『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【3-4. 影の合図】
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In a few seconds the little boy had not a stitch[わずか] left on him beyond his shirt.
The footman, who had taken possession of the rest of the clothes, ran away, pursued by the corporal,
who snatched away the boy’s breeches, which were next torn from[~から取り除く] the corporal by one of the lean sisters.
“They are mad!” I muttered, feeling absolutely at sea.
“Not at all, not at all,” said Lupin.
“What! Do you mean to say that you can make head or tail of what is going on?”
He did not reply.
The young lady with the little dog, tucking her pet under her arm, had started running after the child in the shirt, who uttered[発する] loud yells.[叫び声をあげる]
The two of them raced round the laurel-clump in which we stood hidden; and the brat[悪ガキ] flung himself into[~に身を投じる] his mother’s arms.
At long last, Louise d’Ernemont, who had played a conciliatory part from the beginning, succeeded in allaying the tumult.
Everybody sat down again; but there was a reaction in all those exasperated people[憤懣やるかたない人々]
and they remained motionless and silent, as though worn out with their exertions.
And time went by.
Losing patience and beginning to feel the pangs[激痛] of hunger, I went to the Rue Raynouard to fetch something to eat,
which we divided while watching the actors in the incomprehensible comedy that was being performed before our eyes.
They hardly stirred.
Each minute that passed seemed to load them with[詰め込む] increasing melancholy;
and they sank into attitudes of discouragement, bent their backs more and more and sat absorbed in[夢中になる] their meditations.[瞑想]
The afternoon wore on[経過する] in this way, under a grey sky that shed a dreary light over the enclosure.
“Are they going to spend the night here?” I asked, in a bored[うんざりした] voice.
But, at five o’clock or so, the fat gentleman in the soiled jacket-suit took out his watch.
The others did the same and all, watch in hand, seemed to be anxiously[心配して, 切望して] awaiting[待つ] an event of no little importance to themselves.
The event did not take place,[行なわれる, 催される] for, in fifteen or twenty minutes, the fat gentleman gave a gesture of despair, stood up and put on his hat.
Then lamentations[悲嘆の声] broke forth.[噴出する] The two lean sisters and the workman’s wife fell upon their knees and made the sign of the cross.
The lady with the little dog and the beggar-woman kissed each other and sobbed; and we saw Louise d’Ernemont pressing her daughter sadly to her.
“Let’s go,” said Lupin.
“You think it’s over?”
“Yes; and we have only just time to make ourselves scarce.”[ (人前から)姿を消す]
We went out unmolested.
At the top of the lane, Lupin turned to the left and, leaving me outside, entered the first house in the Rue Raynouard, the one that backed on to the enclosure.
After talking for a few seconds to the porter, he joined me and we stopped a passing taxi-cab:
“No. 34 Rue de Turin,” he said to the driver.
The ground-floor of No. 34 was occupied[~が占めていた] by a notary’s office;
and we were shown in,[通された] almost without waiting,[ほとんど待たずに] to Maître Valandier, a smiling, pleasant-spoken man of a certain age.
Lupin introduced himself by the name of Captain Jeanniot, retired from the army.
He said that he wanted to build a house to his own liking and that some one had suggested to him a plot of ground situated[位置する] near the Rue Raynouard.
“But that plot is not for sale,” said Maître Valandier.
“Oh, I was told….”
“You have been misinformed,[誤った事柄を伝える] I fear.”
The lawyer rose, went to a cupboard and returned with a picture which he showed us.
I was petrified.[びっくり仰天して]
It was the same picture which I had bought, the same picture that hung in Louise d’Ernemont’s room.
“This is a painting,” he said, “of the plot of ground to which you refer.[言及する, 口に出す] It is known as the Clos d’Ernemont.”
“Precisely.”[正確に, 精密に]
“Well, this close,” continued the notary, “once formed part of a large garden belonging to d’Ernemont, the farmer-general, who was executed during the Terror.
All that could be sold has been sold, piecemeal, by the heirs.
But this last plot has remained and will remain in their joint possession … unless….”
The notary began to laugh.
“Unless what?” asked Lupin.
「万が一、 [~まで] 何ですか?」ルパンは尋ねた。
“Well, it’s quite a romance, a rather curious romance, in fact.
I often amuse myself by looking through the voluminous documents of the case.”
“Would it be indiscreet,[無分別な, 軽率な] if I asked …?”