『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【3-6. 影の合図】

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“His mother and his sister Pauline, who had ended by[締めくくる] marrying a cousin of the same name at Geneva, were both dead.


The old servant-woman took care of him and they lived together in the Passy house.


Years passed without any notable event;[特筆すべき出来事] but, suddenly, in 1812, an unexpected incident happened.


The old servant made a series of strange revelations[秘密の暴露] on her death-bed,[死の床] in the presence of two witnesses whom she sent for.[来るように指図する]


She declared that the farmer-general had carried to his house at Passy a number of bags filled with gold and silver


and that those bags had disappeared a few days before the arrest.


According to earlier confidences made by Charles d’Ernemont, who had them from his father,


the treasures were hidden in the garden, between the rotunda[丸屋根の建物], the sun-dial and the well.


In proof of her statement,[陳述] she produced[提示する] three pictures, or rather, for they were not yet framed, three canvases,


which the farmer-general had painted during his captivity and which he had succeeded in conveying[渡すことに成功した] to her, with instructions to hand them to his wife, his son and his daughter.


Tempted by the lure[魅惑] of wealth, Charles and the old servant had kept silence.


Then came the law-suits, the recovery of the house, Charles’s madness, [狂気] the servant’s own useless searches; and the treasures were still there.”


“And they are there now,” chuckled Lupin.


“And they will be there always,” exclaimed Maître Valandier.


“Unless … unless Citizen Broquet, who no doubt smelt a rat,[〔猫が〕ネズミの匂いを嗅ぎつける] succeeded in ferreting them out.


But this is an unlikely supposition, for Citizen Broquet died in extreme poverty.”


“So then …?”


“So then everybody began to hunt. The children of Pauline, the sister, hastened[急いで行く] from Geneva.


It was discovered that Charles had been secretly married and that he had sons. All these heirs set to work.”


“But Charles himself?”


“Charles lived in the most absolute[完全な] retirement. He did not leave his room.”




“Well, that is the most extraordinary,[風変わりな] the most astounding[仰天させるような, どえらい] part of the story.


Once a year, Charles d’Ernemont, impelled by a sort of subconscious[潜在意識の] will-power, came downstairs,


took the exact road which his father had taken, walked across the garden


and sat down either on the steps[階段] of the rotunda, which you see here, in the picture, or on the kerb[縁石] of the well.


At twenty-seven minutes past five, he rose and went indoors again;


and until his death, which occurred[(…に)起こる] in 1820, he never once failed to perform this incomprehensible[理解できない] pilgrimage.


Well, the day on which this happened was invariably[変わることなく] the 15th of April, the anniversary[記念日] of the arrest.”

それが起きる日は決まって4月15日、 (ルイ・デルヌモンが)逮捕された日だったのです」

Maître Valandier was no longer smiling and himself seemed impressed by the amazing story which he was telling us.


“And, since Charles’s death?” asked Lupin, after a moment’s reflection.[熟考]


“Since that time,” replied the lawyer, with a certain solemnity of manner,


“for nearly a hundred years, the heirs of Charles and Pauline d’Ernemont have kept up the pilgrimage of the 15th of April.


During the first few years they made the most thorough excavations.


Every inch of the garden was searched, every clod[かたまり, 土] of ground dug up.


All this is now over. They take hardly any pains.


All they do is, from time to time, for no particular reason, to turn over a stone or explore the well.


For the most part, they are content to sit down on the steps of the rotunda, like the poor madman; and, like him, they wait.


And that, you see, is the sad part of their destiny.


In those hundred years, all these people who have succeeded one another, from father to son, have lost—what shall I say?—the energy of life.


They have no courage left, no initiative.[進取の気性] They wait.


They wait for the 15th of April; and, when the 15th of April comes, they wait for a miracle to take place.


Poverty has ended by overtaking every one of them.


My predecessors and I have sold first the house, in order to build another which yields[もたらす,生む] a better rent, followed by bits[小片] of the garden and further bits.


But, as to that corner over there,” pointing to the picture, “they would rather die than sell it.


On this they are all agreed:


Louise d’Ernemont, who is the direct heiress of Pauline,


as well as the beggars, the workman, the footman, the circus-rider and so on, who represent[受け取る,代理する] the unfortunate Charles.”
