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Jo’s face was a study[注目に値するもの] next day, for the secret rather weighed upon her, and she found it hard not to look mysterious[謎めいた] and important.
Meg observed it, but did not trouble herself[自分自身を悩ませる] to make inquiries[問い合わせる],
for she had learned that the best way to manage Jo was by the law of contraries[反対], so she felt sure[確信する] of being told everything if she did not ask.
She was rather surprised, therefore, when the silence remained[残存する] unbroken, and Jo assumed[態度をとる] a patronizing[恩着せがましい] air,
which decidedly[はっきりと] aggravated[怒らせる, 悩ます] Meg, who in turn[そのせいで] assumed[~のふりをする] an air of dignified[凛として] reserve[控えめさ、内向的な態度] and devoted[尽くす,専心する] herself to her mother.
This left Jo to her own devices[手段,方法], for Mrs. March had taken her place[の後任になる] as nurse, and bade[命ずる] her rest, exercise, and amuse herself after her long confinement.[監禁, 束縛]
Amy being gone, Laurie was her only refuge,[避難場所] and much as she enjoyed his society, she rather dreaded[ひどく怖がる] him just then, for he was an incorrigible[救いようのない] tease,[いたずら好きな人]
and she feared he would coax[丸め込む] the secret from her.
She was quite right, for the mischief-loving[いたずら好き] lad no sooner suspected a mystery than he set himself to find it out, and led Jo a trying life of it.[ジョーに試練の人生を歩ませる]
He wheedled[うまい言葉で誘う], bribed[金でつる], ridiculed[嘲笑する], threatened[脅かす], and scolded[叱る];
affected indifference, that he might surprise the truth from[不意打ちを食わせて人から秘密などを聞き出す] her;
declared[宣言する] he knew, then that he didn’t care[気にしていない]; and at last, by dint of[~のせいで] perseverance[我慢], he satisfied himself[自分自身を満足させた] that it concerned[~に関係して] Meg and Mr. Brooke.
Feeling indignant that he was not taken into his tutor’s confidence[信頼], he set his wits to work to devise[彼は知恵を絞って考案した] some proper retaliation[報復] for the slight[その軽視に対する].
Meg meanwhile had apparently[明らかに] forgotten the matter and was absorbed in preparations[準備] for her father’s return,
but all of a sudden a change seemed to come over her, and, for a day or two, she was quite unlike herself.
She started[突然の刺激や驚きによって急に動く] when spoken to, blushed[赤らめる, 恥じらう] when looked at, was very quiet, and sat over her sewing, with a timid[恐る恐る], troubled look on her face.
To her mother’s inquiries[問いかけ] she answered that she was quite well, and Jo’s she silenced by begging to be let alone.
“She feels it in the air[空気の中でそれを感じている]—love, I mean—and she’s going very fast.
She’s got most of the symptoms[症状]—is twittery[そわそわする] and cross, doesn’t eat, lies awake, and mopes[ふさぎ込む] in corners.
I caught her singing that song he gave her, and once she said ‘John’, as you do, and then turned as red as a poppy.[ケシの花]
私、ブルックさんがメグに贈った歌を彼女が歌っているのを見ちゃったんだけど、お母さまと同じように「ジョン 」って言った後、ケシの花みたいに赤くなったのよ。
Whatever shall we do?” said Jo, looking ready for any measures[あらゆる手段], however violent.
“Nothing but wait. Let her alone, be kind and patient[忍耐強い], and Father’s coming will settle everything,” replied[答える] her mother.
“Here’s a note to you, Meg, all sealed up. How odd! Teddy never seals mine,” said Jo next day, as she distributed[配布する] the contents[中身] of the little post office.
Mrs. March and Jo were deep in their own affairs, when a sound from Meg made them look up[仰ぎ見る] to see her staring at[凝視する] her note with a frightened face.[怯えた顔で]
“My child, what is it?” cried her mother, running to her, while Jo tried to take the paper which had done the mischief.
“It’s all a mistake, he didn’t send it. Oh, Jo, how could you do it?” and Meg hid[隠した] her face in her hands, crying as if her heart were quite broken.
“Me! I’ve done nothing! What’s she talking about?” cried Jo, bewildered.[狼狽えて]
Meg’s mild eyes kindled with[ほてる; きらきらする] anger as she pulled[引っ張る] a crumpled[くしゃくしゃの] note from her pocket and threw it at Jo,
saying reproachfully[非難的に], “You wrote it, and that bad boy helped you.
非難するように言った。 「あなたがそれを書いて、あのいたずらっ子が手伝ったのね。
How could you be so rude[無礼, 無作法], so mean[卑しい], and cruel[酷い] to us both?”
Jo hardly heard her, for she and her mother were reading the note, which was written in a peculiar[奇妙な,独特の] hand.[筆跡]
“My Dearest Margaret,
“I can no longer restrain[抑制する] my passion, and must know my fate[運命] before I return.
I dare not tell your parents yet, but I think they would consent[承諾する] if they knew that we adored[慕う] one another.
Mr. Laurence will help me to some good place, and then, my sweet girl, you will make me happy.
I implore[願う, 頼む] you to say nothing to your family yet, but to send one word of hope through Laurie to,
“Your devoted[献身的な] John.”
“Oh, the little villain[悪党]! That’s the way he meant to pay me for keeping my word to Mother.
I’ll give him a hearty[心からの] scolding[小言, 叱咤] and bring him over to beg pardon[許しを請う],” cried Jo, burning to[~に燃える] execute[実行する] immediate justice.
But her mother held her back, saying, with a look she seldom wore…
“Stop, Jo, you must clear yourself first. You have played so many pranks[悪戯, ふざけ] that I am afraid you have had a hand in this.”