『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【6-2. 死の影】
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He stooped over the dog’s dead body and examined the chain at the part where the brute’s effort had snapped it:
“That’s it,” he said, between his teeth. “It’s just as I suspected. By Jupiter,[神にかけて] things are moving rapidly![物事は急速に動いている]… I ought to have come earlier.”
Returning to the girl’s side, he said to her, speaking very quickly:
“Mademoiselle, we have not a minute to lose. My presence[僕の存在] in these grounds is quite irregular.
I do not wish to be surprised here;[ここで驚かれたくない] and this for reasons that concern yourself alone.[ただ~だけ]
Do you think that the report can have been heard at the house?”
The girl seemed already to have recovered from her emotion; and she replied, with a calmness that revealed[~を明らかにする] all her pluck:[勇気,大胆さ]
“I don’t think so.”
“Is your father in the house to-day?”
“My father is ill and has been in bed for months. Besides, his room looks out on[~に向いている] the other front.”
“And the servants?”
“Their quarters and the kitchen are also on the other side. No one ever comes to this part. I walk here myself, but nobody else does.”
“It is probable, therefore,[それゆえに] that I have not been seen either, especially[殊に,殊更] as the trees hide us?”
“It is most probable.”[(確実ではないが)ありそうな]
“Then I can speak to you freely?”
“Certainly, but I don’t understand….”
“You will, presently. Permit me to be brief. The point is this: four days ago, Mlle.[mademoiselle]Jeanne Darcieux….”
“That is my name,” she said, smiling.
“Mlle.[Mademoiselle.] Jeanne Darcieux,” continued Lupin, “wrote a letter to one of her friends, called Marceline, who lives at Versailles….”
「ジャンヌ・ ダルシュー嬢はヴェルサイユに住むマルセリーヌという友人に手紙を書いたのです…」とルパンは続けた。
“How do you know all that?” asked the girl, in astonishment. “I tore up the letter before I had finished it.”
“And you flung the pieces on the edge of the road that runs from the house to Vendôme.”
“That’s true…. I had gone out walking….”
“The pieces were picked up and they came into my hands next day.”
“Then … you must have read them,” said Jeanne Darcieux, betraying[示す,表す] a certain annoyance by her manner.
「それじゃ… あなたはそれを読んだの」ジャンヌ・ダルシューは、ある種苛立ちを表すような態度で言った。
“Yes, I committed[〈罪・過失などを〉犯す] that indiscretion;[不謹慎な行為] and I do not regret[後悔する] it, because I can save you.”
“Save me? From what?”
“From death.”
Lupin spoke this little sentence in a very distinct[はっきりとした] voice. The girl gave a shudder.
Then she said: “I am not threatened with[~にさらされている] death.”
“Yes, you are, mademoiselle.
At the end of October, you were reading on a bench on the terrace where you were accustomed to sit at the same hour every day,
when a block of stone fell from the cornice[軒に付けられた帯状の装飾] above your head and you were within a few inches[1インチ=2.54センチ] of being crushed.”
頭上の軒蛇腹から石の塊が落ちてきて、あと数センチで押しつぶされるところでしたね」(be within A of B AからB以内である)
“An accident….”
“One fine evening in November, you were walking in the kitchen-garden, by moonlight. A shot was fired, The bullet[銃弾] whizzed past your ear.”
“At least, I thought so.”
“Lastly, less than[決して…でない] a week ago, the little wooden bridge that crosses the river in the park, two yards[約1.8メートル] from the waterfall, gave way[崩れる] while you were on it.
You were just able, by a miracle, to catch hold of the root of a tree.”
Jeanne Darcieux tried to smile.
“Very well. But, as I wrote to Marceline, these are only a series of coincidences, of accidents….”
“No, mademoiselle, no. One accident of this sort is allowable….[許される]
So are two … and even then!…
But we have no right to suppose[~とする訳にはいかない] that the chapter of accidents, repeating the same act three times in such different and extraordinary[異常な] circumstances, is a mere amusing coincidence.
でもこんなふうに、それぞれ異なった通常ではありえない状況下で同じ行為が3度も繰り返された 事故の連続を、単なる面白い偶然だと考えることなんてできない。
That is why I thought that I might presume[推測する] to come to your assistance.
And, as my intervention can be of no use[役に立たない] unless it remains secret, I did not hesitate[躊躇する] to make my way in here … without walking through the gate.
I came in the nick of time, as you said. Your enemy was attacking you once more.”
“What!… Do you think?… No, it is impossible…. I refuse to believe….”[信じることを拒否する]
Lupin picked up the chain and, showing it to her:
“Look at the last link. There is no question but that it has been filed.[〈…を〉やすりで削る]
Otherwise, so powerful a chain as this would never have yielded.[屈服する:曲がる] Besides, you can see the mark of the file here.”
Jeanne turned pale and her pretty features were distorted with terror:
“But who can bear[抱く,帯びる] me such a grudge?”[恨み,遺恨] she gasped. “It is terrible….
I have never done any one harm…. And yet you are certainly right…. Worse still….”