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『若草物語』英文/和訳【18-2. 暗い日々】

Hannah nodded without speaking, for her lips twitched nervously,


Meg dropped down into a chair as the strength[力] seemed to go out of her limbs[(人・動物の胴体・頭部と区別して)肢] at the sound of those words,


and Jo, standing with a pale face for a minute, ran to the parlor, snatched up the telegram, and throwing on her things,[衣服を投げつけるように着る] rushed out into the storm.


She was soon back, and while noiselessly taking off her cloak, Laurie came in with a letter, saying that Mr. March was mending again.


Jo read it thankfully, but the heavy weight did not seem lifted off[離陸する] her heart, and her face was so full of misery[みじめさ, 悲惨] that Laurie asked quickly,


“What is it? Is Beth worse?”


“I’ve sent for Mother,” said Jo, tugging[(…を)(力をこめて急に)引く] at her rubber boots with a tragic[悲壮な, 悲惨な] expression.


“Good for you, Jo! Did you do it on your own responsibility[責任, 責務]?” asked Laurie,


as he seated her in the hall chair and took off the rebellious[反抗的な] boots, seeing how her hands shook.


“No. The doctor told us to.”


“Oh, Jo, it’s not so bad as that?” cried Laurie, with a startled face.


“Yes, it is. She doesn’t know us, she doesn’t even talk about the flocks of green doves, as she calls the vine leaves on the wall.


She doesn’t look like my Beth, and there’s nobody to help us bear it.[我々がそれを耐えるのを助けてくれる人がいない]


Mother and father both gone, and God seems so far away I can’t find Him.”


As the tears streamed[流れる] fast down poor Jo’s cheeks, she stretched out[伸び広がる, 投げ出す] her hand in a helpless sort of way, as if groping in the dark,


and Laurie took it in his, whispering as well as he could with a lump in his throat,


“I’m here. Hold on to me, Jo, dear!”


She could not speak, but she did ‘hold on’, and the warm grasp of the friendly human hand comforted[慰められた] her sore heart,

ジョーはなにも話すことができず、『つかまって 』いた。友情に溢れた温かい人の手で握られ、彼女の心の痛みは和らげられた。

and seemed to lead her nearer to the Divine arm which alone could uphold her in her trouble.


Laurie longed to say something tender[思いやりがあって優しい] and comfortable,[(肉体的に苦痛を与えない)快適な] but no fitting words came to him,


so he stood silent, gently stroking her bent head[曲がった頭] as her mother used to do.


It was the best thing he could have done, far more soothing than the most eloquent[感銘的な] words,


for Jo felt the unspoken sympathy,[同情] and in the silence learned the sweet solace[沈黙の中で甘い慰め(solace)を学んだ] which affection[愛情] administers[治める, 統治する] to sorrow.[悲しみ]


Soon she dried[拭って乾かし] the tears which had relieved her,[彼女の悲しみを和らげた] and looked up with a grateful face.


“Thank you, Teddy, I’m better now. I don’t feel so forlorn,[寄るべのない, 孤独な] and will try to bear it if it comes.”


“Keep hoping for the best, that will help you, Jo. Soon your mother will be here, and then everything will be all right.”


“I’m so glad Father is better. Now she won’t feel so bad about leaving him.


Oh, me! It does seem as if all the troubles came in a heap,[どさりと] and I got the heaviest part on my shoulders,” sighed Jo,

ああ!いろいろな問題が一度に襲いかかってきたみたいで、私は一番重い物を肩に負っているんだわ」 とため息をついたジョーは、

spreading her wet handkerchief over her knees to dry.


“Doesn’t Meg pull fair[公正にこなす]?” asked Laurie, looking indignant.[(不正や卑劣な行為に対して憤慨することを表わして) 怒った]


“Oh, yes, she tries to, but she can’t love Beth as I do, and she won’t miss her as I shall.


Beth is my conscience, and I can’t give her up. I can’t! I can’t!”


Down went Jo’s face into the wet handkerchief, and she cried despairingly,[絶望して] for she had kept up[持続する、続ける] bravely till now and never shed[流す, こぼす] a tear.


Laurie drew his hand across his eyes, but could not speak till he had subdued[やわらいだ] the choky[息の詰まるような] feeling in his throat and steadied his lips.[唇の安定]


It might be unmanly, but he couldn’t help it, and I am glad of it.


Presently, as Jo’s sobs quieted, he said hopefully, “I don’t think she will die.


She’s so good, and we all love her so much, I don’t believe God will take her away yet.”


“The good and dear people always do die,” groaned Jo, but she stopped crying, for her friend’s words cheered her up in spite of her own doubts and fears.


“Poor girl, you’re worn out.


It isn’t like you to be forlorn.[寄るべのない, 孤独な] Stop a bit. I’ll hearten[(…に)元気をつける] you up in a jiffy.[直ぐ, 瞬間]


Laurie went off two stairs at a time, and Jo laid her wearied head down on Beth’s little brown hood, which no one had thought of moving from the table where she left it.


It must have possessed[取りつかれた] some magic, for the submissive[従順な] spirit of its gentle owner seemed to enter into Jo,


and when Laurie came running down with a glass of wine, she took it with a smile, and said bravely,


“I drink— Health to my Beth! You are a good doctor, Teddy, and such a comfortable[慰めを与える] friend.


How can I ever pay you?” she added, as the wine refreshed her body, as the kind words had done her troubled mind.


“I’ll send my bill, by-and-by, and tonight I’ll give you something that will warm the cockles[心臓や胸の中にある感情を表す俗語的な表現] of your heart better than quarts of wine,” said Laurie,


beaming[光りを発散する] at her with a face of suppressed[抑えている] satisfaction at something.


“What is it?” cried Jo, forgetting her woes[悲哀, 悲痛] for a minute in her wonder.


“I telegraphed to your mother yesterday, and Brooke answered she’d come at once, and she’ll be here tonight, and everything will be all right. Aren’t you glad I did it?”
