ‘accept with thanks’, look over her dress, and sing blithely as she did up[おめかしする,修理する] her one real lace frill,


while Jo finished her story, her four apples, and had a game of romps with Scrabble.


On New Year’s Eve the parlor was deserted, for the two younger girls[年下の女の子] played[役割を果たす] dressing maids


and the two elder[年長者] were absorbed[夢中になった] in the all-important business of ‘getting ready for the party’.


Simple as the toilets were, there was a great deal of[かなり多くの] running up and down,


laughing and talking, and at one time a strong smell of burned hair pervaded the house.


Meg wanted a few curls about her face, and Jo undertook to pinch the papered locks[髪の房] with a pair of hot tongs.

​メグは顔周りの髪を少しカールにしたかったので、ジョーが 熱い火ばしで 紙にくるんだ髪の毛つまむ役を引き受けた。

“Ought they to smoke like that?” asked Beth from her perch on[物につかまって休む] the bed.


“It’s the dampness drying,” replied Jo.


“What a queer smell! It’s like burned[焼ける, 燃える] feathers,” observed Amy, smoothing her own pretty curls with a superior air.

「変なにおい! 羽毛が焦げてるみたい」とエイミーは、偉そうな態度で、自分のきれいなカールをなでつけ【る】ながら言った。

“There, now I’ll take off the papers and you’ll see a cloud of little ringlets,” said Jo, putting down the tongs.

「ほら、今から紙を剥がすと、小さな縦ロールいっぱい見えてくるはずよ 」と、ジョーは火ばしを置いて言った。

She did take off the papers, but no cloud of ringlets appeared,


for the hair came with[備えた] the papers, and the horrified[ぞっとした] hairdresser laid a row of little scorched bundles on the bureau before her victim.

​紙と一緒に髪の毛がついてきて、震え上がった美容師は、被害者の前の机の上に 小さな焦げた(髪の)束を一列に並べた。

“Oh, oh, oh! What have you done? I’m spoiled! I can’t go! My hair, oh, my hair!”

​「おお!何てことをしたの? 台なし【にする】だわ! 私、もう行けない! 私の髪、ああ、私の髪!」

wailed Meg, looking with despair at the uneven frizzle on her forehead.


“Just my luck![まったくついてないなあ!] You shouldn’t have asked me to do it.


I always spoil everything.


I’m so sorry, but the tongs were too hot, and so I’ve made a mess,”


groaned poor Jo, regarding[眺める,注視する] the little black pancakes with tears of regret.


“It isn’t spoiled. Just frizzle it, and tie your ribbon so the ends[端] come on your forehead a bit, and it will look like the last fashion.


I’ve seen many girls do it so,” said Amy consolingly.

​たくさんの女の子がそうするのを見たわ」 とエイミーは慰めるように言った。

“Serves me right for trying to be fine. I wish I’d let my hair alone,” cried Meg petulantly.[不機嫌な態度で]


“So do I,[私もそう思う] it was so smooth and pretty.

そうね。 すべすべして、キレイだったんですもの。

But it will soon grow out again,” said Beth, coming to kiss and comfort the shorn sheep.

でもすぐにまた生えてくるわ」 とベスは毛を刈られた羊にキスをして慰めに来た。