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『若草物語』英文/和訳【19-4 エイミーの遺言状】



I, Amy Curtis March, being in my sane mind, go give and bequeethe[bequeath] all my earthly propertyviz.[videlicet] to wit:—namely

私、エイミー・カーティス・マーチは、正気の精神状態にて、この世におけるすべての財産遺言にて譲る、すなわち次の通りである。[viz. =to wit =namely すなわち]

To my father, my best pictures, sketches, maps, and works of art, including frames. Also my $100, to do what he likes with.


To my mother, all my clothes, except the blue apron with pockets—also my likeness, and my medal, with much love.


To my dear sister Margaret, I give my turkquoise[turquoise] ring (if I get it), also my green box with the doves on it,


also my piece of real lace for her neck, and my sketch of her as a memorial of her ‘little girl’.


To Jo I leave my breastpin, the one mended with sealing wax, also my bronze inkstand—she lost the cover—

ジョーには封蝋補修した私のブローチ、それから青銅のインクスタンド ―ジョーがカバーを無くしたもの―

and my most precious plaster rabbit, because I am sorry I burned up her story.


To Beth (if she lives after me) I give my dolls and the little bureau, my fan, my linen collars and my new slippers if she can wear them being thin when she gets well.

ベスには (もし彼女が私よりも長く生きているなら) 私の人形と小さな化粧台、私の扇子、私のリネンのと彼女が元気になった時に痩せて履けるなら私の新しいスリッパも上げます。

And I herewith also leave her my regret that I ever made fun of old Joanna.


To my friend and neighbor Theodore Laurence I bequeethe[bequeath] my paper mashay[mache] portfolio, my clay model of a horse though he did say it hadn’t any neck.


Also in return for his great kindness in the hour of affliction any one of my artistic works he likes, Noter Dame is the best.

また、苦しい時[苦悩, 難儀]にとても親切にしてくれたお返しに、彼が好きな私の芸術作品のどれか一つも差し上げます。ノートルダムが一番いいと思います。

To our venerable benefactor Mr. Laurence I leave my purple box with a looking glass in the cover which will be nice for his pens

私たちの尊敬すべき恩人、ローレンス氏に、彼のペン(を入れるのに)にぴったりな蓋に[姿見, 鏡ガラス]のついた紫色の箱を残します。

and remind him of the departed girl who thanks him for his favors to her family, especially Beth.


I wish my favorite playmate Kitty Bryant to have the blue silk apron and my gold-bead ring with a kiss.


To Hannah I give the bandbox she wanted and all the patchwork I leave hoping she ‘will remember me, when it you see’.


And now having disposed of my most valuable property I hope all will be satisfied and not blame the dead.


I forgive everyone, and trust we may all meet when the trump[trumpet] shall sound. Amen.


To this will and testiment I set my hand and seal on this 20th day of Nov. Anni Domino[Anniversary date?] 1861.


Amy Curtis March


Witnesses:Estelle Valnor, Theodore Laurence.

立会人 エステル・ヴァルノア、セオドア・ローレンス

The last name was written in pencil, and Amy explained that he was to rewrite it in ink and seal it up for her properly.


What put it into your head? Did anyone tell you about Beth’s giving away her things?” asked Laurie soberly,


as Amy laid a bit of red tape, with sealing wax, a taper, and a standish before him.


She explained and then asked anxiously, “What about Beth?”


“I’m sorry I spoke, but as I did, I’ll tell you.


She felt so ill one day /that she told Jo /she wanted to give her piano to Meg, her cats to you, and the poor old doll to Jo, who would love it for her sake.


She was sorry she had so little to give, and left locks of hair to the rest of us, and her best love to Grandpa. She never thought of a will.


Laurie was signing and sealing as he spoke, and did not look up till a great tear dropped on the paper.


Amy’s face was full of trouble, but she only said, “Don’t people put sort of postscripts to their wills, sometimes?”


“Yes, ‘codicils‘, they call them.”

「『遺言補足書[追加条項, 付録]』と呼ばれるものがあるよ」

“Put one in mine then, that I wish all my curls cut off, and given round to my friends. I forgot it, but I want it done though it will spoil my looks.”


Laurie added it, smiling at Amy’s last and greatest sacrifice.


Then he amused her for an hour, and was much interested in all her trials.


But when he came to go, Amy held him back to whisper with trembling lips, “Is there really any danger about Beth?”


“I’m afraid there is, but we must hope for the best, so don’t cry, dear.” And Laurie put his arm about her with a brotherly gesture which was very comforting.


When he had gone, she went to her little chapel,


and sitting in the twilight, prayed for Beth, with streaming tears and an aching heart,


feeling that a million turquoise rings would not console her for the loss of her gentle little sister.
