『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【5-7. 赤い絹のスカーフ】

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Abandoning all further resistance, he climbed the three flights of stairs.


The door of the flat was open. No one had touched the exhibits.


He put them in his pocket and walked away.


From that moment, he reasoned and acted, so to speak, mechanically, under the influence of the master whom he could not choose but obey.


Admitting[~だと認める] that the unknown person whom he was seeking lived in the neighbourhood of the Pont-Neuf,

彼が探している(未知の)人物が ポンヌフの近くに住んでいたとすると、

it became necessary to discover,[発見する] somewhere between that bridge and the Rue de Berne, the first-class confectioner’s shop, open in the evenings, at which the cakes were bought.


This did not take long to find.


A pastry-cook near the Gare Saint-Lazare showed him some little cardboard boxes, identical in material and shape with the one in Ganimard’s possession.


Moreover, one of the shop-girls remembered having served, on the previous evening, a gentleman whose face was almost concealed in the collar of his fur coat,


but whose eyeglass she had happened to notice.[たまたま気付く]


“That’s one clue checked,” thought the inspector. “Our man wears an eyeglass.”


He next collected the pieces of the racing-paper and showed them to a newsvendor, who easily recognized the Turf Illustré.


Ganimard at once went to the offices of the Turf and asked to see the list of subscribers.


Going through the list, he jotted down[メモする] the names and addresses of all those who lived anywhere near the Pont-Neuf


and principally—because Lupin had said so—those on the left bank of the river.


He then went back to the Criminal Investigation Department, took half a dozen men and packed them off with the necessary instructions.


At seven o’clock in the evening, the last of these men returned and brought good news with him.


A certain[ある人物] M. Prévailles, a subscriber to the Turf, occupied an entresol flat on the Quai des Augustins.


On the previous evening, he left his place, wearing a fur coat, took his letters and his paper, the Turf Illustré, from the porter’s wife, walked away[歩き去る] and returned home at midnight.

前日の夜、彼は門番の妻から手紙と競馬新聞『ターフ・イリュストレ』を受け取ると、毛皮のコートを着て 家を出て 行き、真夜中に家に戻ってきたのだ。

This M. Prévailles wore a single eyeglass.


He was a regular race-goer[よく出席する人] and himself owned several hacks[乗用馬] which he either rode himself or jobbed out.[割り当てる]


The inquiry had taken so short a time and the results obtained were so exactly in accordance with[~のとおりに] Lupin’s predictions[予言]


that Ganimard felt quite overcome on hearing the detective’s report.


Once more he was measuring[測定する,評価する] the prodigious[莫大な] extent[広がり,大きさ] of the resources[内に秘めた力] at Lupin’s disposal.[思い通りにできる権利]


Never in the course of his life—and Ganimard was already well-advanced in years—had he come across such perspicacity, such a quick and far-seeing[先見の明のある] mind.


He went in search of M. Dudouis.


“Everything’s ready, chief. Have you a warrant?”

「準備万端です、部長。 令状はありますか?」



“I said, everything is ready for the arrest, chief.”


“You know the name of Jenny Saphir’s murderer?”




“But how? Explain yourself.”


Ganimard had a sort of scruple[良心の呵責] of conscience,[良心] blushed a little and nevertheless replied:


“An accident, chief. The murderer threw everything that was likely to compromise[傷つける,評判を落とす] him into the Seine.

「偶然なんですよ、部長。 殺人犯自分を危険にさらすものを全てセーヌ川に投げ捨てたんです。

Part of the parcel was picked up and handed to me.”


“By whom?”


“A boatman who refused to give his name, for fear of getting into trouble.


But I had all the clues I wanted. It was not so difficult as I expected.”


And the inspector described how he had gone to work.


“And you call that an accident!” cried M. Dudouis.


“And you say that it was not difficult! Why, it’s one of your finest performances! Finish it yourself, Ganimard, and be prudent.”


Ganimard was eager to[~したがる] get the business done.


He went to the Quai des Augustins with his men and distributed them around the house.

彼は部下を連れて ケ・デ・オーギュスタン埠頭に行き、犯人の家の周りに部下を配置した。

He questioned the portress, who said that her tenant took his meals out of doors, but made a point of looking in after dinner.


A little before nine o’clock, in fact, leaning out of her window, she warned[通告する] Ganimard, who at once gave a low whistle.


A gentleman in a tall hat and a fur coat was coming along the pavement beside the Seine.


He crossed the road and walked up to the house.


Ganimard stepped forward:


“M. Prévailles, I believe?”


“Yes, but who are you?”


“I have a commission[委任状] to….”
