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“Hum… ha… well, if the boy held his tongue because he promised, and not from obstinacy, I’ll forgive him.
He’s a stubborn fellow and hard to manage,” said Mr. Laurence, rubbing up his hair till it looked as if he had been out in a gale,
and smoothing the frown from his brow with an air of relief.
“So am I, but a kind word will govern me when all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t,” said Jo,
trying to say a kind word for her friend, who seemed to get out of one scrape only to fall into another.
“You think I’m not kind to him, hey?” was the sharp answer.
“Oh, dear no, Sir. You are rather too kind sometimes, and then just a trifle hasty when he tries your patience. Don’t you think you are?”
「いいえ、とんでもないです。あなたは親切すぎるくらいです。ただ彼があなたの忍耐力を試すようなことをすると、ちょっと短気になられる[軽率な]でしょう? そう思いませんか?」
Jo was determined to have it out now, and tried to look quite placid, though she quaked a little after her bold speech.
To her great relief and surprise, the old gentleman only threw his spectacles onto the table with a rattle and exclaimed frankly,
“You’re right, girl, I am! I love the boy, but he tries my patience past bearing, and I know how it will end, if we go on so.”
“I’ll tell you, he’ll run away.” Jo was sorry for that speech the minute it was made.
She meant to warn him that Laurie would not bear much restraint, and hoped he would be more forebearing[forbearing] with the lad.
Mr. Laurence’s ruddy face changed suddenly, and he sat down, with a troubled glance at the picture of a handsome man, which hung over his table.
It was Laurie’s father, who had run away in his youth, and married against the imperious old man’s will.
Jo fancied he remembered and regretted the past, and she wished she had held her tongue.
“He won’t do it unless he is very much worried, and only threatens it sometimes, when he gets tired of studying.
I often think I should like to, especially since my hair was cut, so if you ever miss us, you may advertise for two boys and look among the ships bound for India.”
She laughed as she spoke, and Mr. Laurence looked relieved, evidently taking the whole as a joke.
“You hussy, how dare you talk in that way? Where’s your respect for me, and your proper bringing up? Bless the boys and girls!
What torments they are, yet we can’t do without them,” he said, pinching her cheeks good-humoredly.
子供というものは厄介[やっかいもの, 苦の種]だが、わしらはそれなしでは暮らせないしな」と彼は上機嫌に[陽気に]彼女の頬をつねって言った。
“Go and bring that boy down to his dinner, tell him it’s all right, and advise him not to put on tragedy airs with his grandfather.
I won’t bear it.”
“He won’t come, Sir. He feels badly because you didn’t believe him when he said he couldn’t tell.
「ローリーは来ないですよ。彼が「言えない」 と言ったとき、あなたが信じてあげなかったので、気を悪くしてるんです。
I think the shaking hurt his feelings very much.”
Jo tried to look pathetic but must have failed, for Mr. Laurence began to laugh, and she knew the day was won.
“I’m sorry for that, and ought to thank him for not shaking me, I suppose.
What the dickens does the fellow expect?” and the old gentleman looked a trifle ashamed of his own testiness.
(ディケンズ 《1812‐70; 英国の小説家》/ 間投詞として驚きやいら立ちを表す)あいつは一体何を期待しているんだ」と老紳士は自分の短気[すぐにいらいらする気持ち]を少し恥じているようだった。
“If I were you, I’d write him an apology, Sir. He says he won’t come down till he has one, and talks about Washington, and goes on in an absurd way.
A formal apology will make him see how foolish he is, and bring him down quite amiable.
正式な謝罪をすることで、彼は自分がどれほど愚かなのかを理解し、すっかりしおらしく[気だての優しい, 好意的な]なるはずです
Try it. He likes fun, and this way is better than talking. I’ll carry it up, and teach him his duty.“
Mr. Laurence gave her a sharp look, and put on his spectacles, saying slowly, “You’re a sly puss, but I don’t mind being managed by you and Beth.
ローレンス氏はジョーを鋭い目つきで見て、眼鏡を掛けながらゆっくりと言った 「おまえさんはずる賢い娘だな。だがおまえさんやベスになら、いいように扱われても気にはしないがね。
Here, give me a bit of paper, and let us have done with this nonsense.“
The note was written in the terms which one gentleman would use to another after offering some deep insult.
Jo dropped a kiss on the top of Mr. Laurence’s bald head, and ran up to slip the apology under Laurie’s door,
advising him through the keyhole to be submissive, decorous, and a few other agreeable impossibilities.
鍵穴から彼に素直になりなさい[服従する, 柔順な]とか、礼儀正しくしなさいとか、その他いくつかのできそうもないこと[同意できそうにないこと]を勧めた。
Finding the door locked again, she left the note to do its work, and was going quietly away,
when the young gentleman slid down the banisters, and waited for her at the bottom, saying, with his most virtuous expression of countenance,
“What a good fellow you are, Jo! Did you get blown up?” he added, laughing.
“No, he was pretty mild, on the whole.“
“Ah! I got it all round. Even you cast me off over there, and I felt just ready to go to the deuce,” he began apologetically.
“Don’t talk that way, turn over a new leaf and begin again, Teddy, my son.”
「そんな言い方しないで、気持ちを入れ替えて[改心する, 生活を一新する]また一から始めるのよ、テディ」
“I keep turning over new leaves, and spoiling them, as I used to spoil my copybooks,
and I make so many beginnings there never will be an end,” he said dolefully.
“Go and eat your dinner, you’ll feel better after it.
Men always croak when they are hungry,” and Jo whisked out at the front door after that.
男の人はお腹がすいているといつもガーガー声を上げるんだから」 と呟いて、ジョーはその後玄関を出た。
“That’s a ‘label’ on my ‘sect’,” answered Laurie, quoting Amy, as he went to partake of humble pie dutifully with his grandfather,
「それは僕ら『男[分派] 』に対する『レッテル』だ」とローリーはエイミーの言葉を引用して答え、祖父のお叱りを受ける[屈辱を味わう](義理で)ために(下に降りて)食事をしに行ったが、
who was quite saintly in temper and overwhelmingly respectful in manner all the rest of the day.
Everyone thought the matter ended and the little cloud blown over, but the mischief was done, for though others forgot it, Meg remembered.
She never alluded to a certain person, but she thought of him a good deal, dreamed dreams more than ever,
and once Jo, rummaging her sister’s desk for stamps, found a bit of paper scribbled over with the words, ‘Mrs. John Brooke’,
ジョーが切手を探して姉の机を引っ掻き回していた時、「ジョン・ブルック夫人 」という言葉が走り書きされた紙を見つけた。
whereat she groaned tragically and cast it into the fire, feeling that Laurie’s prank had hastened the evil day for her.