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『若草物語』英文/和訳【19-1 エイミーの遺言状】

While these things were happening at home, Amy was having hard times at Aunt March’s.


She felt her exile[国外追放や国外亡命] deeply, and for the first time in her life, realized how much she was beloved and petted at home.


Aunt March never petted any one; she did not approve of it, but she meant to be kind,


for the well-behaved little girl pleased her very much,


and Aunt March had a soft place in her old heart[彼女の年老いた心の中で柔らかい場所] for her nephew’s children, though she didn’t think it proper to confess it.[そのことを告白することを適切だと考えなかった]


She really did her best to make Amy happy, but, dear me, what mistakes she made.


Some old people keep young at heart[若さを心に保つ] in spite of wrinkles[しわ] and gray hairs, can sympathize with[共感する] children’s little cares and joys, make them feel at home,


and can hide wise lessons under pleasant plays, giving and receiving friendship in the sweetest way.


But Aunt March had not this gift, and she worried Amy very much with her rules and orders, her prim ways,[きちんとした言動] and long, prosy talks.


Finding the child more docile[従順な] and amiable[愛想のよい] than her sister,


the old lady felt it her duty to try and counteract,[相殺する] as far as possible, the bad effects[悪影響] of home freedom and indulgence.[わがまま]


So she took Amy by the hand, and taught her as she herself had been taught sixty years ago,


a process[過程] which carried dismay to[~に落胆させる] Amy’s soul, and made her feel like a fly[ハエ] in the web of a very strict[厳格な] spider.


She had to wash the cups every morning, and polish up the old-fashioned spoons, the fat[太った] silver teapot, and the glasses till they shone.


Then she must dust the room, and what a trying job[しんどい仕事] that was.


Not a speck escaped Aunt March’s eye, and all the furniture had claw legs[爪のような足] and much carving, which was never dusted to suit.


Then Polly had to be fed, the lap dog[膝の犬] combed,[髪をとかす]


and a dozen trips[12回の往復] upstairs and down[階上と階下] to get things or deliver orders,[伝言を運ぶ] for the old lady was very lame and seldom left her big chair.


After these tiresome labors,[退屈な労働] she must do her lessons, which was a daily trial[試み] of every virtue[美徳] she possessed.


Then she was allowed one hour for exercise or play, and didn’t she enjoy it?


Laurie came every day, and wheedled[口車に乗せる] Aunt March till Amy was allowed to go out with him, when they walked and rode and had capital times.


After dinner, she had to read aloud, and sit still[静かに] while the old lady slept, which she usually did for an hour, as she dropped off over the first page.


Then patchwork or towels appeared, and Amy sewed with outward meekness[素直, 柔和] and inward rebellion till dusk,[薄暗がり, 夕やみ] when she was allowed[許可された] to amuse herself as she liked till teatime.


The evenings were the worst of all,


for Aunt March fell to telling long stories about her youth,


which were so unutterably[言葉にできないほど] dull that Amy was always ready to go to bed, intending to[~するつもり] cry over her hard fate,[運命, 宿命]


but usually going to sleep before she had squeezed out[絞り出す] more than a tear or two.[1〜2滴の涙以上]


If it had not been for Laurie, and old Esther, the maid, she felt that she never could have got through that dreadful time.


The parrot alone was enough to drive her distracted, for he soon felt that she did not admire[称賛する] him, and revenged[復讐した] himself by being as mischievous[やんちゃな] as possible.


He pulled her hair whenever she came near him, upset his bread and milk to plague her when she had newly cleaned his cage,


made Mop bark[吠える] by pecking[つつく] at him while Madam dozed,[まどろむ]


called her names before company, and behaved in all respects[万事に, すべて] like an reprehensible[非難されるべき] old bird.


Then she could not endure the dog, a fat, cross[気難しい] beast who snarled[唸る] and yelped[叫び声を上げる] at her when she made his toilet,[化粧,装い]


and who lay on his back[背中を下に寝て] with all his legs in the air and a most idiotic expression of countenance[顔色] when he wanted something to eat, which was about a dozen times a day.


The cook was bad-tempered, the old coachman[御者, 馭者] was deaf,[耳が聞こえない] and Esther the only one who ever took any notice of the young lady.


Esther was a Frenchwoman, who had lived with ‘Madame’, as she called her mistress, for many years,


and who rather tyrannized over[虐げる,圧制する] the old lady, who could not get along without her.


Her real name was Estelle, but Aunt March ordered her to change it, and she obeyed, on condition that[~という条件で] she was never asked to change her religion.


She took a fancy to Mademoiselle, and amused her very much with odd stories of her life in France, when Amy sat with her while she got up Madame’s laces.


She also allowed her to roam about the great house,


and examine[調べる] the curious and pretty things stored away[蓄える, 保管する] in the big wardrobes[衣装ダンス] and the ancient chests,[衣装箱] for Aunt March hoarded[蓄えた] like a magpie.[カササギ]


Amy’s chief delight was an Indian cabinet,


full of queer drawers,[引き出し] little pigeonholes,[鳩の巣] and secret places, in which were kept all sorts of ornaments,


some precious, some merely curious, all more or less antique.


To examine[調べて] and arrange[配置する] these things gave Amy great satisfaction,


especially the jewel cases, in which on velvet cushions reposed[休まる] the ornaments which had adorned[飾る] a belle[小町娘, いちばん美しい女] forty years ago.


There was the garnet set which Aunt March wore when she came out, the pearls her father gave her on her wedding day, her lover’s diamonds,


the jet[黒玉石] mourning rings and pins,[ブローチ] the queer lockets, with portraits of dead friends and weeping willows made of hair inside,


the baby bracelets her one little daughter had worn, Uncle March’s big watch, with the red seal so many childish hands had played with,[子供の手が遊んだ]


and in a box all by itself[まったく一つだけ] lay Aunt March’s wedding ring, too small now for her fat finger, but put carefully away like the most precious[貴重な] jewel of them all.
